Astroglidemulti's picture
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First ever cycle.


I'm 6'1 ft/in, 208 pounds, probably around 20% body fat.

WeekGW 501516 Fragment 176 191
120mg daily500mcgs daily m/n
220mg daily500mcgs daily m/n
320mg daily500mcgs daily m/n
420mg daily500mcgs daily m/n
520mg daily500mcgs daily m/n
dhulk72's picture

Why do this much SARMS for a first cycle? If you truly are ready and old enough why not get a real cycle and not be as disappointed.

Astroglidemulti's picture

By the way The Frag 176-191 is not technically a SARM.

Astroglidemulti's picture

Thanks for the advice. I think I'll chose to do a cycle real cycle down the road when I'm not as busy and traveling as much. I'll be traveling to Italy for the whole month of June for fun and might find it difficult to lug around compounds while trying to get a pump somewhere.

As far as the SARMS go... I'm interested to there specific abilities without to many downsides. I realize I won't get ripped or have significant results, but a shot once in the morning and night seems like a good way to get antiquated with needles as I've never done this sort of thing. As of now having precise nutrition in line is my top priority and adding this cycle is a nice easy start.

The Impastable's picture

At his body fat percentage, he not only puts his health at higher risk but receives less from the use than he would at a lower BF%.

Makwa's picture

That is the right dose for GW, just don't expect it to perform any miracles. Your diet and cardio are going to be the ultimate deciding factor here.

The Impastable's picture

Goals (assuming weight loss by compounds)?

What is your diet like, what is your training like. How long have you been training. Why are you deciding to use compounds??

Astroglidemulti's picture

Hey, thanks for your interest. So I didn't know the cycle would be posted and haven't finalized. I've ordered this stuff and it should arrive shortly.

Yeah my goal is to lean out the ape before his wedding in June and to get down to 195 with minimal muscle loss.. So ten pounds would be the ultimate goal, but it's mostly just to keep me excited.

Their diet has been loosely based on Scooby's Workshop ( with generally low glycemic index type carbs (mostly vegetables) and chicken/fish, 6 meals a days. The ape eats clean and their food is measured somewhat consistently. I'll change this up accordingly.

Training has been cardio 6 days a week 20-90 (most days 60 minutes) depending on weights; lift hard 3 or 4 times (90 minutes) and 1 or 2 days (45 mins) not so hard. The ape also does stomach vacs in the sauna (190 degrees) 3 by 3 for fifteen minutes after lifting work outs. I was somewhat hesitant of using chen because the heat affects in the sauna.

I decided to have the ape use compounds manly because it seemed less of a hormone imbalance. This is according to the brief studies I've read. I realize it's not the most effective proven way, but it seemed fun and interesting.

If you have any recommendations that would be great!

Oh and the ape has been training for a long time with Olympic lifts and power-lifting, but bodybuilding not so long.

The Impastable's picture

What are your macros per day. As Mak said above the GW and frag will help some, but don't expect it to transform you into a lean machine within 2 weeks. Your diet will be the key determining factor here, so feel free to post your macros up and we will see if we can tweak those results.

You say you were hesitant of using Chen... Do you mean chem(icals) or clen? Just need that cleared up Smile

Are you adding any additional compounds to what you have listed already?

Astroglidemulti's picture

Hey, so basically this is the diet. I cook every 4 days and purchase food once a week.
Yes I did mean Clen and that's it for compounds on this cycle.

PROTEIN: 33.15%
CARBS: 19.71%
FAT: 47.15%

CALORIES: 2779.09 cals
PROTEIN: 230.29 grams
CARBS: 184.27 grams
FIBER: 78.98 grams
NET CARBS: 105.3 grams
FAT: 145.58 grams
SAT FAT: 21.25 grams
OMEGA 3: 3 grams

The Impastable's picture

The polish super saiyan and makwa got you down already. Definitely up your protein, maybe 1.25g/lb to 1.5g... Make them clean if you're cutting and adjust as your weight goes down.

As for the clen, stay away from it. You won't see benefits from it at your body fat percentage and it'll just put undue stress on your system, while catabolizing your muscle.

The Impastable's picture


Makwa's picture

You need to bump the protein up and lower the fat. I have found a pretty good macro split when cutting to be 50/25/25 (P/C/F). Forget that net carb stuff. A carb is a carb. 184g of carbs is to much if you are trying to lose weight.

Astroglidemulti's picture

Thanks. I don't pay much attention to the net carb stuff, but do like to know the ape is getting some fiber to keep regular.
To your point of 50/25/25 split, I'm not sure want or could digest that amount of protein. Also being on the stair mill for an hour and a half 5-6 days in the morning every week could be hydration issue on that split, especially when it then comes to the afternoon for lifting weights. I've done Bikram Yoga in consecutive days and the biggest issue I hate is drinking a ton of water every day.
So, with the compounds in the system does a 50/25/25 split make the desired fat loss feasible? Because I'm worried I'll just be dragging and farting most of the time. Do you recommend a shifted keto type with less % of fat?
I'm more than willing to do your split.....

Makwa's picture

If you want to prevent muscle catabolism and metabolic damage you need more protein. If you want to lose weight you need to drop those carbs. You should be drinking a min of 1 gallon water daily. 1.5 gal would be better. Kind of sounds like you are making excuses here. You just need to dig in and do it. If it was easy everyone would be sporting an eight pack and 10% BF. Just depends how much you want it.

I wouldn't recommend a keto diet for someone new to dieting. It is a grueling endeavor and most people can't follow through with it and fail. You don't need to do it anyway for what you are trying to accomplish.

Astroglidemulti's picture

Haha. Right. Well I'll go through with your split.

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