Knightmare_'s picture
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-1 First Cycle (Test Cypionate)


Hey guys i have finally decided to start my first cycle and i would love to get all of the advice possible on top of what i already know. I read alot on these forums and did alot of studying before making this decision even at age 25, so im aware of all the negatives.

Some info about me:

25 years old
Weight: 160lbs
Height: 5'8
Body Fat%: 15% give or take
Few years of training on and off (Lifted heavy and went hard in high school for football and hockey,Stopped for a while due to a bad rotator cuff injury that never fully healed.)
I go to the gym 4-5 times a week for 1-2 hours per session Lifting and i do MMA 3 times a week for 1 hour and i run 2 times a week.

I weigh 160 and i would like to weigh 145 with alot of speed and strength but that is a long run multi cycle task i feel so right now with this cycle i would like to atleast stay 150-155 and retain good muscle and vascularity and get that beach body before august hahaha.

I would love to be below 10% body fat but that seems like a high expectation for 1 cycle and especially for a first cycle.

I think that Test Cyp/Enanthate with Anavar and Proviron and maybe something else would get me those results but with a first cycle and no experience there is no way im throwing that cycle as my first or second.

Cycle 1:
So after TONS of reading i would like my first cycle to be a Testosterone Cypionate only cycle since i feel and have read that is the best cycle for starters to get into AAS and is easiest on your body. It was between the long acting esthers Cypionate and Enanthate but i decided to go with Cypionate due to reviews i read and the availabilty since im in the US. So here it goes

Week 1-12
Test Cyp 500mgs a week divided into 2 shots a week monday and thursday mornings.
Have ADEX on hand in case any estrogen problems arise

Week 12-14
Stop pinning and wait 2 weeks before starting PCT but keep the gym work up!

Week 14-16
Start taking Nolvadex and Clomid 40mg Nolva 100mg Clomid once a day for 2 weeks

Week 17-18
Continue taking Nolva and Clomid but at reduced rates of 20mg Nolva 50mg Clomid

That pretty much sums up my first cycle, i might also use Proviron somewhere in there to increase Libido and Vascularity but i do not know what doses and for how long so i would love some advice on that because i want to use it but not shut down my estrogen completely.

PLEASE leave all reviews and thumbs up or down and any advice you can even if it is to shit all over me for stupid stuff i said or might do. I would love some high karma mods or admins or experienced users to shine light on this cycle and my questions before i begin and to help and give advice anywhere it is needed.

ALSO im going to post this in the Cycles page soon and i will start my cycle in 1 week or 2 since i have everything i need and i will keep you all updated.

WeekTestosterone CypionateProvironNolvadexClomid
Makwa's picture

So you want to run a cycle to go from 160 to 145 lbs!?! This has to be one of the craziest things I have heard in awhile.

Darkhorse777's picture

Dude you need a good diet and training not gear wtf your 160 and want to cut to 145 why would you need gear at 25 to lose weight is beyond me but by all means go destroy your endocrine system for no reason other than being lazy you should have listened to the bros on here they are just trying to help you

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Knightmare_'s picture

Your obviously an idiot and didn't read all the replys including mine, just the main post so thank you for pointing that out. I would tell you where your wrong but no point in helping stupid people.

Darkhorse777's picture

Im wrong? ran the gear anyway even though everyones trying to help you achieve your potential without drugs your very ignorant

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Knightmare_'s picture

Update: I'm 1 month in (4 weeks) on Test Cypionate only at 500mg a week, pinning Tuesday's and Fridays and ooooooo man I feel great when in the gym!!! The first pin was a complete disaster but after that it has been pretty smooth even though sometimes my glute bleeds a little after pin or a tiny bit goes back into the syringe. I have put on 12lbs of lean muscle in the course of 1 month purely on Test Cyp and I'm not sure if that's good but my original goal was to lose weight and get to 145 from 155 and now I weigh 167 hagaha but I like the feel and my strength gains are unbelievable! My only question at this time is should I start proviron at 6 weeks or now? I have proviron pills and some oral stuff I have never used either but same with Test Cyp and I like that. If you have any questions or criticism or advice please leave it below I'll take all I can get.

Whitetrash's picture

Why are you asking for advice kid? You don't listen to what we say so why would anyone give you the time of day?

Knightmare_'s picture

No offense but fuck off bro, no one cares and if you bring that kind of negative attitude into my thread it should atleast be for a valid reason not just to be a prick. You already posted in here being a bitch before and I didn't respond but some other guy did to shit on your dumb info. Anyway looking for cycle advice and such not dipshit bullshit.

Getpumped99's picture

Your mad rude these guys are just tryin to help

Whitetrash's picture

Flash, Spartan and I all told you not to run this cycle because you had lots of natural potential left. Take the advice or leave it, makes no difference to me.

TheSpartan's picture

I haven't read the post below mine but my advice is to hold off on the gear until you begin to hit your natural limits. Also I wouldn't use gear to lose bf, do that off cycle before you begin because it shows that you're in tune with your body. Gear isn't a miracle drug, it is what you make it to be with diet and training.

Bottom line: Eat, sleep, train until you recognize your own body and hit your limits. You won't need gear to make impressive gains at 160 lbs.

Whitetrash's picture

You already got advice on this approach in the forums so I guess you're choosing to ignore that and go ahead and do whatever you want. You sound 16 not 25 bro. You said you did lots of research and yet you put up a cycle with a long ester which is more suited to bulking and you say you want to drop 15 lbs. If you want to drop weight go check out the diet section. You don't need AAS to achieve the goals you listed.

The Impastable's picture

Wait what... Long esters are more suited to bulking? Since when? Diet dictates bulking/cutting, not the drug or the ester.

Whitetrash's picture

I appreciate your point, and of course you're right diet dictates whether a cycle is a bulk or a cut. My point is based on a post by Iron game recently which was well researched and pointed out that long esters are better suited to bulking. The post was called test is not test I believe.

juicer1165's picture

Thanks for sharing your cycle plan with the community and being open minded to feedback. At least you have a better head on your shoulders then many other 1st timers by choosing test only at a reasonable dose on a good schedule. But if I pin Monday morning , then I pin Thursday night. I just like to make it exactly every 3.5 days. and a good pct plan. There's just a couple of things you still need to consider as previously stated.

TheFlash85's picture

25 years old, 150 pounds, and 15 % body fat??? hmm do you think hes reached his natural genetic potential?? correct me if im wrong, coz i am very tired right now but???

Knightmare_'s picture

Yea thanks everyone on here is very helpful.

TheFlash85's picture

No go mate your like 60 kilos. 25 and you want it for the wrong reasons. Beach body is not a reason. Get in thr gym and hit heavy compound lifts dead luft squat benc etc eat eat eat. You need to train natural to gain not juice. Sorry bro but its truth. Thats very light weight

Knightmare_'s picture

No idea what your trying to say or put together there bro but thanks for the somewhat advice.

TheFlash85's picture

i said you weigh 60 kilos and want to run gear to get lighter, im not recommending you run any gear at all, yes as stated above its more sensible than others but at your size its not a good idea!!! go to the diet clinic in general talk!!!

juicer1165's picture

Oh. My bad. I totally missed the part about wanting to take gear to get smaller. Lol...
Yeah. He's definitely going about his goals the wrong way. AAS is not gonna be helpful in trying to go from 160 to 145. If anything at 500 mg/wk he's more likely to go them 15 lbs in the other direction and end up 170-175. Of course depending on diet and training... But if he's one of those guy trying to loose weight, maybe to get into a lighter weight class or maybe he's a runner, whatever the case may be. Roids is not the solution...

Knightmare_'s picture

Yea i know i wanted to put in my cycle though and thank you for linking that i was going to do that later but you beat me to it haha.

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