HarvD's picture
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First Cycle Plan


I don't expect much from my first cycle being Dbol only (Evolutionary Biosciences brand) as it will be short and steady to judge how my body reacts and just gently introducing exogenous testosterone to my system. But I expect to gain a lot of mass and strength from my following cycle in the New Year which will consist of Dbol ran for first 6 weeks at 40mg/ED alongside Test Enanthate at 500mg/week. Aromasin & PCT will probably look very similar.

I am looking for thoughts on my PCT plan and subsequent AI usage throughout my cycle to help tackle water retention (notorious in Dbol) and stave off Gyno.

I welcome any feedback. Please tell me if it is overkill on the PCT (I have a feeling it is for my first Dbol only cycle but would rather be safe than sorry!)

Also, I'd appreciate any help on supps to take whilst on-cycle for liver support as I can't seem to pick up the highly recommended N2Guard here in the UK!

johnnyoldboy's picture

Holy....I know I'm late to the party but goddam! Mate, I know this shit can be really intimidating but, please, do some more research and since you are at least 25 years old, the good folk of eroids should treat you well if you offer up intelligent questions. If you can't do that.....ouch

freedom1981's picture

Falling on the ground from laughing , he need diet he is tall with 80 kg , you need food and when his body reach the natural limit , think then about steroids .

In a promo × 1
HarvD's picture

B Cup?

HarvD's picture

B Cup?

trenning's picture
  1. Too small to be running gear. I'll be blunt, but truthful. GET YOUR DIET in CHECK!
  2. Running a dbol only cycle shows your lack of knowledge towards researching gear and WILL shut you down.
  3. Why post a cycle log when you're not going to take anyone's advice? Diet for another 6-12 months and then rethink about using gear. You may be 190 lbs. after you pct off gear? You should easily gain that naturally.
ChickenBirdOfGains's picture

I honestly think you should try to put on more weight naturally before taking Dbol. Eat lots and exercise lots. Our bodies are able to do incredible things naturally. However if you are dead-set on doing it, I recommend "milk thistle" as a liver support while on your cycle.

HarvD's picture

Hey, thanks for the reply. Like mentioned on previous replies to posts, I am going to wait a while before running a cycle and then run it with Test E. In this time I'm gonna dial in my exercise and eating, so hopefully will see some natural mass gains.

I'll be sure to chuck Milk Thistle in with my cycle support for my liver. I have heard that it can detract from your gains made whilst used on-cycle, but I'd take healthy organ function over more gains any day!

trenning's picture

You'd be better off sticking to test. I gained 27lbs with just test my first cycle.

HarvD's picture

Not scared of needles, just worried of too much too soon. If you read below, I've decided to change my cycle to a better one but wait until early 2016.

Thanks for your post

HarvD's picture

Anyone replying to this, please see the Cycle Update. I'll heed everyones advice regarding my first cycle plan and put it off until the first quarter of 2016 (Jan-Mar time) where I will run a similar cycle alongside Test E @ 500mg/wk.

Please let me know if this sounds about right?

Putting it off until 2016 is so I can dial my training and diet back into an ideal plan for growth.

Catalyst's picture

6ft tall, 176lbs looks like little or no base built before jumping on gear.

HarvD's picture

I built a base a year or so ago but have been working out in short bursts this year and not devoted myself enough to it. I'm aiming to build back that base over the next 8 weeks before doing the 4 week Dbol cycle then training through to the new year clean before running the second Dbol/Test E cycle early in the new year.

My issue has always been putting on mass being of an Ectomorph-type build. Even eating 2700-3000 cals I've struggled. Hence choosing to aim towards gear. I'm not a noob when it comes to lifting, but genetically I'm not geared towards being able to pack on a lot of weight (high metabolism).

Catalyst's picture

If you want me to take s look at your diet, drop me a on and I'll see if I can help you out.

HarvD's picture

Thanks man, I'll do that when I've got a bit more time. I appreciate the advice

HarvD's picture

Thanks for your response mate. From what I've researched, I've not seen that Dbol will shut you down. I know all testosterone supps shut your natural production down, but Dbol only cycles have never been said to fully shut you down. The reason I'm not running test as its gonna be a short burst of cycle until I run test when i have a lot more time to work with it in the New Year.

I'll be sure to add liv 52 to my cycle, which i've looked into before. I'll update this log during & after cycle & PCT. Thanks for your concerns!

Makwa's picture

Are you running test along with this?

HarvD's picture

No, not for my first cycle. I'm just introducing the steroids to my system first then my second cycle i'll be running Test E alongside Dbol.

I know that a lot of the gains made with the first cycle of Dbol will be water retention (hopefully minimised by the Aromasin) but I'm wanting to judge my reaction to the Dbol before chucking Test in with it.

BlackSam's picture

Bro, you definitely should run test with the dbol, or for most cycles for that matter Not only is it synergistic with the dbol, but your body's natural production of test is going to shut down while you're on the dbol, so you wouldn't want that as a young male. Gotta make sure the jimmy stand at attention every morning still. Get over the fear of the needles bro...we all had to do it at one point int time and you quickly get over it. But running dbol without test is kind of like running an 8 cyclinder car on 6. You'll be glad you did. If anything's worth doing, it's worth doing right.

HarvD's picture

Yeah man, I've rethought my strategy haha. Couldn't deal with my jimmy not standing on end! Your last sentence is the reason I've overhauled my first cycle

HarvD's picture

Sorry if that is hard to read (seems to be on my mobile). Let me know if it is and I'll update it to suit

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