herewego's picture
  • 3

+ 4 First Cycle - Feedback Appreciated


Stats: 33yrs, 6ft, 205, no BF measure, lifting inconsistently 10 years, 1 year consistently 5 times a week. Expectations are to increase strength on bench and squat, have been stuck at 225 for a few reps for around a year, would like to be at 275. Decrease BF which should get rid of belly fat and define chest and abs. And of course, get bigger muscles. Concerns are: is Cycle long enough and is front loading and tapering beneficial? Is AI and PCT enough and am I starting at right time?

WeekTestosterone EnanthateAromasin Exemestane XtaneNolvadex FreseniusClomid
3500mg12.5mg EOD
4500mg12.5mg EOD
5500mg12.5mg EOD
6500mg12.5mg EOD
7500mg12.5mg EOD
8500mg12.5mg EOD
9500mg12.5mg EOD
10500mg12.5mg EOD
11500mg12.5mg EOD
12500mg12.5mg EOD
1440mg ED100mg ED
1540mg ED100mg ED
1620mg ED50mg ED
1720mg ED50 mg ED
Frank Columbo's picture

Someone's done his research! Perfect 1st cycle.

bigrigger's picture

I agree with P. this is the exact first cycle I ran. The only difference was adex .25 e3d instead of aromisin. If I had it to do over would have reduced body fat from 15% to 12% before I started. Great research. Good job bro. +1


NICE!..i like a sensible first run..enjoy brother +3 for being sensible.

Liquidex's picture

Can you also critique on mine also??

herewego's picture

Made some changes, no front load or taper, more PCT for longer, and waiting 15 days after last test e shot. Thanks for all the comments and advice right away!

P's picture

Now that's what i call a cycle!

herewego's picture

I dont take it the wrong way and I appreciate your honesty. I agree with you that I could still achieve a lot without the juice, but why should I? Gains are getting slower and slower, strength is plateauing, and I am busting my ass 5 days a week for 1 to 1.25 hours with a lot of intensity using failure, drop sets, rest pauses, overloaded and slow negative reps, and switch rep ranges from 2 to 20. I am spending money on vitamins, creatine, nitric oxide, and protein to get an edge…why not get something that is more effective?

Here is an example of my workout today for Chest and Tri’s:
Flat Bench: 185x5 – 205x5 – 205x5 – 205x5 - 205x4 – 135x10 (slow negative, explosive positive)
Incline Smith Bench no lock out – 95x20 - 135x15 – 155x12 Superset with:
Dips, parallel bars, body weight – 15,12,11
Peck Deck flyes (long hold and stretch on last few reps): 175x15 – 175x12 – 175x12 Superset with:
Push-ups close grip – 12, 12, 11
Cable Tri Push downs – 65x15 – 65x15 – 65x15 Dropset dropping weight 2 times getting 8 and then 13 reps.
Machine Bench Press overloaded at 250 with negative movement only 2 sets 5 reps. Weighted sit ups on decline bench and leg raises between sets. I take the last rep 1 away from failure unless on a machine or body weight and then I go past failure and usually cheat the positive to get a few extra slow negatives in.

Here are the rest of my workouts
Back – Bi’s - Calves: Deadlift heavy 5 sets, Pull ups (7 sets of 5), Rows, 2 types of Curls, calves
Delts – Traps: Overhead press heavy 5 sets, lateral and front raises, upright rows, shrugs, rear flyes
Legs: Squats heavy and deep 5 sets, leg press (deep), ext, curl, calve raises

Abs every workout either during rest time or end of workout. Calves and forearms every other workout. Lots of supersets and dropsets. I take as much rest as needed on 1st exercise of day and then about 1 minute for all other exercises. I take Thursdays off for softball and only take days off if I need them or when something comes up. Very rear to take 2 days off in a row.

Thinking of throwing in Delts with Chest and Traps with Back and doing a 3 day split while on first cycle. What are your thoughts?

herewego's picture

I would like to get stronger on bench and squats for sports, other than that all bodybuilding work. I'm not going to lie...ego too, I just want to be able to lift 225 for reps.
For the longest time I only did rear delt flyes at the end of my workout. Here lately I have been trying to hit them right after my heavy presses and sometimes before. Still using delt flyes along with single arm delt rows and face pulls. I do have a bad left shoulder, rotator cuff impingement I have been told from baseball swing, but I can usually lift around it with proper rotator cuff warm ups and avoiding certain angles.
I do want to lean out so I can see more definition. Whenever I try to cut calories my strength starts to drop fast. I weighed 230 last Feb and benching 225 for 4 to 5 reps. Now I weigh 205lbs and can maybe get 2 or 3 reps and thats up after going down to lifting 185 for 2 to 3 reps around June when I hit 200lbs. Just frustrating.

Mechyboy's picture

Week 1-12 :Test E 500 mg/week + Aromasin 12.5mg EOD.
PCT: Week 14-15 : Nolva 40 mg ED + Clomid 100 mg ED
Week 16-17 : Nolva 20 mg ED + Clomid 50 mg ED

herewego's picture

Thanks, but why wait 15 days after test e shot?

Mechyboy's picture


MASSIVE48's picture

Save the tapering and front loading till ur 2nd cycle bro, on ur first run u gotta see how uR body reacts to test so its good if u start with a long ester for a good 12 weeks with PROPER PCT and ai like aromasin startin at week 3 and take it all the way up to pct which should be like P mentioned..
clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

Cheatnnature's picture

Ya def get the bf down better chance of not getting gyno. P is right bout the pct it is key to keeping most gains and making sure your body recoupes correctly.

fast48's picture

Halt! Keeping level even sliws side effects. 500/wk for 12. Pct as written below. Hows your diet?

herewego's picture

Clean throughout week. Mainly paleo, all meat, salads with fat dressing, lots of fruit pre and post workout. Average day is 200-250 protein, 50-75 carbs, 75-100 fats, 2-2500 cal. Weakness is drinking on weekends which adds 2,000+ calories and unhealthy food choices on top of that. Will try to calm this down to a minimum during cycle.

fast48's picture

Protein must be 2g/lb body weight. No drinking. Your guts already work hard prossesding gear/proteins etc.

Play wrote a correct first cycle. Calories and gym must DOUBLE

herewego's picture

Double calories...will that add a lot of fat? I can double gym time as I understand test e should allow for quicker recovery. Should I be taking any days off from gym to recover?

fast48's picture

Keeping fat off can be controlled by clean food and 15mins on bike after weights. Also if you do add carbs after two. Carb manipulation :). So if needed the rest of day is lean meats, veggies. Usually clean eating and bike/treadmill works wonders

herewego's picture

What do you think about dextrose in your post workout shake? 4,000 calories of clean food is a lot but I will give it my best! Do you also think getting a protein shake in right before bed in first thing in the morning is a good idea?

P's picture

On your profile it says BF% is 15% - drop it to ~12% before you begin cycling to reduce the risks of sides.

Keep test e constant at 500mg/wk (front-loading is inefficient IMO) and run ideally for 12 weeks.
Asin dosage is 12.5mg EOD like you wrote, if sides appear run ED.

Big issue with your PCT - standard PCT procol:

Nolvadex - 40/40/20/20
Clomid - 100/100/50/50

herewego's picture

Thanks! What about tapering off the test e?

P's picture

There's no point bro - research half-lifes.

Test e will taper off slowly it's self (keep at 500mg/wk)

However, prop (which you may consider using for your 2nd/3rd cycle) has a shorter half life which will jump off a cliff 3 days after your last pin - which is the reason why people use prop as a taper, both at the front end and the rear end of a cycle.

fast48's picture

Prophet! High five