vascular's picture
  • 76

+ 2 First Cycle by Vascular


OK so in 2004 I did a 6 week SUS250 and Winny cycle and in 2008 I did a Winny only cycle. Pure genius huh? Well I'm older and wiser now (thanks to eRoids most recently) and I consider this one to be my first cycle - so nothing exciting for the vets, but obviously for me it is.

Age: 32
Height: 5ft6"
Weight 160lbs
Body fat: 15%

Working out seriously for 8 years
Main goals:
- increase real strength and gain 6lbs of lean muscle mass
- reduce body fat to 10% (diet diet diet!) while maintaining a high level of activity (this is by far my toughest goal and less to do with AAS as it is to do with discipline and lifestyle). Leverage AAS for recovery and recouperation.
- rehabilitate completely (and some) from major lower body surgeries undergone in the past 4 years (achilles rupture, hip athroscopy for cartilage tear and bone debriment, mild knee tendonitis from imbalances caused by the surgeries)
- improve my overall sense of well-being
- improve ability to train and play sport on back to back days, improve endurance and keep as much of the gains as possible to protect my body from any further injuries and maintain an active lifestyle in competitive sport that I cherish immensely.
- build a good foundation for maintaining a muscular but lean and athletic physique as I age into my mid-life. Diet and dedication and AAS.
- run pain free - rebuild the symmetry and balance of my muscles and joints to run 5km without aches and pains.

If I happen to look good at the end of it all - then that's just simply a bonus Smile

WeekTest ETest
1500mg100mg EOD
2500mgSTOPPED due to PIP
3500mgSTOPPED due to PIP
4500mgSTOPPED due to PIP6.5mg EOD250ius EOD
5500mg6.5mg EOD250ius EOD
6500mg6.5mg EOD250ius EOD
7500mg6.5mg EOD250ius EOD
8500mg6.5mg EOD250ius EOD
9500mg6.5mg EOD250ius EOD
10500mg6.5mg EOD250ius EOD
11500mg100mg EOD6.5mg EOD250ius EOD
12500mg100mg EOD6.5mg EOD250ius EOD2ius ED
13100mg EOD6.5mg EOD250ius EOD2ius ED
14100mg EOD6.5mg EOD250ius EOD100mg ED40mg ED2ius ED
15100mg ED40mg ED2ius ED
1650mg ED20mg ED2ius ED
1750mg ED20mg ED2ius ED
182ius ED
192ius ED
202ius ED
212ius ED
222ius ED
232ius ED
242ius ED
252ius ED
262ius ED
272ius ED
282ius ED
292ius ED
302ius ED
312ius ED
322ius ED
332ius ED
342ius ED
fast48's picture

Why not running hyges on cycle? Read treads gh posts?

vascular's picture

Sup Fast, yeh bro read Tread-M's thread. Gave me a headache but I got through it HAHA - awesome read and on the whole, I am up for a HGH+AAS cycle in the near future. My reasoning for doing this way for now however, is 3 fold:

  1. I would like to isolate the gains I get from specific compounds i.e. AAS vs HGH. By doing this the first time around I can see the gains I get specifically from AAS (Test to be exact).

  2. I designed the HGH component in this cycle with Tread via PM, and we did overlap it (Week 12 leading into PCT) a bit to help with my positive loop back recovery faster and then into a 2iu cruise to help me through my off-cycle season. Then I can observe HGH on its own and its effects on my body.

  3. I hate to say it, but part of it was financial too. HGH is a long term invesment so I wanted to truly isolate and observe what it does for me before I combine it with my AAS cycles. I honestly did not have the funds to invest in over 400ius of HGH leading up to the cycle. I plan to change this next year once I have a reliable supplier lined up (I have sourced only from one lab so far). But most importantly I am more willing to pay thousands of $$$ when I know HGH works for me. Not before.

But, I have a 'very strong' feeling that for my personal goals, a combined [HGH + AAS] cycle is my long term future. It makes absolute sense from Tread's inputs about HGH and from the documented effects of HGH relevant to my goals.

fast48's picture

Nice! Full research and i can follow that process. The results...please post. Been curious about gh and doing it the right way. Because yes, cost is up there.

vascular's picture

Zewi maybe you know... how do I avoid becoming insulin resistant over long term HGH use? I have searched but no straight answer. Is there a time to pin it officially? E.g. Before or after a meal? I know before bed is no good as it can shut your natty GH.

vascular's picture

Will do Fast! Thanks for the support so far bro.

vascular's picture

Thanks 56too. btw I'm tapering down with Prop now at the end of the cycle - as suggested by P below. It will give me a chance to order a Test Prop from another lab and find out once and for all if the Prop Ester is what is disagreeing with me or if it is the brewing/oil etc. I'm really determined to know. I'll keep you posted in the later weeks when my taper begins.

vascular's picture

Thanks for your help on it's design as well Zewi - its a simple cycle I know, but I had a lot to learn to 'understand' it all, apart from 'executing' it.

P's picture

1 issue i have with this cycle here bro, is that i would bring the AI back a few weeks. If you didn't use prop then the AI at the week stated would be fine, but since its a short ester, make sure you have an AI at hand at a sooner point.

Apart from that, this cycle layout looks good to me bro - from my experiences, i tend to not use hCG for any cycle length under 12 weeks.

vascular's picture

Yo P - also there was some debate over HCG since it can complicate aromatisation. But in the end I concluded for myself, that in 'low dosages' I think if I run it for every cycle that I do for the rest of my life, the arrows point to more benefits overall vs sides/consequences. But I guess its only my opinion.

What is the main reason you avoid it for 12 week and under cycles? I want to understand it better. Is it simply because you personally don't shutdown very hard and can have found that you can recover naturally? Or are there more explicit disadvantages to HCG that you believe in?

P's picture

hCG use increases aromatisation levels bro, that's why we use an AI with it - but it's personal preference tbh bro, since i know that my balls tend to not shrink a huge amount for a cycle under a 12 weeks in comparison to a longer cycle (>12 weeks) - similar to an exponential curve, where the x-axis is a time measurement scale, and the y-axis is a scale for testicular atrophy

Here's an article on test flu from big Cdaddy (


another article on hCG

vascular's picture

Thanks P - always solid responses from you appreciate it. Luckily I have read the test flu and HCG articles before hand, those posts were awesome. The Prop was more than a test flu, I have a strong feeling about it, cos the test flu hit me quick, 2-3 days I was feeling it. It subsided, but then the Prop: after each shot, it gave me more distinct flu-like symptoms (but harsher) and would return after every PIN.. subside then return.

I have updated my cycle to taper down with Prop - I have ordered from another lab to see if it is the oil or the ester. I really want to know. Let me know if I tapered correctly.

P's picture

Tbh bro, i'm glad you stopped the prop - not for any personal reasons, but more for personal improvement reasons. Now you know that if you pin prop in this way, you will react like this (for example), whereas if you pin prop in a different way (maybe heat up the vial) you will react in a different way.

What i'm trying to say here bro, is that you have just created a reference point - and these reference points are linked to experience, and imo, the more reference points you have at an early stage, the more efficient and effective your following cycles will be.

Ideally, i would use a prop taper at both ends of the cycle, but i think the rear-end is far more important, since that time period between your long ester pin and the 15/16 day wait until you begin PCT is a horrible experience imo, since your test levels are depleting and you are mentally confused, thinking that you look great but hormonally you feel awful

vascular's picture

Thanks P - I hear you man. Definitely a great personal reference point for me.

I have adjusted the cycle plan to taper down. Thanks for your input.

vascular's picture

Sup P! I forgot to mention I stopped the Prop 3 days ago. I was getting insane PIP and fever/chills I couldn't handle it... seriously the PIP was insane, losing workout days and losing weight. I decided to try it next time with a different lab and see if it was the oil or the Prop Ester itself.

I definitely have Aromasin and Arimedex on-hand if my nips gets itchy (I'm looking at my packs as I type HAHA)... but will stick to the 4 week mark for now since I have dropped the Prop. But thanks for the input, I definitely will bump it forward if my next cycle (next year) has Prop again (which I assume it will).

btw if I use Prop - do you think AI should be taken at Week 2 maybe???

P's picture

Where are you pinning the prop V?
In that case i'd suggest you rearrange your cycle, so you have a prop-end taper, which should give you enough time to get hold of some more prop from a different manufacturer.
Generally with the use of a front-end taper, AI use varies from person to person. Personally, if even the smallest signs of sides appear (such as bloat) i start asin use at 12.5mg EOD, and monitor my estro levels - but be careful to not suppress your estro too much (

LMAO, i prefer asin bro, i'm actually preparing for my cycle and have bought asin for my AI.

vascular's picture

was pinning the prop in my delts towards the end. PIP was so bad I couldn't even jerk off one night and that was the end of it (just kidding LOL, but not really).

I have tapered my cycle - let me know what you think.

P's picture

I use shorter esters (which are prone to pip) in 'non-sensitive' injection sites like glutes, and longer esters in more sensitive sites (in a situation where i cant mix them) in my quads.

RE: Taper
100mg EOD is fine, ideally ED would be best for blood levels, but EOD is sufficient, remember to begin pct 3 days after last prop shot, and carry through asin until PCT (possibly into PCT if you want to follow Cdaddy, GS and Zewi's PCT protocol)

vascular's picture

Here is what I am eating:
Meal 1: 4 boiled eggs, protein shake 40g; cup of mixed fruit, bowl of oatmeal; 2 slices of brown toast; black coffee; orange juice
Meal 2: tuna and salad pita wrap (brown)
Meal 3: brown pasta spaghetti with a can of tuna and tomato-based sauce; pre-workout cardio igniter shake (sub for 200g of chicken breast and salad on alternative days)
Meal 4: banana; post-workout protein shake 60g
Meal 5: pan-seared 12ounce steak with asparagus and baked potatoes (sub for salmon stak or chicken breast when I get bored)
Meal 6: casein protein shake before bed and if I'm starving a greek no-fat yogurt

Any comments - let me know. I'm terrible at calories and protein math :(

jimmies's picture

I used to help track calories for a couple of weeks. It helped me understand that my current protein intake was lower than I expected and after a couple weeks of use I was able to lock in my daily calorie intake for better recovery. Try it out or something similar.