brownriceandbeans's picture
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First Cycle - AI?


This is my first post on here and my first cycle breakdown. Let me know if I break any rules. I'm 29, 190lbs, around 17% BF. I've been lifting for almost 4 years and I have thought a long time about this. I did run a pro hormone cycle of Andro and hated it but loved the gains and feel that this cycle won't be as hard on my body.

Ok, so a buddy of mine is finishing up his first cycle and has had a great experience, really nice gains and went from a 305 BP max to 340. He has a couple of contacts that helped get him set up for his first run and he has been helping me figure out mine. I am keeping it simple and only running one compound at a time to see how my body reacts.

I was going to order from an international source but have been seeing a lot of people waiting on their product so I decided or order domestic from a trusted source I found on this site. This source didn't have Arimidex so I had to go with Aromasin for my AI. They also were out of stock of hCG which I was going to run at 500IU dosed 2x a week starting 4 weeks in.

Here's my concern:
I only ordered enough Aromasin for 60 days at 5mg EOD. Could I start taking my AI 4 weeks in or should I try to get some more Aromasin and run it through the entire cycle?

Also, could I just skip the hCG all together?

WeekTest CTest PAromasinClomidNolvadex
5500mg5mg EOD
6500mg5mg EOD
7500mg5mg EOD
8500mg5mg EOD
9500mg5mg EOD
10500mg5mg EOD
11100mg EOD5mg EOD
12100mg EOD5mg EOD
13100mg EOD5mg EOD
dothework29's picture

Trenning was right about the advice he gave if it was for someone who was ready to run a cycle but I'm just going to go ahead and tell you that most people are going to tell you that you don't need to run a cycle at that bf%. Every now and then there is an exception to this rule like if you were a big time power lifter that already had lots of experience running cycles and lifted heavy for several years but in this case I'm gonna have to say you should really work on your diet for now without cycle and keep working out. What are your goals anyway? You trying to be stronger or trying to be cut?

trenning's picture

I couldn't agree more. I just had surgery on my shoulder. Now, I'm probably 5'8 210ish at 13-14% bf, but I have quite a few cycles under my belt. Pro coaching along with mentors. The best thing to do is train natural as long as you can. I wouldn't even touch anything if I wasn't considering competing. Waste of money.

brownriceandbeans's picture

My goals are to get bigger right now. I do have bench, squat and deadlift max goals I'd like to set but I'd eventually I would like to be well developed and carry around 10% BF. I'm not trying to compete as a powerlifter or bodybuilder just trying to make some gains. I had my T levels checked in November because of a number of reasons and my Free/ Total came back 5.59/ 298.3. That's another reason I'm looking at this cycle.

What do you suggest my BF% be around when starting? Sub 15%?

trenning's picture

I'd like to see a rough diet before anything. Easily cut down for a few months and come back. Put some effort in. You have a long time to try aas or anything along that nature. Get right with your body. Know what works best for you, before you play with fire. Also, have everything on hand. If you have already started, stop!

dothework29's picture

Below you told trenning that you have never cut before but that's what your trying to do now.... but your reply to me was that your just trying to make gains. So which is it a cut or a bulk your going for. You need to decide if your cutting or bulking. Also you need to realize you can cut or bulk without having to use gear. You just have to get your diet right and then put hard work in. Also I would make sure a doctor says you need trt before you decide that on your own. 4 years isn't a long time to be lifting natural to be thinking you need gear at 190 lbs and 17% bf and your not a power lifter so you need to lose the gear idea for now and get your diet dialed in with proper workout routine. I am a powerful lifter with plenty of experience and used to having my body around 15% bf and on gear pretty much most of what I noticed is just strength from cycles with bf that high..... but I recently decided I was going to transition from power lifting to body building and I naturally got my body fat down to 12% with diet and hard work then I started cycle and I can actually see what the gear is doing to me instead of just feel it. I'm telling you lose the gear and get your diet right.

brownriceandbeans's picture

For the new year I started a slow cut for summer and that is what I am currently doing. If I were running this cycle it would be a bulk for sure so I could run it at the end of the summer.

I did talk to a Dr. about the low T and he said might qualify for Bioidentical Hormone Replactment Therapy but he wouldn't approve me for TRT because I'm only 29 and my t-levels are within normal range (280-1,100). I am at 298.

Thanks for the info dothework29 and trenning. I appreciate your help!

dothework29's picture

So you are going to hold off on cycle and try to get you diet and work out routine on point? Check this out it will help you with your diet

trenning's picture


trenning's picture

How's your diet like? 17% bf and have been training for 4 years straight? How's your diet? Gear won't make up for a lack of diet. Id cut down a little bit first. What is your aromasin dosed at? It's best to start ai 2 weeks in. Usually it's 12.5mg per tab. You can get away with half a tab twice a week easily. First cycle you won't need hcg, but I'd blast clom/nolva at 100/40, 100/40, 50/20, and 50/20.

brownriceandbeans's picture

I am a hard gainer so I have to eat a lot of food to make any progress. I started at 150lbs and worked my way up to 203 (sept 2016) and now I'm down to 190. Right now my diet is 3,500 cal/ day on training days then I IF on off days and eat around 2,000 cal from 12pm-8pm and I make sure to hit at least 230 g/ protein on IF days. I train 5 days a week early in the morning. I just started IF at the beginning of January. Before this diet I was getting 3,800 cal/ day everyday. I have never cut but that is what I'm working on now.

The Aromasin is dosed at 10mg and I have seen that PCT dosage before. Is it better to blast clomid and nolva for a couple weeks after instead of taking a steady dose?

flesh_into_gear's picture

I"d say if you watched your "friend" just run the exact identical cycle and you witnessed the gains he made and you had a similar body fat percentage to his pre-cycle AND you wanna get fuckin bigger? I mean, do you want me to answer your question with another question or do you want me to answer it with a short story lol. It's funny when people give advice like "lower your body fat percentage man" or "omg, you're under 25 and you're gonna run your first cycle?" It's like when people are trying to figure out their relationship problems, the first people to chime in are the people who are in extremely toxic or codependent relationships.

trenning's picture

I'm just trying to give him the right advice. He can take it anyway he wants to. I don't think he's ready. Just my 2 cents.

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