aestheticdream's picture
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-2 Dbol and Test Low Dose cycle


About Me: Powerlifting, 5'7", starting weight 198 Natural, 19-20% bodyfat (measured at the gym), 203 right now, 29 years old, 1st cycle

Goal: Strength, PRs

The Idea:
It first started as a Dbol only cycle, I decided my best option is to add a Test base with the Dbol, so on the 5th day I pinned 1.2ml of Test E250, pinned yesterday again (12th day)

Maintenance calories, lowered fat intake, upped carbs

Right now:
Day 13, gained some water, 5 pounds, gained strength, satisfied so far, weights feel lighter

Sex Drive:
A slight increase, no ED or libido probs at all

Effects on muscles/shape etc so far:
Biceps blew up like water balloons lol, colthes seem tight, I do feel bigger

Estrogen, blood pressure, gyno and etc:
I don't seem to be getting any sides SO FAR, I will update later, no blood pressure issues, no decrease in sex drive, no gyno at all, well my left nipple got a bit ticklish for a couple of hours on day 2 then it went away for good .. and my right nipple on day 11 also for 2 hours, no lumps no puffy nipples etc

When did I feel it:
Well from day 1, I took it all in one dose pre workout .. and man I went in and couldn't get tired, kept lifting and lifting and lifting ... and it carried om .. well for those that don't take anything reading this, don't think it's something so noticeable and so different, you just lift a bit more, workout a bit more and the pumps are insane sometimes, but it's nothing like some dudes think that you go in and eat iron and lift like mad and etc ...

How do I feel:
Normal, no euphoria or happy shit .. and I feel normal in the gym too .. I know some people feel high or super happy on it, I don't... I feel like I felt before day 1

Anger Issues:
Well, roid rage? so far nothing for me, indeed I'm much calmer, much aware about life, love, injuries, the people I love .. etc
In fact I found it weird since I'm an intense individual, an asshole... I got into fights before .. a cup of coffee makes me super super aggressive ... not dbol though .. can't say anything about Test it's only my 8th day and on Enanthate .. I'm calmer and more loving now .. I cut down on caffeine and no pre workout for me, maybe that has to do with the calmer attitude .. anyways I'm glad I have no anger issues so far ..

Yes, but it's getting way better now that my body is getting used to it .. I had acne before my cycle, when I got on, a few days later it became worse and now it's better than when I started my cycle ..

As I stated I'm yet to have any estro related prob, no sex drive decrease, no blood pressure issues, no moon face, no stomach bloat, no nipple issues, Aromasin is on hand and so is Nolva, I have a protocol ready and planned if anything happens

Oh man the back pumps, "Cardio is murder on Dbol", but I keep doing my cardio regardless, I just go at a slower pace and take long rests

Squatting and doing legs today, hoping my back won't kill me

Will upload pics soon, thanks

WeekTestosterone EnanthateDianabolNolvadexClomid
Aesthetic_Dream's picture

Damn another aesthetic bad bro I didn't have a clue. Anyways only problem I see other than doses and your dbol taper is how you're waiting for Estro sides....dbol aromatises hella fast and you should be using an AI from the first week on...if its legit dbol of course. Dont ever wait for sides if you can....always prevent! I ran some blue hearts to kickstart my first test cycle and I really didn't like it at all....gave me a lump in the throat feeling so I ended up shutting it down at week 4 and then it was smooth sailing from then on. There's some good guys here with great advice. Hope you enjoy your first cycle....happy growing

aestheticdream's picture

lol, thanks for the comment bro .. yes doses are low .. thinking of bumping test a bit after I'm done with dbol, still no side effects, maybe because my diet is clean .. but still nothing .. I wanted to start it along with the dbol but changed my mind ..

alekaras's picture

test is best for your first cycle!! and if you must use the dbol wich you shouldn't, why the ups and downs?
go with 30 mg ed if its proper dosed its more then enough ...and 4 weeks kick is enough as well .

aestheticdream's picture

Thanks for the input man, I do understand this by the way .. as test at 500 is the best option for a first cycle, It did start as a Dbol only cycle, then I corrected it and added a test base 5 days later .. it became test and dbol .. the idea is to lower the dose gradually as the test kicks in .. and 300 is a low dose, some people cruise on that so I really do feel that a push from dbol at the start is better ...

Immortaltech's picture

U don't rly need dbol, my first test only cycle mutated me, brought me to the next level, if done right, u wont regret it

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aestheticdream's picture

I certainly hope so bro! ... my test dosage is on the low end ..

aestheticdream's picture

lol, I do understand your frustration bro ..

herpjunkie111's picture

I ran a little tbol before and the back pumps on that were killer. Squats were rough but manageable, what really was torture was the deadlifts. I typically do deads first on back day and always managed to finish but when I was done it was rough and I couldn't hold position to do bent over rows, so while not really "optimal" imo I moved deadlifts to last while on the tbol to make sure I cleared my wo list.

aestheticdream's picture

That's some great info .. I will look to move deadlifts to last and see where this goes .. my leg day was great, until I started squatting lol .. they were rough .. but it was okay though ..

BigThing's picture

No need to taper off dbol. AI not necessary with that dose of test, unless problems occur, and since you are a powerlifter it's better to keep estrogen bit higher to avoid joint issues. How about PCT?

aestheticdream's picture

Yes man, I will rethink the dbol dosing .. PCT Clomid 50/50/25/25 Nolva 40/40/20/20 starting two weeks after the final injection ..

press1's picture

You'd of been much better off just doing a Test only cycle as your first @ 500mg's/wk. Not sure if your Dbol is any good also judging by how you are feeling on it....

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aestheticdream's picture

well my biceps blowing up like balloons (my biceps are my weakest body part) and shoulders being bigger along with the strength increase did point to it being okay .. but yes the thing is I don't feel anything .. I expected to feel good and still waiting for it .. instead I'm feeling sleepy all the time, but not in the gym lol .. yeah man i should've done test at 500 (but it's still better than a dbol only haha) .. maybe I'll switch to 500 when I'm done with dbol ..

press1's picture

Why are you talking about biceps and shoulders if you are a powerlifter? You'd be talking about strength increases on bench and deadlifts and nothing but....

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aestheticdream's picture

Yes my bench did increase and my deadlift too, the post is about my experience with the anabolics, effects and side effects, not how much I lift or how I eat ( I eat 95-99% super clean, but I do eat like a madman that's why I got up to 19-20% ) .. I am not a professional powerlifter, but it's what I love, I talk about biceps and the fact that I accidentally got leaner because I loved it .. as I said I'm not a pro, but looking big muscular and strong as hell makes people look and give opinions, I kept hearing that I have a big chest, back and shoulders plus a gorilla ass and huge legs but my biceps are flat and underdeveloped.. but the way I train and being obsessed with lifting heavier each and every time left little time for me to train my biceps as I only trained them when I plateau with my lifts, now I do train them more, dbol blew them up and my friends my girl my parents my cousins and everybody's grandma are giving me positive comments, and it's a water retention effect that I did love and I talked about it

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