BMGIII's picture
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Cycle # 2 Here we go again


So My last cycle went well until i started having shoulder pain. Going to try and add HGH here to help with that. Thought about DECA but going to save that for a third cycle. Just shooting for improved physique, strength and improvement of a previous shoulder injury. I have some IGF-LR3 I thought about throwing in at some point as well.

Any thoughts are welcome.

WeekTestosterone EnanthateSomatropinAdexNolvadexClomidAromasin
2500mg4IU0.3mg EOD
3500mg4IU0.3mg EOD
4500mg4IU0.3mg E3D
5500mg4IU0.3mg E3D
6500mg4IU0.3mg E3D
7500mg4IU0.3mg E3D
8500mg4IU0.3mg E3D
9500mg4IU0.3mg E3D
10500mg4IU0.3mg E3D
11500mg4IU0.3mg E3D
12500mg4IU0.3mg E3D
134IU0.3mg E3D
144IU0.3mg E3D
164IU40mg100mg6.25mg EOD
BMGIII's picture

So an update here... I can't add rows at the beginning but I am starting week three here. I did two weeks of HGH at the beginning. Did 2 IU's about 5am eaching morning the first week. Moved to 1.5IU split about 5am 2pm the second week. Now at 2 IU split 5am 2pm and started my Test E. So far maybe some mild fat mobilization but not super crazy from the HGH yet but that should take a while anyway...Also I was thinking about my first run and i was only doing 500mg Test E split into 250 twice a week. I think i will just stay with that because I was really happy with those results and don't know that I need the bump to 600 with the added HGH.

BMGIII's picture

So I got my HGH in two weeks ago and started a taper up to 4. Did 2 the first week and three split in two doses the second week. Got My Test E in today and plan to get that started here soon.

Whitetrash's picture

Starting adex in week 2 would be a bit early for me personally. You should have your requirements figured out from cycle one though so I'm assuming there is a reason for it. Did you find yourself with high e2 on week 2 of cycle 1?

BMGIII's picture

That is what I ran in cycle one and had no sides at all it was a great run.

Makwa's picture

What was the cause of the shoulder pain? HGH won't make up for improper technique or trying to push too heavy of weight.

BMGIII's picture

Its an old sports injury that was repaired but started nagging me again. I am not pushing heavy weight right now. Nor do I plan to during this cycle. I just want some modest gains and to try and strengthen the shoulder muscles and alleviate whatever is hurting.