alex70val's picture
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Cutting Cycle: Eq, Test E, and Dbol


Trying drop body fat percentage as well to gain as much lean size as possible without getting super bloated or retaining too much water. I know im going to retain water and get bloated but hopefully wont be too excessive. Feel free to give any input, im open to suggestions. Not too experieced but from what research I did and others experiences this should be ok. Will start in 2 weeks.

WeekTestosterone EnanthateEqDbolExemestaneHCGClomid Nolvadex
1600mg900mg50mg12.5mg eod
2600mg900mg50mg12.5mg eod
3600mg600mg50mg12.5mg eod
4600mg600mg50mg12.5mg eod
5600mg600mg12.5mg eod
6600mg600mg12.5mg eod
7600mg600mg12.5mg eod
8600mg600mg12.5mg eod
9600mg600mg12.5mg eod
10600mg600mg12.5mg eod
11600mg600mg12.5mg eod
12600mg600mg12.5mg eod
13600mg600mg12.5mg eod
14600mg12.5mg eod
16250IU e3d100mg40mg
17500IU e3d50mg20mg
18500IU e3d50mg20mg
19500IU e3d50mg20mg
alex70val's picture

So just started my cycle and just got the results of my blood work and everything seemed fine except for my estrogen level was slightly hight. What do you guys think should I keep the exemestane dose the same or maybe take it every day instead of every other day until my next blood work? Also should i be testing for more stuff?

roly420's picture

On 250mg test, 500eq at the moment and dosing my aromasin at 12.5mg/ E3D with great results. E2 around 25-30. Through "trial and error" I've come to the conclusion that ED protocol is not needed. In fact, by doing so, might run the risk of crashing e2. Of course, figured it out through bloods and fine tuning. But you get the idea. I posted bloods that I took on my 6th week. And it's awesome in pct. No e2 rebound.

j223's picture

drop the garbage (exemestane) and pick up some arimidex.

roly420's picture

Why say it's garbage? What's your reason? I love the stuff, much more than adex. My body thanks me for making the switch. Actually, I think adex is garbage. Why? Its weak, bad on bloods, e2 rebound(fact), the list goes on. Bloods are your best bet. I've taken numerous bloods for years on both of them. Adex doesn't stand a chance. You just have to monitor your e2 first till you find the sweet spot. But that also goes for adex.

The Impastable's picture

Explain slightly high.

alex70val's picture

So my test shows "Estradiol 42.8 HIGH 7.6-42.6 pg/mL 01". Which from my understanding 7.6-42.6 is normal but mine is just barely above what should be in the normal range. This is also my pre-cycle blood work so i understand its going to increase still so idk if its something i should keep an eye on and maybe get extra blood work to just make sure it doesnt get extremely high than it should on cycle.

The Impastable's picture

As immortal says get blood work 5-6 weeks into cycle and adjust dose from there dependent on readings. Are you sensitive to e2 from pst experience?

Immortaltech's picture

i'd say hold on that dose, until test kicks in and do bloodwork, at week 6 E2 came too high, increased the dose, after 2 weeks did another bloodwork to E2, it came out perfect, HOWEVER! you are taking dbol, theres a possible conversion to estrogen, so i don't know

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The Impastable's picture

So your estrogen was at the top of the range while not running anything? Were you on any medications that affect estro? What BF% are you?

PPGfreak's picture

Only guy I have ever seen say “lean”and “dbol” in the same sentence lol

alex70val's picture

Pics will be posted in a few days and will keep updating with progress.

Also another quick question i had was about frontloading? Ive been reading alot of mixed reviews about frontloading Eq. Some people say do 1200mg for two weeks and some say it really has no benefit while others say its a good idea. I was debating wether to start at 600mg or maybe frontload a small amount less than 1200mg like 900mg. Idk if thats a good idea or should i do the 1200mg or just stick to 600mg? Couldnt really decide so thought just to go in the middle at 900mg.

Again any input and advice is greatly appreciated!!!

Immortaltech's picture

Any reason why you stopped EQ @week 13? and continuing with test till 14? from my researches EQ will take some time for you to notice a difference, just put leave them both @week 14 both half lives are 14 days,

Did you control your E2 in your previous cycles?

As for bloating it's usually estrogen and diet related problem, i had this few weeks ago, until i dropped my E2 there was so much difference

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alex70val's picture

previously i've ran two separate test and test, dbol. and one test and tren cycle. mostly recently a 7.5 weeks 80mg only anavar cycle with 4 week nolvadex and clomid pct. Im going to get blood work this week, one week prior to start of my cycle, 4 weeks into cycle, 12 weeks into cycle, and one last time a week after pct. Im trying to find a new place to have my blood work done since my buddy just to work at a clinic and he would hook me up with super cheap prices but now hes working at a major hospital so im screwed. I live in southern california if anyone has a place or can recommend me something please pm me. thanks again i found a medical lab local but pricing is kind of steep so that my back up plan if cant find anything cheaper.

Makwa's picture

How many cycles have you ran? Got a pic you can put up?

the_gainz's picture

Planning on getting any blood work done? Also, posting up a cycle history is usually a good idea. Should get some more feedback with more details.

Sam I Am's picture

Your going to get some bloat with dbol. I agree with Mackwas philosophy. Either bulk or cut. Doing both never works out.

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