mehmeterol's picture
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Cutting Cycle


Currently I'm in the 3rd week of the cycle. I'm 27 and I'm 5'9. I started the cycle with 17% BF (190lbs) and currently I'm down to 13.5 (179lbs). Watching my diet extremely strictly and running close to 6miles everyday (3miles in the neighborhood @7a & 3miles before lifting @7p). My goal is hitting 8% as soon as I can. I'd appreciate any further recommendations. Thanks in advance.

WeekTest PropTren AceProvironClenbuterolAnavarN2GuardAromasinCabergolineNolvadex
1100mg EOD100mg EOD75mg/day40mg/day7pills/day
2100mg EOD100mg EOD75mg/day60mg/day7pills/day
3100mg EOD100mg EOD75mg/day7pills/day25mg EOD
4100mg EOD100mg EOD75mg/day7pills/day25mg EOD
5100mg EOD100mg EOD75mg/day60mg/day75mg/day7pills/day25mg EOD1mg/wk
6100mg EOD100mg EOD75mg/day80mg/day75mg/day7pills/day25mg EOD1mg/wk
7100mg EOD100mg EOD75mg/day75mg/day7pills/day25mg EOD1mg/wk
8100mg EOD100mg EOD75mg/day75mg/day7pills/day25mg EOD1mg/wk
9100mg EOD100mg EOD75mg/day80mg/day75mg/day7pills/day25mg EOD1mg/wk
10100mg EOD100mg EOD75mg/day100mg/day75mg/day7pills/day25mg EOD1mg/wk
1125mg EOD1mg/wk40mg/day
1225mg EOD1mg/wk40mg/day
1325mg EOD1mg/wk40mg/day
1425mg EOD1mg/wk20mg/day
1525mg EOD1mg/wk20mg/day
mehmeterol's picture

Hey, the running is really tough but I'm super driven so I'm doing my best to run complete my running everyday. Do you mean I should be expecting muscle gain? Also my PCT is on the table as well. It will be Cabergoline, Aromasin and Nolva. Am I missing anything?

Dickkhead's picture


You're on a diet and you are not prepping for a show. Bodybuilding contest prep chemicals produce a certain "look" on stage and are a must if you want to do well in competition.

But, we don't use steroids just to diet as Catalyst says below.


Catalyst's picture

So looking at this realistically, you need all this gear to get you to 5-9, 160lbs ish at 8% BF?

You should be able achieve those sort of stats easily without going anywhere near steroids.

Whitetrash's picture

I agree. Makwa gave him some good advice below and the OP hasn't even acknowledged it. What's the point looking for advice when you have already started and don't want to listen anyway!?

mehmeterol's picture

What doesn't look right about it?

tone210's picture

That's a lot of gear for a third cycle imo. Your calorie intake is way to low. Your cardio is overkill. 1500 calories you will be losing muscle mass.Considering this is your first tren cycle I'm glad you choose tren ace to shorter Ester vs tren e. Tren can work miracles and is very harsh. I've done numerous cutting cycles with tren. I always got away with light cardio and a clean diet. Rule of thumb for me 40/40/20. Seems to work well for me.

mehmeterol's picture

I have ran 2 cycles before which were pretty long time ago. in 2007 Sustanon & Primo and in 2010 Sustanon & Deca. I don't remember the dosages but they weren't too high.

Currently I trying not to go over 1500cal w/ 60%protein, 30%carb and 10%fat. After my morning run at 7a, I have a breakfast at 8a, then a meal at noon, 4p. I do my workout at 7p to 9p. Have 2scoops of Casein and go to be at 11p.

Makwa's picture

I think you are way to low on cals. Yeah you are going to drop some weight quick right in the beginning like you have but you are going to plateau really quickly and your weight loss is going to stall and you will be stuck. You will have nowhere left to go. You can't take cals any lower or you are really going to be eating away muscle mass at an alarming rate. You are probably burning up a good amount of muscle right now along with some fat because you started your cut with too low of cals. I am not going to lecture you on your stack that you put together, but it is way over the top and totally unneccessary. This strategy is more sane and managable for continous fat loss throughout a cycle with minimal muscle catabolism. I would suggest you reassess your caloric intake before you cause any metabolic damage.

mehmeterol's picture

Thanks for the info. I made the proper changes in my diet. Pulled the calorie intake to 2500cal with 60-20-20. I'll be dropping the carbs slowly.

Makwa's picture

How many cycles have you previously ran and what were the compounds? What are the cals and macros for your diet?

mehmeterol's picture

posted the answer above

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