slimprick's picture
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Contest prep cycle


My friend is preping for weightlifting contest where he can be tested for AAS and other stuff so we are trying to avoid positive results based on detection times found on internet. This is his fourth cycle. Before this he did some test enan, test prop, test susp and dbol cycles. Masteron and Winstrol are new compounds to him.

So this gear he have on hand:

5 x 10 ml Test-Prop (100mg/ml)
5 x 10 ml Master-Prop (100mg/ml)
1 x 10 ml Test.Suspension (100mg/ml)
100 Dbol (10mg)
100 Winstrol (10mg)
2 x 5000 IU hCG

Last Test Suspension shot is taken 4 days before contest.
Last Test Propionate and Masteron Propionate shot is taken 22 days before contest.
Last Winstrol pill is taken 22 days before contest.
Last hCG shot is taken 12 days before contest.

Thanks in advance!

WeekTest PropMast ProphCGTest SuspDbolWinstrolNolvadex
1100mg EOD100mg EOD30mg ED
2100mg EOD100mg EOD100IU ED30mg ED
3100mg EOD100mg EOD100IU ED40mg ED
4100mg EOD100mg EOD100IU ED40mg ED
5100mg EOD100mg EOD100IU ED
6100mg EOD100mg EOD100IU ED
7100mg EOD100mg EOD100IU ED
8100mg EOD100mg EOD100IU ED
9100mg EOD100mg EOD100IU ED
10100mg EOD100mg EOD100IU ED30mg ED
11150mg EOD150mg EOD100IU ED30mg ED
12150mg EOD150mg EOD100IU ED40mg ED
13150mg EOD150mg EOD100IU ED40mg ED
14100mg EOD
15100mg EOD
1740mg ED
1840mg ED
1920mg ED
2020mg ED
2110mg ED
slimprick's picture

I understand your concerns. Problem is that he doesn't speak english so I'm trying to get as much information about detection times as possible for him. But that's all fine, i will not bother you anymore, thanks for your time and help.

Makwa's picture

Your friend should be the one here posting his proposed cycle so we can talk directly with him.

slimprick's picture

The question is about detection times. Other things are in place. So if you can help us about detection times or if you know where we can find most updated info on that subject we would appreciate it very much. Thanks!

Dickkhead's picture

I don't feel comfortable giving any guidance to a friend of a member. The member may be of age, the friend or little brother or whatever may not be. Please have whoever is asking for information open an account on eroids and provide true stats.

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