lmntRC's picture
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After a 4 year hiatus.. Ready for round 2


175 lbs
29 years old
1 previous cycle

So I realize I'm starting this a little light & could probably gain some more weight without the gear, however, as I'm a super hard gainer & after 2 years out of the gym, it's taken me over a year to go from 158 lbs BACK to a clean 175. So I'm sure I'll take some heat for it, but I'm ready to run this pretty basic 12 week cycle. I'm going to kickstart a Test E cycle with Test P (& maybe even throw some EQ in the mix around week 4 & extend the cycle to 20 weeks). My goals are pretty simple, I feel like I've plateaued a bit in terms of clean size.. So I'm hoping to add a little mass that I can hold post cycle to help me bulk up to about 205 this winter. I'm familiar & have experience with the 2 test esters I'm running, but I have no experience with EQ.. So any opinions on when might be the best time to add the EQ (if at all) as it pertains to my goals would be much appreciated.

EDIT: Daily caloric intake: approx. 3500-4000
Daily protein intake: approx. 300g

WeekTestosterone EnanthateTestosterone PropionateAromasinNolvadexClomid
Trenplease's picture

With that body you prob get more pussy than most people on this forum. Yea, your scrawny in our eyes, but im sure females be all over u lol

lmntRC's picture

After some deliberation, I've decided that you fuckers are right.. If I'm honest with myself, I'm being impatient here. I can put on plenty of size over the winter & revisit this idea next spring. So I'm gonna scrap the cycle for now & just continue to eat, & go harder on my squats/deadlifts.

freedom1981's picture

Bro you don't need only eat . I remember someone said eat then eat then eat then rest on your ass and if you tired sleep and train hard and don't kill the muscle , give it time to recover I mean don't do the muscle 2 or 3 times in week this will not make it bigger , your eat and your rest will make it bigger .

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happycapy's picture

+1 for keeping and open mind and taking great advice from "fuckers" than know their shit

Catalyst's picture

Skipping the drugs for a second, if you're 6-1 and weigh 175 based in the picture of your upper body I'll be pretty sure you'll have no legs at all. Phrases like "super hard gainer" are nothing more than excuses. Start getting yourself in the squat rack and push some weight and you'll grow. Otherwise prove me wrong and post up some so,I'd quads / hams / calves.

6-1 and 175 is nothing resembling a base for steroid use. You know that already.

lmntRC's picture

Unfortunately, you're right.. After looking for some lower body pics, I've realized that I don't have any that I'm really even proud enough of to post. So I've decided to postpone the cycle & spend the winter working on my legs & gaining some more mass.

Catalyst's picture

Not just you mate. A big percentage of guys don't train legs and if they do a lot half arse it. You've built a decent enough base in terms of your upper body, smash those legs in the same way and you'll get there. You've got a good head on your shoulders. If you need help, drop me a line.

lmntRC's picture

Absolutely man.. Definitely makes sense. Thanks!

tonytulo's picture


lmntRC's picture

Definitely correct regarding the PCT.. Rushed through the table a bit. 2 weeks after my last Test pin is when I'll start the Nolva/Clomid.

lmntRC's picture

I always listen.. Just not the best at always obeying ;) - In all seriousness, I decided to post this log on here because I value the experience & advice you guys offer. I already knew people would take issue with my starting weight.. However, I started my first cycle at the exact same weight, peaked at 212, & ended up just under 195 by the end of my PCT (So nearly 20 lbs retained post cycle). Unfortunately I ended up spending nearly 3 years out of the gym (moved, had a kid, switched jobs, etc) & over that time lost all of those gains, plus a lot more muscle & dropped all the way down to <160. I'm essentially running the exact same cycle (plus the Prop kickstart) that I already have experience with & am aware of how my body responds to these compounds/lab. So I'm not going into this completely ignorant, reckless, & inexperienced.. I was more so hoping to get some thoughts on extending the cycle a bit to possibly add some EQ.. But I'll just shelf that for now lol. Thanks for the input.

lmntRC's picture

So you think wait on the EQ huh? Thanks for the input man

Goose24's picture

Ok so I didn't even read 1/4 of what you wrote I stopped after I saw you say "basic cycle" and then you say you might throw in EQ. That to me right there shows you haven't done your homework... I'm sure this "cycle" you posted along with the pct and AI was something someone else wrote and you just copied it.

and FYI I don't think your 29 more like early early 20's to me man just going off bone structure and skeletal muscle.

Also with that diet you supposedly laid out, you would look a lot differently then you do in that pic. Just my .02 though.

lmntRC's picture

What about my bone structure & skeletal muscle makes me look almost 10 years younger? Lol.. Not sure if that's a good thing or bad..

lmntRC's picture

Yikes.. Well.. I am 29 lol. If you check out my cycle log from 3 years ago, maybe it'll make a bit more sense. My mention of EQ makes you think I haven't done my homework because you're assuming I'm unaware of how EQ works, yes? I'm aware that it's a slow & steady compound.. It's possible I'll extend this cycle to 20 weeks & throw some EQ in some time after my prop kick. As far as copying someone else's on-cycle AI/PCT protocol.. I'll try not to take offense to that as I haven't been very active on here in the last few years.. But I can assure you I've been obsessive in my research. In regards to my diet, I'm also in disbelief that 3500-4000 calories/day only takes me to 175lbs. On a 2000 calorie/day diet, without lifting, my natural bodyweight is around 150-155.. at 6'1 (maybe I have AIDS?), so I'm stuffing my face to make a natty 175 & losing my abs in the process. So.. Can we start over & maybe read the other 3/4?

lmntRC's picture

I may have misunderstood, but it seemed as if he was doubting my caloric/protein intake claims.. So my explanation was not because I thought everyone cared, but rather in response to his skepticism. Also, Goose didn't ask any questions at all..

lmntRC's picture

400g protein/day.. It's all up top in the main body of the cycle log.

tonytulo's picture

Most likely supplement protein at that bro.

lmntRC's picture

Probably over-compensating a bit w/the protein intake.. & definitely hard on the wallet. Anyway, appreciate the constructive input.

Makwa's picture

Hard on the wallet and the kidneys.