Milton415's picture
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Advice Test E, Bold, D-Bol Cycle


Male 30yrs. old Height 5'11" Weight: 210pd.
Bench: 295lb Rep 5
Squat: 275lb Rep 5
Deadlift: 315lb Rep 5
OverHead Press: 155lb Rep 5

Training: 8+ years
Diet: 5 days clean eating I will be upping my calories on cycle. Macro Ratio 40/40/20 P/C/F
Cycle Count: 2 cycles since I was in college which was 22yrs. old. Now that I'm over 30 I'm planning cycling again so this would be my 3rd cycle.

I want to gain size and keep the water weight as low as possible. I was planning on running Deca or NPP, but to many issues with Deca-Dick and I would not like to be affected by those side effects. I had those issues on my 2nd cycle when I was 22yr old.

I'm going to get blood work done before cycle, mid cycle, and ending of the cycle.

Supportive Supplements:
NAC, TUDAC, CoQ-10, Fish Oil, Red Yeast Rice

Any advice on the cycle would be greatly appreciated!

WeekTest EEQD-BolA-DexHCGClomidNolva
1500mg600mg30mg ED1mg EOD500iu E5D
2500mg600mg30mg ED1mg EOD500iu E5D
3500mg600mg30mg ED1mg EOD500iu E5D
4500mg600mg30mg ED1mg EOD500iu E5D
5500mg600mg1mg EOD500iu E5D
6500mg600mg1mg EOD500iu E5D
7500mg600mg1mg EOD500iu E5D
8500mg600mg1mg EOD500iu E5D
9500mg600mg1mg EOD500iu E5D
10500mg600mg1mg EOD500iu E5D
11500mg600mg1mg EOD500iu E5D
12500mg600mg1mg EOD500iu E5D
13500mg600mg1mg EOD500iu E5D
14500mg600mg1mg EOD500iu E5D
17150mg ED40mg ED
18100mg ED40mg ED
1950mg ED20mg ED
2050mg ED20mg ED
SwoledMM's picture

In my opinion cycling after such a long period of time would be more fruitful if you just go with a simple basic test e @ 500 mg every week for 12 weeks.
The adex dose seems quite high.
I would highly suggest to go with pharmaceutical grade ancillaries.
For PCT, if you'll be running pharmaceutical the 150mg clomid dose seems high.
You will definitely gain size focusing more on diet and training.
That's a very good thing that you are doing a proper research and read before jumping into a cycle.
In addition bloods pre post and mid of cycle are very helpful.

Dr.BroScience's picture

Oh no.

No Bueno.

First, stop, you need to do way more research

Second, have to get blood work before planning anything

Third, keep it simple stupid. The first cycle in 8 years and you're jumping on multiple compounds.

no Bueno.

Fourth, see step 1

Milton415's picture

Yes, I'm doing more research now and keeping the cycle simple.

tonytulo's picture


Milton415's picture

I will need to do more research before get back into things I think it would serve me better to understand everything again before I jump into things with little experience.

I agree with you I should just keep it simple and run a test only cycle since it's been awhile since my last cycle.

Thank for your advice!

House's picture

What if he drops eq and does the test e 500 ew with a prop kick instead of dbol? And the hcg is really early in the game does that not come in around week 4 or 5?

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 3
Goose24's picture

What kind of research made you decide on this "cycle"

"I want to gain size and keep the water weight as low as possible. I was planning on running Deca or NPP, but to many issues with Deca-Dick and I would not like to be affected by those side effects.I had those issues on my 2nd cycle when I was 22yr old."

This statement here makes me believe you've done zero research on your own. If I had to guess "your buddy" gave you this "advice" correct?

I suggest before you make a huge mistake (like last time) you listen here.

Did you get bloods last cycle? Because if you didn't then you'll have no idea when to start your adex or how frequently to take and how much.

What does your blood pressure usually look like??

You need to go back to the drawing board bud.

Milton415's picture

When I was 22 I did a lot of research, but decided to stop. I'm getting back into the research part it's only been a week researching, its been awhile so a lot of information has been forgotten.

This particular cycle I got offline and adjusted it accordingly, but I'm still figuring things out as far as what to take.

Can you tell me what direction as far as cycles go or advice in what direction I should take with this?

Goose24's picture

1st- go back and do more (updated) research.

2nd- I'm sorry but we don't hold people hands here bro this is something you have to do and figure out on your own. When you have a responsible cycle planned we'll jump in a help with the minor details

3rd- I would go get bloods first until then research research research.

Here you go man look up nutrition, beginner cycles, AI,PCT. you name it it's here bro. Good luck.

PPGfreak's picture

Do NOT run this cycle! Seriously a horrible idea

Milton415's picture

Okay thanks for the advice adjusting the cycle after I do more research.