GYMTANKER44's picture
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+ 1 2ND Ever Cycle, Kinda Bumpy Road


51 Y.O. 5' 10'', 160lbs. Dieted and HIIT 3 months ago and went from 172lbs down to 160lbs and 8% BF. Ripped as hell but WAY TOO LIGHT.
Diet is clean at 4200-4400 Cals a day now. Trying to get to 175lbs or more on this cycle. And Keep Most of it this time.
I'm actually at week 6 right now as this is the same cycle I posted when I did my 1st Cycle and everyone approved. BUT, This cycle has been anything but enjoyable. Very Bumpy. Had the "test Flu" first 2 weeks and then couldn't feel a strength increase until 4th Week. Red Flushed cheeks for first 5 weeks. At 6 weeks now I have gained 6 pounds, dissapointing!!! Joint aches, dry ass skin, no Backne, and just not feeling great like my 1st cycle. I know my E2 is either high or low so getting bloods this week. I hv Pharma Test from a source here and even verified it with the Authinication code with the Pharma. Still, I think its underdosed or maybe my body doesnt like the carrier. We shall see because I'm getting bloods soon and I have pre cycle bloods to compare to. I gotta find out whre my E2 is and get it dialed in and also check everything else. You guys are right, Bloods are EVERYTHING! Any help or suggestions is Greatly Appreciated and Respected. ThankS!!!!

WeekTestosterone CypionateAdexNolvadexClomid
1500mg All test split 2X 250mg Wk
4500mg.25 E3D
GYMTANKER44's picture

Yep, they are on the way bro. I have pre cycle bloods too and will post soon. Thanks Rusty.

Gymjunkie01's picture

Have you had you natty test levels checked ? Also people over use AI bet you your estrogen is crashed

Owes a Review × 1
GYMTANKER44's picture

Yes, I have pre cycle bloods and will post here as soon as I figure out how to change to the right type of computer file. Natty I'm at 464 test. I'm thinking estrogen crashed too but it's hard to say because many symptoms are the same as high. I've been studying my ass off. I'll hv my 6 wk bloods in about 6 days and gonna post those too and then review my source and brand, that way there are all facts and hopefully help somebody else. Thanks for responding bro.

unreal89's picture

You shouldnt be touching aas at 160lbs eat more food and lift heavy

unreal89's picture

He replied with 464 test levels thats far from low

GYMTANKER44's picture

Thanks bro, I swear I leave my balls on the gym floor and workout like a madman.I lift heavy till my bones are about to break. IMO I've gone as far as my young old ass can without gear. Diet is 100%, I'm just tweaking my macros to see what happens while on cycle, but yea, I give 110% like a fanatic lifting. You could say I'm one determined MFer. Thanks.

GYMTANKER44's picture

Hey Unreal, I'm just asking why u think that. I'm 51, eat clean 3500 Cal's And now between 4200-4400 Cal's pd. I feel I'm at my limit in weights. I bench 245, shoulders 80 pound dumbbells, squat 305, curl 100 ez bar. Probly not much compared to others but that's my 110%. I need to gain mass to lift heavier and been trying for years lifting heavy and eating.
Thanks for responding bro.

helloBrooklyn's picture

I need to gain mass to lift heavier

One thing strength training has taught me: you need to lift heavier to gain mass.

Are you sure you're shoulder pressing 80 pounds in each arm? When the dumbbells get that bulky the ends can't physically go past your delts so you're training more tricep than shoulders because you can't physically complete full reps unless you bring them in front or do Arnold presses. A barbell is FAR superior for basic overhead pressing because it allows you to go all the way down to your clavicles and hit the shoulders hard. I'm also convinced it helps fill out the upper chest.

You're still young and you're in great shape. You're no where near your strength limit.

GYMTANKER44's picture

Yep, your right. I usually only go down with those 80 presses to a 45 degree angle as I thought lower would risk shoulder injury. I do military presses and Arnold presses but naturally not those 80's. I'm going to do more barbell shoulder presses now and see what happens. Thanks for the advice, you made me think and now learn. Yea, I'm 51, but really 35 and always looking to learn and move forward.

helloBrooklyn's picture

As long as it's gripped shoulder width or slightly outside and elbows are kept tucked, I doubt a full range barbell overhead press will strain your shoulders if they're healthy.

GYMTANKER44's picture

Yep, did them today, after legs, squats and deadlifts I just had to try them out in your honor sir so I went ahead and killed shoulders too. No strain, my shoulders are good. Yea, a terrible combo but I'm a fanatic. Exhausted fanatic. I did the barbell overhead press sitting, to really concentrate on the shoulder muscles. I'm a stickler for form and new exercises, keeps it fresh in the gym and growing, but you already know that my friend. Thanks for the feedback.