plates's picture
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20 week bulk


I am 6'1" s tall and 205lbs. Im 38 years old and have been on trt for a year. Been bodybuilding since my military days in my 20s. Havent blasted for about 4 years.

1500mg600mgas needed
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plates's picture

I would like to post more and be a part of this community is there a mod that can explain why I lost 3 karma points?

plates's picture

Thanks man

plates's picture

So I get treated like a troll for being respectful and providing a unique point of view? I could easily follow protocol and lie like most people do so not to be negged. The funny part is a lot of high level members do nothing but regurgitate information theyve consumed over the years with no experience with the compounds theyre expounding on. I might as well erase this post before I go into the negative. This has been a very childish display of a herd mentality. Thanks to anyone who tried to help me . And if your butts hurt from an adult conversation I can garuntee you any IFBB pro will tell you everyones experience with these compounds is different and nobody knows everything . But congratulations you won I guess I wont post anything anymore.

wanted's picture

I would like to hear the food and meals that you have planned out for this run.

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plates's picture

I hit the gym at 5 before work so before I leave I fix my infamous smoothie with raw eggs steel cutoats mixed fruit cottage cheese and russian bear. about 6k cals. Ill have left over dinner about 9. at lunch I like to get costco chickens or publix and split into halves. at 1 ill eat out of the cafe philly cheese orthe carver line which is a protein and 2 sides well eat dinner early whatever mamas cookin usually protein with carbs and veggies and another smoothie before bed but not as serious as the morning bear.

wanted's picture

I meant daily macros. But goodluck on whatever you try

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plates's picture

Thanks brother

Gymjunkie01's picture

The anavar has no place in this bulk cycle

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plates's picture

Thank you for the input . When I used it to finish my eq bulk it gave me the best finish to any cycle ive ever done. Thats me speaking of my personal experience. Is there any reasoning behind your comment . Ive noticed a lot of people follow the eroids tribal knowledge without any experience with these combinations. I havent been on here for awhile and I know nothing of you and this is not directed at you by any means. But I remember people charging dudes for coaching and workout/meal plans when he didnt even workout. I only say this because a lot of people will post things that are untrue for fear of being talked down to. If your trying to help its appreciated but a grown man with a lot of strength training experience does not enjoy being talked to like hes full of shit or ignorant.

Gymjunkie01's picture

Anavar is not a good bulking compound at all.. if you gonna bulk then make sure what your running is contributing to reach your goal

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Makwa's picture

So true

plates's picture

solid muscle gains adds weight which is the goal of a bulk . I wish someone could help me out on this one . high doses of var builds quality muscle and cleans up the waiste line . Weight is gained in those last weeks ill promise that on evrything.

Gymjunkie01's picture

You have been given why it doesn’t belong in a bulk it’s up to you to take the info.. if you would had done research you would understand why Var isn’t a good choice to bulk up with

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plates's picture

ok thanks. I would love someone to explain the counter productive qualitys of var to a bulk cycle to me , I just scanned the thread and all I could find was the statement without an explaination. If it is going to make me lose quality muscle I would rather not waste my money. I explained my experiences and reasoning. I tend to get a fat belly on a bulk cycle and the var tightens that up without losing quality muscle I gained from the deca. IMO

Taten's picture

Because Var competes with the receptors in your muscles. Var will put on hardly any muscle, it is so weak even women can use it. Their are much better alternatives for bulking I recommend you use a different oral such as dbol. Anavar is much more suitable for a cut because it is great at maintaining muscle in a caloric deficit.

plates's picture

I hear ya man Ive never used dbol but id like to one day.

Sam I Am's picture

Personally I would run my test two weeks before I started the Deca. I would also run my test higher than the Deca. I’m old fashioned.

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plates's picture

Tank you very much for the input. I started both at the same time in hopes the deconate esters in the sust and deca will kick around the same time. Ill update the post on how that works out . god bless and thank you again for your time.

Dr.BroScience's picture

From the information given I believe you are heading down the wrong path.

You self admit that you have a family, career, and several other sports interests that distract your focus from bodybuilding.

So while not being focused you just decide to run over a gram of gear followed by an var finish.....for a "dirty bulk".

Honestly, you are all over the map with your focus and resolve. 205 at 6'1 is skinny.

It would be best to solidify your diet and training first instead of simply doing the lazy ego driven protocol that you suggest. You are only setting yourself up for failure

plates's picture

Also I am focusing my free time on bb ing currently . This is why I decided to blast. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. If you have any advice besides dont do steroids it would be appreciated.

Dr.BroScience's picture

The criticism stems directly from your own words throughout this thread.

You currently are walking around naturally skinny with self admitted no focus on bodybuilding.

By simply making adjustments and commitment to your training and diet combined with focus and resolve you could gain weight naturally and easily.

One would logically get a completely focused and true training and diet regiment first before blasting a gram of gear.

Your current approach seems haphazard and ego driven at best.

plates's picture

So again is gaining 30 lbs of muscle and keeping 20lbs of quality muscle a failure? Im being honest and looking for criticism its a lot different than saying its haphazard and a failure. Im respected in my gym and train and eat hearder than all but maybe 2 guys. Again I dont want you calling me skinny and haphazard thats disrespectful and untrue . we are going to have to agree to disagree.

plates's picture

Is gaining 30lbs and keeping 20 failure? No disrespect just maybe we have a different perspective.

plates's picture

Thank you doctor Ill take that into consideration. When I say dirty bulk I just mean not an obsessive bb diet. I eat good food and a lot of it just not counting caloric intake . I have had great success finishing bulk cycles with var but everyones different I suppose.

ChickenBirdOfGains's picture

I honestly think that's longer then you want to be running Deca for. Deca is very suppressive. I might consider throwing in HCG throughout the cycle, making sure your Leydig cells will not remain in a dormant state for an extended period of time.

I might consider cutting it down to 12 weeks and getting things going quicker with NPP.

What's your diet look like?
Clean or dirty bulk?
What's your TRT dosage?
What're your Testosterone Levels at normally while on TRT?
What's your PCT going to entail?

plates's picture

found a good domestic source and will be ordering hcg today. Thanks for the helpful info .

plates's picture

Dirty bulk. I was thinking the same thing about the deca. I take 1cc of sust every 2 weeks. And hcg is a definite intrest of mine . Im waiting on domestic sources to restock. Ive got customs letters and havent gone overseas since. Thank you very much for your insightful and helpful post. Youve helped me with your perspective and knowledge and I appreciate the time out of your day.

Makwa's picture

Couple of oddities I see. Think you need Deca if it hasn't been 4 yrs since a blast? Do you need a 20wk blast seeing it has been a long time since last cycle? Have you used a 19nor before? Why quitting the Deca 5 wks before sust? Anavar for a bulk? Asin E3D? Have you used prami before? 6'1" is pretty skinny. What kind of diet are you doing now and what do you have planned for your bulk.

plates's picture

Thanks for the reply. Ive used deca 3 times in the past. Its the first 19nor i ever used . Also used tren . Other aas besides 19 nors have been a long run on eq and var as well as nordipens. Ive done a cutmix cycle as well as a tren e cycle . I understand Im abusing the deca Im not pursueing the stage. I ve been on a do the best I can having a family and a career kind of diet. I play basketball and softball as well as golf and havent been focusing on bodybuilding. In the past Ive felt over doing my ai has done more harm than good as far as sides. And the prami Ive only used when my dick starts to suffer. At one time I pursued the stage and did bloods while on cycle and treated eroids like the bible. Right now this is a little sloppy and thank you for being the voice of reason. As far as stopping the deca early and switching to var its just me trying to solidfy my gains and dry out a little while still building quality muscle.

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