Silver_Pro_Test's picture
  • 16

12 weeks Strength and mass


Age: 46
Height: 5 10"
Weight: 212 Lbs

Not gona start this cycle until i'm under 10% body fat.
Many cycles under belt and have tried everything. Been lifting for more than 20 years.

Here;s a brief proposal for the next cycle.
Tren mix (En, hex, ace) 3 ml i.e 450mg/week for a total of 12 weeks.
Anavar: 60mg a day in the last 5 weeks.
Sustanon 750 mg for a total of 12 weeks.
Will be running 500 iu hcg until pct.
AI, Anti prolactin, clomid, nolvadex, hcg all in stock.
Pct with clomid and nolvadex @ 100/100/50/50 and 50/40/20/10 respectively.

PPGfreak's picture

Why not switch the Tren for Deca,NPP or EQ? I love the strength I get from Tren but it's never added any size to me.

Dacky's picture

If your goal is strength and mass then why the Tren? While it's certainly helps with strength increases it's not an optimal compound for building mass in my view. Plenty of ways you could construct a cycle to optimise for both goals. Consider a longer cycle of test/deca or if you can handle EOD pins for 12 weeks (which I guess you can given you are planning on running sust and a Tren blend) then a sust/npp cycle would work very well. As to the oral while anavar is good for strength it's not a mass builder. Something like drol pulsed 2 weeks on/off at 50mg ED split dose through the duration of the cycle may provide you the strength and mass kick you desire.

As to PCT if you're going to run a 19nor then I would suggest extending this to 6 weeks to aid recovery. It's not that easy at our age.

Edit: You have said nothing about your diet once on cycle and training plan. This info would be helpful as would a bit more detail around your cycle history.

Makwa's picture

Something like drol pulsed 2 weeks on/off at 50mg ED split dose through the duration of the cycle may provide you the strength and mass kick you desire.

Much better than var considering the goals.

I am not an expert with tren but I think its real utility lies pretty much in prepping. I wouldn't even bother with it otherwise personally. Sust and drol is a pretty solid cycle. One of the best bulkers I ever did.

Dacky's picture

I've tried it on a bulk and sure I did grow well on it but in terms of how I felt it was not pleasant. I like to be nice and relaxed with a good appetite and able to get plenty of rest when bulking. Tren doesn't allow you to do any of those things and with very high carbs (which you want on a bulk) I find the sides worsen. So yes it will work but if you're not prepping or trying to achieve very low BF while achieving a particular look I see no reason for it.

Makwa's picture

My whole premise is to feel good while cycling. Tren rules that out so it won't be in any of my cycles unless I am prepping for a show.

frankiejo's picture

12 weeks is a long time with tren. If you know tren then ok. I did that. did great, but when I came off wow what a psychological mess I was. But i recoverd from that shit....was a bit tuff really. I do recommend lower the test to 400 mgs untill the end of cycle then raise it to your 750mgs. And as far as PCT goes do your bloods at your age your likely to take forever to recover from a 12 week tren cycle. I'm on trt now cause of tren. well I blame the tren anyway. And the anavar really helped me cut up at the end too. Thumbs up on waiting to cut body fat!

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