posted Tue, 12/03/2024 - 17:17
Retatrutide Peptide side affects
Hi guys started Reta two weeks ago took my first 1 mg shot two fridays ago. and then last Friday took 2 mg
Resting heart rate jumped from 50 to 60
Stomach’s been feeling a little upset
Stools are bad
Sleep has been terrible wake up at 4am can’t go back to sleep.
The burping is terrible
Any idea how long it will take to leave my system I will never touch the stuff again
Anything I can take to flush it out
Also 14 percent body fat didn’t really need it..
Thanks champs.
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Ive commented on another chat about this as well
Im on Retatrutide , habe been almost 4 weeks.
Started low dosing .5 , 2x per week
Now at 1.5mg - 2 x starting Sunday.
(Dec 14th/2024)
Only things over ive noticed :
Hypersensitivity in side legs
Sense of smell increased allloooot
Anyone get abit of acne from this. Made my break out
Yeah took me a little while to make sure it was Reta causing my acne but can confirm chest and back acne is from Reta. Painful as fuck too.
I have gotten up to 4mg but decided to go back down.
For me its the skin sensitivity, almost like numb feeling.
Just take .5mg a week and see how you do. No need to waste it.
In the trails they are doing, there are people taking 6mg and higher.
Wife is taking it right now. Could it cause sensitive nips? Not sure if that maybe fits in what you mean by skin sensitivity.
I would think so. When i looked it up on reddit it was like hypersensitivity or something like that. For me its the sides of my thighs and a little on the hips. Others its there arms or back.
Hers is probably the nipples. For me it hasnt gone away and same for others but for some it does after a while.
I just started 2 weeks ago to give it a try over semi cause Semi did nothign for me except cramps and dragon throat. .
Half life is about a week so you should feel better after a couple days and much better after a week.
I don't like the recommended 1mg starter and jump to 2mg in week 2. I think is bull hockey and read alot of people start lower which I did as well. I started with .5mg and this week did .75mg and haven't had any issues. Chances are I won't raise to 1 mg until week 4. I think many people jump in to fast with peptides and compounds.
So far I Feel a slight curb in appetite which is all I am looking for. I rather fore some protein shakes down then be starving for pumpking pie and ice cream.
Yes so true bro