Scrawny-to-not's picture
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+ 1 Bulking and sulking


Everyone told me to hit the food as hard as possible and I took that to heart. Someone said I wouldn't get anything out of my first cycle because I don't eat enough etc, well, that wasn't true. I was already eating a lot before, but I pushed it higher and more consistently. My food scales been coming everywhere with me plus I put little bits of painters tape on my Tupperware with macros of the contents scribbled on.
I went from 150lbs to 167lbs since Sept. 19th on 250 test.
I'm hitting a wall now, I feel bloated and shitty, I'm tired a lot more, I feel like puking frequently.
Is that just the price of progress and I gotta keep pushing through it to gain some proper mass, or am I just making myself the Michelin man now? Haha.
Here's some average macros, I'd say 1/3 days I get closer to 3800 calories in, but that's pretty dirty food.

Eagles 2013's picture

Way too much fat bro. I shoot for 40/40/20 (Protein, Carb, Fat). If you drop the fat and up the carbs and protein to replace the calories you will look and feel s as lot better.

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Scrawny-to-not's picture

Huh, guess I just never thought about how high the fat in my diet is, it's mostly the beef. I don't go for lean, I love beef so much and it's gotta be marbled haha
I'm going to have to start eating bread and more pasta. If I tried to make myself eat anymore baked potatoes I'd probably off myself, been packing back chicken breast and white potatoes 3 times a day for what feels like a lifetime.

Eagles 2013's picture

I eat spaghetti with 93/7 extra lean ground beef and whole grain noodles at least 3-5x per week. It scratches the itch for red meat, is a great source for low GI carbs and keeps the fat low. Eating all of that fat is going to make you feel sluggish and nasty.

I also like to make chicken alfredo the same way.

You want the majority your body’s energy source coming from glycogen and stored fat (if cutting) as opposed to dietary fat that is either going to be consumed right then and there or stored as body fat.

The closer you get your dietary fat to 15-20% of your macros the better you will feel, my man.

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Bill1976's picture

I love eating spaghetti with meat sauce. I get a huge pump from the pasta

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Eagles 2013's picture

Same here bro. I eat the shit out of that and chicken alfredo. It takes the bland out of the chicken breast routine.

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Eagles 2013's picture

I’m currently on a very clean bulk and cycling 450 mg Tren-E, 600 mg Sust, 600 mg Mast-E with 5ui HGH. My TDEE is ~3,750 and I bring in about 4,500 cals on lifting days and 4,000 on off days.

I use MyFitnessPal to track my macros and have it set to adjust my macro goals based on fitness data pulled from my Apple Watch. On a typical lifting day my macros are around 375 g carbs, 375 g Protein and 80 g fat. Sugars usually come in around 75 g and dietary fiber is around 50 g.

I’m 6’3, 250 lbs, ~15-17% bf and can grow without packing on excessive body fat at those levels.

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Jockstrap's picture

Macros way out. Fats way too high imo.

sandman3698's picture

Protein and fat look a little high.

press1's picture

The way I have always looked at things is to get stronger, if you get stronger then the muscle mass will come in time - you will only ultimately get to the size and weight that your genetics were capable of in the first place with the addition of steroids. Do not get mislead that by guys on here that are 280 to 300lb's, these people did not start their journey at 150 to 160lbs - they were most likely over 200lb's to begin with without any training. You can also get them the other way round where they were a 350lb obese bloke who simply slimmed down to these high bodyweights.

I am sure most of us do this hobby as we enjoy it, don't lose your path and start doing things that make it miserable and a chore for you - its most important to keep it positive and full of enjoyment as thats what will keep your consistency and routine in order which lead to the best gains. If you are having to constantly force feed and feel nauseous most of the day to put on some weight do you really think you are going to stick with it long term? NO. The way I look at it is every meal simply eat until you can't and don't want anymore, if you are eating carbs and protein every single meal then getting carb heavy drinks in between this will more than put weight on you. You have to realise too that if you do hit the bodyweight you are after you are going to have to keep that eating routine up for the rest of time, there is more to life than force feeding yourself every 2 hours just to look a bit bigger.

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bigred250's picture

Words of the wise right here! Also great point on drinking your carbs. At the end of the day your body can’t tell the difference between orange juice and rice. Glycogen is glycogen

DavosD's picture

He said carb heavy not sugar heavy...

Drinking oats and milk + protein will always be better than drinking orange juice.

And your body sure as hell CAN tell the difference. Slamming down the same amount of carbs drinking orange juice vs eating rice is going to have different outcomes. One is going to spike your insulin levels because of fructose and one not as much.

What you do NOT want to do is spike your insulin for no reason with sugary shit like orange juice.

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bigred250's picture

I agree with what you’re saying but if he’s already struggling to eat having a cup of orange juice or a Gatorade every day is a lot easier than drinking a shake full of fiber and protein. Yes no doubt oats & protein are better quality but again it’s the quality of life and not suffering so much as press was saying. That’s what I was trying to say

DavosD's picture

Ahh I get it

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Scrawny-to-not's picture

Wonderfully said sir, thank you.

bigred250's picture

Go to maintenance calories for 2 weeks, get bloods, if everything checks out, up dose to 400-500mg weekly and push those calories back up. You’ll grow into it.

Also, stop eating so much fat. Eat more rice and pasta. Carbs = better performance and id even say “leaner gains”

Scrawny-to-not's picture

Going for bloodwork this Friday Smile
I gravitate towards the high fat naturally, eating beef, butter, whole eggs. I'll have a crack at having more hashbrowns, toast etc to pump those carbs, maybe drop the beef down a bit.

bigred250's picture

Yeah man! I prioritize carbs pre & post workout and I think that’s the most optimal time to focus on them. Eat whatever you want the other 2-3 meals of the day!

press1's picture

Absolutely, carbs are so important for building muscle. You can eat all the protein you want but if you are catabolic due to low blood sugar then the body is going to break down your muscle and feed on it.

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FartDracula's picture

If your glucose is looking good smoke some weed and take like 12.5mg mk-677. That shit makes me desperately hungry and I had a LOT of trouble eating. The hunger effects kind of waned a little bit after taking it for a while but by then I was used to eating more. Also get yourself a half gallon of whole milk to drink throughout the day, that's about 1200 calories and 60-70gs of protein right there. Also don't dirty bulk, just don't.

Scrawny-to-not's picture

While that is all excellent advice that I hope someone sees and gets help from, I'm allergic to weed, mk677 made my prolactin (or something) go wild and drinking milk makes me shit myself hahahaha
I wouldn't say by any means I'm dirty bulking, I eat mostly chicken breast, beef, cheese, whole eggs, yogurt, whey, fruits and veggies. Just to get in those extra calories I've been having dessert, and eating out a bit more.

smurfdude1234567's picture

For the prolactin you can take vitamin b6 & d to slightly help. If you decide to run anything that may increase it again get some caber and keep it on hand.

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FartDracula's picture

Get some cheap mass gainer (I like Mutant, not cause of Rich Piana shilled for them or whatever it just doesn't have an obnoxious amount of sugar). Half serving of that plus a scoop of some whey powder after every meal and as long as it doesn't keep you up all night once before bed. Bulking sucks so fucking much. Mk shouldn't affect prolactin all that much but if it made you feel like shit then that's nothing to ignore I suppose.

smurfdude1234567's picture

Eat Big. Get Big.

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FartDracula's picture

I genuinely love that all of his videos that have to do with bulking advice is just him yelling at the camera going "EAT MORE FOOD!!! JUST DO IT PUSSY!!! FUCKING BITCH!!! EAT THE FOOD YOU BITCH!!!"

smurfdude1234567's picture

Lmfao!!! I actually really enjoyed the dude and his content. He was one of the few mostly open about his use. Obviously battled addiction on top of other things, and I’m not arguging for anything he did while alive… but he was fucking comedic gold!

He really did know what he was talking about on some things though. Cant beat thermodynamics and he was honest about stuff tasting bad/choking it down lol. His early career was pretty impressive compared to where most of us will get to for sure.

Definitely sad to see young dudes go too crazy and end up dead though. I was just talking to my buddy about Boston Lloyd and Zyzz a couple days ago @DeeMan.

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DeeMan's picture

Yep. I see ya boy up top. Yeah man consequences are to be paid eventually. For some it's sooner than later. We sign up for this but damn!

FartDracula's picture

He went out of his way to let everyone know that just because a company hired him to sell a product does not mean he actually personally endorses it which is something you very rarely see now (no one wants to lose their sponsor). He had a LOT of problems in his personal life as well beyond addiction

smurfdude1234567's picture

Hahaha yeah I remember that call. Isn’t that the one where he sells some orals to a dude mid meltdown LOL?

“YOU DISGUSTING UGLY WHOREeee!!!!, oh sorry dude here’s your tbol $280? Alright, cool bye- FUCKING CUNT BITCHHHHHH!!!”

Something alone those lines LOLOL

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FartDracula's picture

That's the one, the thing that get me with this is the fake woman tears. The circumstances may be wildly different, but who hasn't been put through some bullshit like this with an awful girlfriend?

smurfdude1234567's picture

100000%! My ex threw away thousands of clothes, jewelry, electronics, etc. while I was away.

After she had ransacked my apartment she sent me a video of her throwing my 3 month old puppy out of her car window while she was driving. I was out of state and my mother had to drive over an hour and thank the lord found my Bella sitting at my apartment door. Somehow by the grace of God she had no major injuries and came back to my door. I had never felt such visceral rage and hate than like I did watching that video.

I was going through addiction treatment over 500 miles away and already had so much on my plate I didn’t even press charges. Just moved away and never spoke again… that turned out to be the best decision of my life! Well over a year completely sober, own a house, steady employment, and am on great terms with family & friends.

Be extra careful who you choose to start a life with… she had BPD but NEVER had an outburst anything close to that. After 6/7 years together I thought I knew the chick. I was wrong. I’ve been on the bachelor fuck & don’t get too attached lifestyle for a while now and don’t really have an urge to get cuffed up either haha.

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Black90tsi's picture

They'd have never found her body after the video of the puppy going out the window. You don't fuck with my pets. I'll choose them over you every single time.

Congrats on the sobriety though! I haven't had a drink in over a decade and been off everything else for 5 years or so now. It's amazing how getting clean can really turn everything in your life around.

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FartDracula's picture

Oh my fucking god, who the hell does that to a puppy? It's a curse on yourself to wish ill upon others but man...I don't want her to be happy. I'm glad you're staying clean now though, I know that shit's rough (coming up on 2 years myself). I'm holding out for a girl that's genuinely kind, best metric for that- is she kind to 1.animals,, 3.the mentally ill/handicapped. I might be waiting for a while heh.

smurfdude1234567's picture

I was shellshocked for a long time! It’s crazy what some people will do over a toxic relationship ending. Can think you know someone so well and then one day you just… don’t.

I am far from perfect in life, but I can say I have mostly stayed true to my morales and kept my dignity throughout everything. I am very thankful for that.

Hahaha yeah in todays day and age it’s tough looking for anything much more than a pretty face and a good lay LOL!

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