posted Wed, 09/25/2024 - 10:18
Test Cypionate by Driada Medical

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Fais ce que elle dois faire
- énergie
- force
- libido
Très bien
Zero effets secondaire
Testoterone cypionate bien doser ( prise de sang a lappuie ) , sans douleur post injection
Je recommande cette testoterone comme basse de testosterone ou en TRT .
Résultat prise de sang avec 500 mg de testosterone cypionate par semaine
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Good increase in strength, a little bit of acne, great for a base of the cycle.
Credibility approved
A little bit Acne, but that was from high estradiol, don't think it was from the oil itself
Smooth oil and no pain shots, that a BIG plus. From 250mg test taken on the second day: Testosterone 20.9 ng/mL
Need to be as a base for a cycle, do recommend.
Excellent, with a noticeable increase in strength and muscle mass after the first weeks of use.
I have no side effects, very little acne and the injection has never caused me pain.
The second week, I noticed my strength and energy had picked up significantly which really pushed me through the rest of exam season. Muscle mass gain has been decent and steady, particularly in weeks 4-8 I have also found that I am not so fatigued and seem to be able to push a little harder during my sessions.
As far as side effects, I have noticed slight water retention but it is nothing that cannot be controlled with a good diet and adequate hydration I also have more strength in my libido.
100% recommended
No effect what so ever
Not creditable
No side effects what so ever , due to the fact that it lack testerone in the first place
I truly don't recommend it , more than a month of use and no effect what so ever ? Patch number 861247
I bought 3 vials, and I see no effect what so ever , the delivery was easy smooth , anyway I do not recommend then I saw no effect
Recommended for medium-long cycles, it has its effect
Yes, credible
Products I have already purchased previously, I have always found their quality to be excellent without ever having had pain during the injections.
I currently use 300 mg of testo with 200 of tren (always from Driada) every 5 days and I feel very good.
Recommended !