Test Cypionate by Driada Medical

category count / average
Effectiveness 10 2 Credibility 10 2 Side Effects / Pip 10 2 Overall 10 2
Sables04's picture
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet

Fais ce que elle dois faire
- énergie
- force
- libido

Product Credibility
No votes yet

Très bien

Side effects and PIP
No votes yet

Zero effets secondaire

Final Verdict
No votes yet

Testoterone cypionate bien doser ( prise de sang a lappuie ) , sans douleur post injection

Je recommande cette testoterone comme basse de testosterone ou en TRT .

Additional comments

Résultat prise de sang avec 500 mg de testosterone cypionate par semaine

I recommend this product!
Teamescobar's picture
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ronik12's picture
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet

Good increase in strength, a little bit of acne, great for a base of the cycle.

Product Credibility
No votes yet

Credibility approved

Side effects and PIP
No votes yet

A little bit Acne, but that was from high estradiol, don't think it was from the oil itself

Final Verdict
No votes yet

Smooth oil and no pain shots, that a BIG plus. From 250mg test taken on the second day: Testosterone 20.9 ng/mL

Additional comments

Need to be as a base for a cycle, do recommend.

I recommend this product!
SkyDreamer21's picture
Product Effectiveness
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Excellent, with a noticeable increase in strength and muscle mass after the first weeks of use.

Product Credibility
Average: 10 (1 vote)


Side effects and PIP
Average: 10 (1 vote)

I have no side effects, very little acne and the injection has never caused me pain.

Final Verdict
Average: 10 (1 vote)

The second week, I noticed my strength and energy had picked up significantly which really pushed me through the rest of exam season. Muscle mass gain has been decent and steady, particularly in weeks 4-8 I have also found that I am not so fatigued and seem to be able to push a little harder during my sessions.

As far as side effects, I have noticed slight water retention but it is nothing that cannot be controlled with a good diet and adequate hydration I also have more strength in my libido.

Additional comments

100% recommended

I recommend this product!
edited 10/24/2024 - 13:26
Willo's picture
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet

No effect what so ever

Product Credibility
No votes yet

Not creditable

Side effects and PIP
No votes yet

No side effects what so ever , due to the fact that it lack testerone in the first place

Final Verdict
No votes yet

I truly don't recommend it , more than a month of use and no effect what so ever ? Patch number 861247
I bought 3 vials, and I see no effect what so ever , the delivery was easy smooth , anyway I do not recommend then I saw no effect

I do not recommend this product!
  • [SRC] Driada Medical » Hello sir, First of all, I'd like to point out that side effects are not necessarily an indicator of product quality. If you are dissatisfied with our product for any reason, we have customer support where we can help you find a more suitable alternative. We would be happy to assist you in this case. Regarding the concentration of the substance, we take extreme care in ensuring the quality of our products. Firstly, testing the raw materials before producing the finish product is an essential part of our manufacturing process. This guarantees that every vial and tablet contains the correct amount of active ingredient. Secondly, no other company actively supports blind testing among its customers as much as we do. We receive numerous tests every month, which you can view both on our website and in our Telegram community. As for the specific batch number you mentioned, the test results are available on our website on the Cypilos page (259.41mg/ml).
Maxell334's picture
Product Effectiveness
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Recommended for medium-long cycles, it has its effect

Product Credibility
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Yes, credible

Side effects and PIP
Average: 10 (1 vote)


Final Verdict
Average: 10 (1 vote)

Products I have already purchased previously, I have always found their quality to be excellent without ever having had pain during the injections.
I currently use 300 mg of testo with 200 of tren (always from Driada) every 5 days and I feel very good.

Additional comments

Recommended !

I recommend this product!
edited 09/25/2024 - 10:29
Products needing reviews