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+ 10 Blood results - Cruise dose - Titans test e + K4L HGH - Write-up inside


Here is my total blood test result for October 2024.

First thing I'll say is that I am glad everything I really care about in terms of health is in range! Nice. This always makes me feel much more prepared to go into a cycle, which I have planned for December 1.

Next, the hormones. Since the end of July, I have been cruising on 150mg/wk of Test E from Titans, probably my favorite source on here. I started using Titans this summer, and they have always been consistent on shipping times and quality. Not always the cheapest source for some things, but always gives me peace of mind knowing that I am getting what I pay for regardless. I did experiment towards the end of my cruise with supplementing 100mg/wk of Masteron E as well. Do not waste your time explaining to me that this isn't a cruise, I already know. I cut the Mast out within 8 weeks, because it seemed useless at that dose and since I was in a caloric deficit for most of this time it was just used as a quality of life compound... I did experience a moderate boost in mood and libido, but got worried that I was going to do a disservice to my lipids so I stopped about 1.5-2 weeks before this blood draw. I am happy to see that my lipid panel looks fine right now.

150mg/wk of Test E puts me at just over 1k total test which is obviously high, but not too high IMO despite what some may say. This is a dose that I found worked for me in the past, so this was higher than expected. I am interested in seeing the estradiol when it comes in. Otherwise, assuming I stay on Titans test for my next cruise, I will probably lower to 100mg/wk for peace of mind.

The more interesting thing on this panel is the IGF-1 and Insulin results. IGF-1 is at the top end of normal, and total Insulin came back low. I have been thinking on this and have the following rationale... but would love input from you guys (may repost this in the K4L source talk?): on cruise, I take 3IU of HGH before bed. I do my blood draws in the morning, usually around 9am, fasted. Before this blood draw, I did make the mistake of going out drinking at a football game the day before -- heavier than usual. I am also on tirzepatide, 5mg/wk, to aid in my deficit, which was taken the day before my test.

Alcohol can suppress IGF-1, tirzepatide has insulin-sensitizing effects, I was fasted, and the test was ~12 hours from my HGH pin. All of that considered, IGF-1 is still elevated with low insulin (good thing). There is some chatter on this site about if K4L HGH is properly dosed, and IMO it 100% is. Considering all of the above factors, I believe this is an expected reading for someone taking 3-3.5IU/night of real HGH. However, I am open to other peoples' interpretations!

Stay blessed <3

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triptychs's picture

Update: estradiol came back at 46.2 pg/mL, just above the top end of normal (35). Expected at measured test levels.

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MEXVOL's picture

Thanks for posted bloods

Drexyl's picture

Thanks for posting this, Yoked is without a doubt solid.

IronBug's picture

Bloods look good man. You make a good point on the GLP1 and insulin sensitivity. I have heard that before, but it is nice to see it on bloodwork!
Thank you for posting this bro!

Jockstrap's picture

Good to see!

FlemDaddyKush's picture

i am glad that you stuck to your normal hgh iu amount because alot of sources will tell the person to blast alot of iu the night before the test and that is stupid and dors not give an accurate reading for the hgh. thats the same as taking 150mg test c weekly and the night before the blood draw/hours before the draw the soirce tells you to blast a few cc of test no ester. your not gonna get a accurate reading by doing this. any source that tells you to take a bunch of hgh before the blood draw is scared they got garbage hgh

SeeOhShow's picture

Yoked is my go-to for candy….i mean orals. No wait, fuck it, it’s candy.

smurfdude1234567's picture

Absolutely love his Test E! Flows like water even in 30g and never has PIP.

Thanks for posting bloods brother!!

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