Drexyl's picture
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+ 5 Thank you Teamroids


I was lucky enough to be chosen for this generous promo of six, that’s right six, vials of test c. I can’t thank you enough. Review and pics coming when it’s time.

Ordered from: 
Jockstrap's picture

Nice score!!! Gonna make a stack or keep it simple?

press1's picture

Is that 2032 EXP Date?!! LMAO

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Drexyl's picture

Must be the latest batch. All jokes aside, ParaPharma is great, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s closer to 300mgml, I’ll be finding out very soon.

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press1's picture

It won't be heavily overdosed if its Cypionate mate as it doesn't hold nearly as well as Enanthate does, think Cyps limit is literally about 250mg/ml, thats why you normally see it sat at 200mg/ml where as Enanth seems to be able to handle north of 500mg/ml well.

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