posted Wed, 07/10/2024 - 17:53
HGH by Sciroxx

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Very potent GH. I've used several different brands including pharma grade and this was the strongest one at the same 5 i.u. dose
575ng/dl IGF1
Probably a little over dosed with the batch I got
I had more CTS than with any other GH I've used. Held a bit of water.
Great product, worked how it should.
My bloods posted below this was @ 5.i.u. daily. This is a great product and Sciroxx is a great company. Been doing biz with him since 2017. He's a man of his word
Novotrop is an excellent brand of HGH, very effective and fairly priced. It’s helped to harden my muscles for a cut look as well as get at that smaller layer of fat around the stomach.
The product is the real deal. I’ve come to trust Sciroxx for their reliability and credibility with this GH and other products I’ve bought from them through the years.
Side effects with higher dosage (for me) are carpal tunnel like symptoms in one hand. No PIP.
I’ve been using Novotrop for 17 weeks now and it’s really working. My muscles are looking sharper and more defined and it’s carved off some of the fat around my stomach. Abs are cut too, another sign of good HGH. Yesterday I got two compliments at the gym which is always nice, since I’m 66 and hanging in there. 4-5 IUs in daily divided doses is the sweet spot for me. More than that and I get sides of carpel tunnel in one hand. Recommend highly.
Sciroxx has good prices for good products, especially when they offer sales, which they do a lot. It’s a solid reliable source.