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INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT WILL BE DELETED. Colorful language is fine, but there is no need for harassment, threats, hate speech or displays of bigotry.
You will be recommending (or not) this product to other users by explaining in detail your impressions, experience, effects, and results.
TEXT DISCLOSING PERSONAL INFO WILL BE DELETED. Do not post personal information, payment methods used, emails, tracking numbers and similar content.
If you would like to simply discuss this product, TrenaForm Acetate has a dedicated discussion section for questions and answers.
Flash Jordan
09/04/2024 - 01:09
Product Effectiveness
No votes yet
Quick effects were realized, within just a few days.
10 out of 10
Product Credibility
No votes yet
Accurately dosed and full 10ml in btl.
Highly recommend.
Side effects and PIP
No votes yet
Everyone’s different. As for me,, zero pip, zero cough, no swelling or pain of any kind during or after injection.
Final Verdict
No votes yet
Trenaform was smoothest I’ve used in my 12 years of experience with tren a. Extremely potent as advertised. Aggression, strength, recovery, nothing less than amazing.
Super effective. This product will change for physique amazingly.
Product Credibility
Average: 10(1 vote)
Not much more to say except this product is the real deal.
Side effects and PIP
Average: 10(1 vote)
I got some acne but it was nothing a little accutane couldn’t take care of.
Final Verdict
Average: 10(1 vote)
This product is super powerful. The oil is light in color meaning that it was brewed properly and it’s extremely potent. In 12 weeks I gained 8lbs and dropped a ton of body fat. Sciroxx tren is now my go to. Anything under 300mg a week does not give me side effects except acne. I definitely recommend this product for experienced users.
First time users are strongly discouraged from writing a review for this product!
Colorful language is fine, but there is no need for harassment, threats, hate speech or displays of bigotry.
You will be recommending (or not) this product to other users by explaining in detail your impressions, experience, effects, and results.
Do not post personal information, payment methods used, emails, tracking numbers and similar content.
If you would like to simply discuss this product, TrenaForm Acetate has a dedicated discussion section for questions and answers.
Quick effects were realized, within just a few days.
10 out of 10
Accurately dosed and full 10ml in btl.
Highly recommend.
Everyone’s different. As for me,, zero pip, zero cough, no swelling or pain of any kind during or after injection.
Trenaform was smoothest I’ve used in my 12 years of experience with tren a. Extremely potent as advertised. Aggression, strength, recovery, nothing less than amazing.
Super effective. This product will change for physique amazingly.
Not much more to say except this product is the real deal.
I got some acne but it was nothing a little accutane couldn’t take care of.
This product is super powerful. The oil is light in color meaning that it was brewed properly and it’s extremely potent. In 12 weeks I gained 8lbs and dropped a ton of body fat. Sciroxx tren is now my go to. Anything under 300mg a week does not give me side effects except acne. I definitely recommend this product for experienced users.
Definitely give this product a try.