maximusuk's picture
  • 66

+ 5 Pro supps promo landed next day


This is my promo order from pro supps

Next day delivery ,I love hemi pharma especially with them being backed up with lab results , I bought hemi from pro supps before and to get this in a promo makes me happy man

Thank you pro supps for the promo and the next day delivery

Ordered from: 
press1's picture

Hope you are keeping well buddy and have got some of those injuries heeled up.

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maximusuk's picture

I'm not bad but have had that cough since January ,it keeps coming and going and then you get different symptoms, honestly you would take tren cough over it everyday of the week , but hoping to have a good little run now without injury or choking to death from this cough lol ,how's everything with you

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Waltdisneysbum's picture

Looks really good, hopefully trying the HEMI stuff myself soon. Goodluck!

Jameshobbis's picture

I'm currently running this from Pro supps switched over from rohm! You are going to be very happy my guy. Very smooth no pip what so ever hemi are a very good lab and you have got it from a very good source!!

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PRO SUPPS's picture

Thank you for the picture Smile