selfster19's picture
  • 461

+ 19 Its been a hot minute


It has been quite the while,…but selfster still here.. still tickin
Sittin at about 245 lbs 5’8…then ill drop to about 230 during the summer days

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growthman's picture

Great gym setup homie, looks like you’ve been putting it to good use. Keep up the good work.

Root54's picture

Great mass! looking swole and good vascularity coming along

dextetherdog's picture

Looking huge big man, well done.

Glitch's picture

I remember your pics from way back. Youve definitely been putting work in man. +1 one critique man..... get rid of the 2008 model phone lol... much better quality pics with newer models

selfster19's picture

Lol man this little piece of crap iPhone I use as my secondary device for media, etc…I have an iPad Pro for my main usage. It was jus too difficult to prop up this huge ipad for the selfie lol thanks brother

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Ccacc's picture

Looking swole buddy

Makwa's picture

Looking great. Thick and solid.

selfster19's picture

Hey thanks, Appreciate u mak

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Korn_Bread57's picture

I sent you a friend request I was hoping you could give me some advice if you have the time! Thanks!

selfster19's picture

No doubt bro

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Jonwiggs8's picture

Looking very anabolic these days. Traps are especially poppin'. Keep kicking ass and getting SWOLE!!!!

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selfster19's picture

Ma man!

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23Sparta's picture

Yoked up

selfster19's picture

Thanks bro. Likewise

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Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

Man looking thick AF. And yeah, great garage stuff to be seen there!

selfster19's picture

Thanks brotha appreciate u

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press1's picture

Damn its been a while since I've seen you on here bud!!!

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selfster19's picture

Lol no joke man, since like before the whole covid thing was last time I was active. good to see u still buzzin bro!

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steroidmen's picture


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Bill1976's picture

Nice home gym

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JakeKO's picture


selfster19's picture

Ma man

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Mac12769's picture

Lookin like a beast still Ok

Christophany's picture

Looking swole, dude! Righteous!

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Ag4936cali's picture

Pimpin home gym. Swole AF

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