aporders's picture
aporders 127


category count / average (6 months)
Overall 100% 2 Quality 100% 2 Delivery 100% 2 Service 100% 2 Pricing 100% 2
  • 11chuck88 » Interesting that this gets brought up. I Cruz on 180-200 migs a week with test C but I’ve had to bump up to .65ml 2x week to feel like I would on other sources at 200. I guess I’m not the only one.
  • Trenjamin Button » Ap just messaged me saying labs will be updated soon. But Ik he’s been saying that for some time now on mostly all products so we’ll see --‍♂️
  • KillswitchEngage » I think the labs will be on a new batch if they come through. They probably omitted posting labs sooner because these batches in question were brewed weak. It would have to be major user error with dosing to get the abysmal bloods that have been posted and stated.
  • Trenjamin Button » Yeah you’re right at this point it’s a little late to call. You’re right, Omitted & weak is the best description for this scenario
  • Trenjamin Button » That sucks dick. I took in a haul of their test c for the promotion… and now I have to go get bloodwork twice to see what’s up…
  • KillswitchEngage » What's your symptoms? How are you feeling bro?
  • Trenjamin Button » Shit I’m all good tbh Just finished up the last of the test E I got awhile back and cracked open the first of 6 bottles of test C I got from the promotion. So I figured I’d see go head n see where I’m at now after finishing up the E and test again in 6 weeks if the Cyp has changed anything at all. 600mg wk
  • Yhzl » Ngl I think last batch was underdosed results aren’t being posted I’m on week 8-9 of a 400mg week of the test e and gains are weakk would hold off for now
  • rossm81 » I came here because I felt their test C was shit. I’ve been on 600mg and 400mg mast and feel pretty ass tbh.
  • Trenjamin Button » Drop the mast down to 200 see how that feels. Could just be the mast fucking with your free e2
Bbsdad's picture
+ 3
My overall experience

I’ve tried several different vendors on this board and I find myself consistently going back to AP. This company is the first that I’ve reviewed in my 2 years of TRT.

One of the first things I noticed was that these guys have
invested money into their operation. The products they offer are pharma grade and they don’t cut corners on their packaging.

Products, effectiveness and results

Quality is consistent and the gear is pharma grade. The vials are sterile and resealable. I don’t like vials that have tops that won’t go back on the vial. A lot of vendors supply these cheap vials but AP has the real deal.

Customer service

THIS IS WHAT SETS AP APART FROM THE OTHER GUYS. Their customer service is as good as it gets. They will go out of their way to help and they understand the concept of how to operate a successful business with return customers.

An example of this is a recent experience I had with AP. I’ve been ordering from them for almost two years but I recently had to create a new account because I forgot my credentials. Anyways, I’m going through a rough time financially and I only had less than one vial of test-c.
I noticed that the color was lighter and there was little to no resistance on the plunger when administering my test-c dose.
This led me to believe that my gear had been tampered with (likely by my spouse, as we were in a bad spot in our relationship).
I reached out to AP asking if there was any way someone could dilute my test without it separating from the oil. They informed me that there was really no way to tell but to stop using the vial immediately.
They then offered to send me a free replacement vial for peace of mind.
Not many vendors would do such a thing and they don’t understand that the small loss AP took to replace my gear will pay off many times over in the future. AP gained a lifetime customer and many new customers as I’ve referred several people to them and will continue to do so.

Shipping and Delivery

Delivery is the fastest of any vendor out there. There is no limited “drop off days” where they only drop packages twice a week or so like other vendors. They almost always ship the very next day.
My first UGL purchase from a different vendor took almost 3 weeks which was disappointing. I decided to give AP a try my next purchase and I couldn’t believe it was in my mail box two days later.
If you are in a hurry and need gear fast AP is your best option. If you’re on pharma TRT and go out of town and forget your gear or if you lapse your script due to blood work, etc, AP will get you your order quickly and discreetly.
They package with care and gear always arrives safe.

Price to performance
Additional comments

AP is my go to vendor and if you’re in need of something quick at a great price this is the company to go to.

I recommend shopping here!
  • TurboNitroLazer » What is your TRT dose and test level from that dose on AP's testosterone?
  • Bbsdad » I do 150mg split into two doses a week. Last laps showed testosterone level around 700
  • TurboNitroLazer » Nice, thanks for the reply.
GoldenAgeHunter's picture
+ 6
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This has been long over due. I have two sets of labs.
One during my cycle of primo/test c/tren e/ and var. and my last set of labs during my recovery period.
My cycle.
I ran primo 800mg a week.
Test C 500mg a week.
Tren E 250mg a week.
Anavar 50mg ED.
This cycle lasted 12 weeks.
Goal for this cycle was to cut down and build up lean muscle mass.
Starting weight 198 height 5’7.
Ending weight 185.
The first couple weeks were what you would usually expect. But around week 4-5 I started feeling the effects of tren E, I had horrible sleep in the beginning, night sweats and I would wake up all throughout the night,and terrible acid reflux so I took omeprazole ED. Non of those sides of Tren really bothered me, my sex drive was through the roof and I wanted to have sex constantly, it was pretty awesome.
My strength went up drastically, before I could push 315 twice or three times, but around week 6 I was repping 325 like nothing. I focused heavily on enough weight to struggle but where I could do reps of 10-12.
Since I was doing so many injections a week I would rotate between delts and glutes.

I noticed that when I would inject in my glutes if I didn’t bury the syringe I would get a uncomfortable lump on my ass cheek. I only experienced PIP if I injected too quickly. Throughout my cycle I never experienced any sensation on my nipples until my cycle was over and I had to use an AI I had for about 2 weeks which dose was .25mg three days a week. I figured that was due to not running primo any longer. I didn’t use a PCT I just stuck to a TRT dose and I had no issues afterwards. A super smooth cycle. And I’m excited to run my next one!

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

More than happy with AP orders, they will continue to be my go to source for my future cycles.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Excellent communication with AP orders! I have not had any issues with my orders!

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Excellent shipping! Very secure and discreet! Very fast turnaround 3-5 days!

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
  • KillswitchEngage » My total T is higher on TRT @ 125mg/wk than you blasting your face off. No wonder aporders pumped the breaks on posting test results on those 2023 lots. You're blood work is abysmal for the amount of gear that you're pinning.
  • TurboNitroLazer » Is this blood work on or off cycle?
  • GoldenAgeHunter » On cycle, I couldn’t figure out how to post two images. Off cycle I was at 674.
  • [PRO] Makwa » 500mg of test and only 1300. That should have raised a red flag.
  • TurboNitroLazer » Thanks for the clarification, I think your total test level on cycle is pretty low considering you were running a good dose of compounds. I would have expected it to be in the 3-4000 range. When did you have the on cycle blood work done? Starting, midpoint or the end of the cycle? If this was my lab report I would immediately think a lot of the compounds are largely under dosed or theres nothing in them at all. The 500mg of test alone would put someone in the 1800-2000 range easily. Any other amplifying data you can provide would help out?
  • Trenjamin Button » That’s actually fucked
Damage205's picture
+ 2
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I have several orders thru AP, all orders are have been to me within 4 days from ordered placed. All is shrinked wrapped, packed tight, nothing has ever been damaged. Customer service is great when you have a question, but for the most part it has been only 2 steps, Order and sit back and wait !

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Clenbuterol, Sustanon, Letrozole and Superdrol

Clen worked great week one was 40 mcg, week 2 was 60mcg, week 3 off, week week 4 was 80 ( 2 on 1 off ) peek dosage was 80. End total was 2% off in BF and 8 lbs.

Sustanon was very smooth with no PIP. Ran 2 ml a week, 1 ml on monday and 1 ml Thursday. Libido went thru the roof and felt fantastic with a significant boost in overall strength, while keeping waist line intact

Superdrol was the bomb. Ran 20mg pre workout on my 5 day split. Pumps were so good it hurt ! Best Sd ive ever ran

Letrozole was as advertised, never had itching nips or onset of anything gyno related. It helped keep any bloat to a minimum if any at all. Only ran 1 pill at bedtime mondays and Thursdays

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ordering was very easy. Customer service was great but never really needed it because the process was well setup , follow instructions and wait ! However, i did have one question and it was answered within 2 hours

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Packaging was tight and bubble wrapped, T/A was 4 days

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Big Ticket's picture
+ 5
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Professionally ran source from start to finish. Ordering is a piece of cake. They email you with updates within minutes of your order and payment. Tracking number sent when package is sent.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

I've ordered several item from AP, all have been legit:
Test E, C and Sustanon
Winstrol Injectable and orals
Primobolan Inj
Liquid Clen & T3

I've maintained all my gains and my bloods have all been steady.
Side note: The items look professional, clean packed, no floaties in the liquids, looks like something you would pick up at CVS

Customer service
Average: 4 (1 vote)

I've ordered on several occasions with very little issue. I had one order for HGH that they didn't send send me the amount I ordered, I emailed them and told them and they immediately responded, apologized and sent out the remaining part of my order that wasn't packed.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Packaging is discreet and everything arrives within a week usually around 5 days tops.

Price to performance
Additional comments

This is a well run UGL, never any hiccups, and if there are the fix things quickly.
This review is over due, these guys are on point.

I recommend shopping here!
  • Chad P » Shrink wrap still on chief
Fleetwood's picture
+ 5
My overall experience

Great overall experience, order, and cycle. Clean products. No PIP experienced with the tren or test E. Clomid seems to be very legit too.

Products, effectiveness and results

Tren, test E, and clomid we’re all legit. No PIP.

Customer service

Great communication and updating throughout the order process

Shipping and Delivery

Everything was shipped securely and wrapped safely

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
Glockman123's picture
+ 3
Review does not meet our quality standards.
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+ 4
My overall experience

Excellent Source.
No one else hits the price point and quality like AP Orders.
Every single thing I've ordered has been perfect.

I've ordered 7 times.

Testosterone Cypionate,
Dianabol 50
Anavar 20,
All gear was EXCELLENT qaulity, no PIP.
All Lab Test results checked out.
The shipping has never been more than 2 days and I'm in New Jersey.
Highly recommend the Testosterone Cypionate. The only test where I have had zero PIP.
Boldenone was amazing. Put 10 pounds on me very quickly and improved my 40 yard dash and vertical jump signifigantly. Real deal stuff I would recommend to any elite athlete.
His customer service is perfect. I've sent him several annoying emails and he always replies swiflty and graciously.
Beatifully wrapped, no jiggling, tight, discrete box.
I basically stopped looking at other sources, this guy ticks all my boxes.
Very polite and quick responses.

Products, effectiveness and results

Testosterone Cypionate - Best Test for the price. No PIP. Smooth. All lab tests check.
1-Testosterone- Friggin incredible if you're looking to get explosive. Slight PIP.
Boldenone/Equipoise- Outstanding. Literally put 10 pounds on me in a month and took .25 seconds off my 40 yard dash.
Dianabol- Great cycle starter. Excellent price and quality.
Anavar- Perfect
Winny- Perfect
Cialis- As advertised
Arimidex-Dropped my estrogen overnight

Customer service

Japanese-level customer service.
I have annoyed him with several emails, he is always exceedingly polite and quick on the response.
You will always get your question answered within minutes and the package is out the door in a couple hours and you have your tracking number.
I've never waited more than 2 days, and I live in New Jersey.

Shipping and Delivery

Delivery on time, fast. 2 days max (New Jersey)
Package is super tight and discreet, no jiggling;
Wrapped beautifully like a Christmas present.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Excellent Source.
No one else hits the price point and quality like AP-Orders.
Every single thing I've ordered has been PERFECT.
I've ordered 8 times so far.

All gear was EXCELLENT qaulity, no PIP. I've had no side effects or any issues.

All Lab Test results checked out. I checked them ALL.

His customer service is perfect. I've sent him several annoying emails and he always replies swiflty and graciously.
I basically stopped looking at other sources, this is my guy and he ticks all the boxes.

Perfect quality and VERY HONEST AND REASONABLE pricing.
I always feel like i got a lot of excellent gear for my money.
Very polite and quick responses, within minutes or an hour.
A pleasure to buy from and do business with.

I recommend shopping here!
  • JakeKO » Cmon, Bro! Why would you tell anyone where you live? Not a wise move unless you’re careless or a cop. Most Jersey guys are smarter than this, so thank you for your service officer
  • simonmagus84 » Remove the information where you announce the literal state you live in. Be smart and cautious.
  • JakeKO » Yeah, this shit don’t smell right