posted Mon, 06/26/2017 - 15:02
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count / average (6 months)
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Overall TeamRoids delivered exactly what was promised. Good product with great communication and fast delivery.
Primo: 600mg per week dose. I used the product for 16weeks. First time user of Primo so I didn’t really know what to expect.
Weight Size: Weight stayed consistent with no real weight gain but had noticeable change in muscle tone. If had to compare the look I’d say like I was on 200mg Tren per week nothing super crazy.
Strength: No real noticeable change maybe a few extra reps but not PR’s or anything during entire cycle.
PIP: Smooth even injecting Eod never knotted up or got red which was a plus. Did combine with Test in pin.
Over All: Again I have never used the product before but I did expect more from it at the cost of Primo. To be fair to product I probable should have ran it 800mg to see if they would be any noticeable difference with additional 200mg per week but I stayed the course at 600. At least I can say I tried it and know how my body reacts to it. May attempt another run next year and see if the results are different with higher dose.
A1 customer service and communication. Order process was simple and easy.
Product arrived when they said it would and was packaged well with no breakage.
I do Recommend shopping here trusted source. Made addition order for separate product and it was good to go also. No issues
Smooth transaction, took up the UK dom offer and got some test cyp. Vials arrived crashed but easy to rectify with a little heat, they have stayed in suspension too
As always with Parapharma, quality is up there with the best. Oil is smooth and clean. Ran at 200mg as a cruise dose until i started my cycle. Felt great on this cruise, libido, strength etc we're all on top form
Could've been packaged a little more with bubblewrap or something but items arrived in good condition despite being crashed
testosteron propionat and trenbolone acetat from Para Pharma.
i order many times from other source and other brand put this para pharma is another level.
test propionat 100mg eod
tren ace 100mg eod for 10 weeks.
after 2 weeks i feelt the result from the 2 compount, more power and no tireness.
after 4 weeks i body was changing day for day. my venes was coming out where there newer before was coming.
my bloodpressure was on the all cycle very normal 130/85.
night sweet and horror dreams, put this was normal for the trenbolon.
in the 10 weeks i make 12 kg but my diet was not 100%
very friendly and helped for any questions.
package was very discret and it was in 6 days on my door.
it was not my last time that i bought here.
RealizeRealLiesTeamRoids always makes it super easy and the products they offer are always top notch too. I recieved Parapharma products and everything arrived as expected.
I recieved Parapharma Masteron 200mg x4 thanksto TR. I ran 1.5 ml Monday and Thursday equalling 600mg a week alongside 400mg Test C by Parapharma. I started the Cycle at 205 rather lean already and am ending at a dry 211. The main difference I've noticed in my physique though is vascularity throughout my abdominals and quads regularly throughout the day. Increased libido as well as increased strength while training. I lowered my A.I dose gradually to find a sweet spot once the Masteron was fully in my system around week 5 after experiencing some Low E symptoms.
Clear, responsive, respectful.
Ordering process is made extremely simple.
Arrived as expected roughly a month and a half turn around.
masteron e
im not as lean as i am i used it to try it and get harder and stronger.
overall it did increase my streangth and shed a fat because i increased my intensity
i using para pharma for years now and the quality of the masteron e is just as good asany of the other product. i got 3 masterone 200 i used 400mg week until it was gone
teamroids is my far the fastest source i ever dealt with
6 days max to get. package is professional and discrete
will com again
KuttingweightVery happy with my experience with teamroids! These guys have their shit together!!
4 x Deca / Test 400 Para Pharma
Ran 400mg deca with 500mg of sust from a different source for 24 weeks. Had amazing results! Gained 20 pounds and hit PR on most of my lifts! Joints felt so much better running deca with test. Ran Arimidex on cycle to keep sides to a minimum.
Always professional and excellent communication when using this source. Should be ranked higher in my opinion
Discreet and tightly packed
Teamroids is one of the most reliable sources on Eroids.
I received the susta 350 that has 200 enanthate and 100 cypionate and 50 prop. I used 1 cc twice per week. This was a high level of test for me and my body and felt and noticed effects by the 3rd week. All of the markers were reached like better mood, more confidence, stronger, saw my body change for the better and motivation.
I used 5 bottles of the susta 350 that was part of a promo. There was no inj pain, the effects were mental and physical for the better, which testosterone basic effects give. Slowly gained size while feeling motivated and mood enhanced.
Issues the order and communication was swift. The process to order was not complicated and all you had to do was choose from the list. Customer friendly
Package was normal, nothing broken, from order to getting it here took about 2 weeks and that was fine. Once they hand it off to get delivered it got to me. I would recommend teamroids for sure
Recommend teamroids
This review is for a promo that I participated in a few months ago, so thanks teamroids. Overall I have to admit the experience was good considering that I prefer not to order international. I will definitely keep teamroids on my go to international list.
The quality of products was nice, clean and professional. Labels straight, with top of vials( crimps) very tight. I decided on testing out the ParaPharma Sust350, which at first I thought was a 350mg sustanon, but instead it was a combination of test prop, test C and test E. Nevertheless I enjoyed it being high mg and a bit overdosed. As far as pip I didn't seem to have anything major and this is coming from someone who is pip sensitive. I dosed .7ml (245-250mg) 2x a week and the results were an energy increase, libido increase and strength increase. Testosterone has always been my main growth promoter.
The customer service was good. Teamroids seemed to be a very cool, professional type of gentleman. I thank him alot.
Being that product came for an international wharehouse the product came at its stated time frame which was around 3 weeks.
Much appreciated teamroids.
Not a promo review, just felt obligated to post due to overall positive experience with this source so far. I'd planned a basic tren cycle that I've run multiple times in the past at 400mg Tren E + 200mg Test E with a dbol frontload. My usual supplier (Naps) doesn't ship to my country anymore for some reason so I had to find a different international source, and that's where Eroids led me to Teamroids.
Teamroids doesn't have as big of a catalog as Naps but they have all the essentials to put together a classic cycle (including AIs and PCT gear), and they carry 2 main brands with strong reputations (Para Pharma and Dragon). I put in 2 orders with a mix of brands about 5-6 weeks ago and began the cycle ~4.5 weeks ago.
There were some discrepancies between what we ordered and what we got. GENERALLY positive changes, like them throwing in some extra stuff (got an extra vial of tren and deca and more dbol and nolva than I know what to do with) but there were some missing things. In both orders I had purchased Letrozole as I'd been hoping to clean up some gyno, but I guess they didn't have it in stock cuz I didn't receive it in either delivery. They threw in some extra arimidex and nolva but it's not really the same. No biggie since I was able to source raloxifene locally but still, worth pointing out.
Additionally, I had ordered Tren E from both Dragon and Para brands but I ended up with only Dragon tren. And unfortunately ALL of the Dragon gear they sent me was expired (March 2022), so basically 18 months out of date. Literally all the dragon gear including the Arimidex tablets were expired. I'm not fussed about it since they were so generous with throwing in extras but it could be frustrating to some.
As for the quality of gear- well we've been on for over 4 weeks now so plenty of time for the long esters to start kicking in. Weight in the gym is going up, we're already up over 15lbs though you can probably credit the dianabol for much of that. Strength and appetite is up. Libido is up. No PIP. Acne flared up briefly but it's completely gone now, likely because I upped my AI intake to 1mg arimidex ED. Everything's going well.
Side effects are pretty much nonexistent so far. I've run tren at this dose (400mg) multiple times before and have always tolerated the side effects well, but we've certainly seen more sides in the past. So far cardio is feeling good, never out of breath, night sweats are minimal. I've already popped open my 2nd vial of tren and I'm gonna be honest, this is where it would've been really nice to have the second brand to compare to as originally planned. We're still early on in the cycle though so I'm gonna keep an eye on things and see how it goes.
Customer service always responds in less than 1 day and are helpful. If you have any special requests regarding your order be sure to leave them a message - they'll definitely read it before shipping.
If you absolutely require specific brands/compounds I definitely recommend writing to them and specifying that. As mentioned in the previous section it seems they've been putting in whatever they have on hand, sacrificing precision for faster shipping times. I personally didn't mind it so I didn't say anything.
I had a shipping glitch with one order and it ended up getting returned to sender. Sorted it out with customer service and they reshipped it, didn't charge me or cause a fuss. Appreciate it.
Delivery is super fast depending where you are. My gear came from the international warehouse and I shit you not it was delivered 5 days after placing the order.
Solid source with great prices and shipping times. Very minor complaints over the use of expired products (specifically their Dragon gear) but I feel like they were using the summer sale to clear out old inventory. Doubt anyone will run into this issue going forward.
This review is for a previous promo where TR was kind enough to hook me up with 6 PP Mast E's. Couldn't be happier with how combining this with a diff source Primo, I was able to run a full 20 week cycle of Test C 525/week + Mast E 420/week + Primo E 600/week. I tried to run Primo in the past with mixing and the pip was too much and always had to cut it short. However, the Mast E allowed me to run this cycle virtually pip free. The results were phenomenal! My body composition was nothing short of a model and strength was there....all lifts up and endurance was great as well.
Ran the Mast E the whole cycle at 420mg/week and had no issues, other than correcting my dosage early on to ensure my E2 levels weren't too low. Pip free, smooth oil, and side free, and gave great results all around. Can't ask for anything more from a cycle.
This Mast E is pip free, really enhanced my libido, the strength and endurance was up, and the cut/shredded look was amazing. The Test/Primo/Mast look is what the ladies like and that's what they got! Lol...Thanks TR for this awesome Mast! And the ladies would thank you as well!
TR always kept in touch and provided updates, even though I didn't ask. Great communication and service. I have no doubt these guys will always take care of anyone if issues arise.
Packaging was tight and no way you could tell what was in it unless you tore through the thing. Very fast T/A - about 9 days, which is really quick for an International package.
I have to admit, I knew PP was good, but this Mast E really outshined my expectations. The feeling of having clean gear and thus making the cycle fun and manageable is what I always strive for and I will def purchase PP Mast E from TR. I think this helped me to have one of my best cycles ever - pip free, no sides, and results were there. Def gotta give this Mast E a try if you are trying to figure out where to get Mast E.
Teamroids and parapharma products continue to impress me. Smooth from start to finish.
Masteron 200 ena-smooth and thin pain and clear.
Very effective at 400mg a week.ran it for 10 weeks with excellent results of vascularity and strenght
The site responds within 48 hours which is fast to me. The ordering process is easy. The payments are easily explained and the site is easy to navigate.
Top notch packing, tracking the whole way, these guys know how to get it done. Everything was tight, nothing broken, all as expected and quick enough
Great source. Love using Para Pharma, definitely good stuff... If your looking for a source this is the place and definitely try Para Pharma.
One of the few sources that had the generosity to offer Primobolan in a Promo. I was very excited to run it.
5x Para Pharma Primo 200
Para Pharma Primo 200:
Given the concentration… not surprisingly compound brew was a little bit on the viscous side, and had to be warmed up to flow smoothly through a 25ga. It did come with a mild side of pip as well. Although extremely minor. When you you running primo you expect it. I’ve had the same experience with Pharma at half the concentration.
The product was exactly is what I was aiming for: the vascularity, tendons felt better, strength gains, skin takes on a smooth glow, gained about 3-4 lbs of lean muscle, that I’ve kept. While on physique took on that unique primo look (full but dry, sorta like Tren) . Definitely easier to pin given the concentration , I ran it 3x 1.25cc a week till I ran out. 10/10
No comms necessary. Promo ran without a hitch.
This source uses a unique shipping method, and my package arrived quickly once I got notice it was shipped.
No issues with packaging or any damage product.
Great source! Deep inventory. Wouldn’t hesitate to order from.
DamikeTeamroids and parapharma products continue to impress me. Smooth from start to finish.
I used para pharma Deca 300 and generic cialis.
I love the look of the vials. Very professional look.
I normaly try to use deca sparingly when needed for joints due to water retention.
About mid way through my cycle my arthritic shoulders began really acting up and made working out unenjoyable. I know this is just arthritis because my shoulder mri's show no tears and arthritis. Probably due to my years of football and lifting. I began taking 300 mgs deca weekly. After just 4-5 days my shoulders were nearly pain free. I finished my cycle at this dose and it didn't cause much water retention. I also noticed a significant strength boost but was careful not to go too heavy too fast for fear of injury. I put on a few pounds after starting but question how much of this was water. Oil was smooth and no pip was experiemced.
I also tried their generic cialis pre-workout and had amazing pumps. It also did the job in the bedroom with no deca dick problems.
Responded in 24 hours and were also professional. Ordering was as simple as it gets.
Arrived much faster than anticipated. Well protected.
The value is outatanding.
Overall experience was great. I didn’t have to contact the source at all. They contacted me through the entire experience.
Para Pharma Primo 200 is very good for slow steady gains that you keep. I notice a significant amount of energy as well as fat loss. I felt I also recovered quicker from Primo. The only thing I wasn’t a fan of was the PIP.
We all know Primo can have a bite especially 200.
Customer service was great. Like I said previously, I didn’t have to do anything. They took all the initiative.
Packaging was excellent and delivery was extremely fast. I wasn’t expecting the delivery for at least a week or more from when I did receive it. TA was about 4 days you can ask for more.
Usually if it’s cheap it’s because it’s cheap. This was a promo so this question really doesn’t pertain to my experience. All in all Teamroids is a quality source that offers quality products and quality service. Their products are effective and will definitely be a source I trust and rely on for a stress free experience.
Everything was great, from the customer service, to the payment and delivery time, and the products are incredible!!! This review is for a promo from teamroids where I got 3xTrenbolone A 100mg bottles from the company Parapharma! This shit made my physique insane ---- I gained probably 10 pounds of lean muscle while probably dropping 10 pounds of fat! My stomach is tight while everything else is big:) as far as side effects the only one I really had was sleep trouble... It was hard to stay asleep for very long. My cycle was 225mg/week of Test, 250mg/week of Tren and 500mcg of the peptide Ipamorelin before bed!
Parapharma Trenbolone Ace 100mg bottles x3
This product was incredible! Made me super horny, strong as an Ox and completely changed my physique. I gained lean muscle and lost fat (especially around the waist area)! I look the best I ever have! Parapharma Trenbolone and Test seem to be perfect for my body, no injection pain day off or day after! Couldn't of asked for anything better!
Customer service was easy and perfect, super easy to order, they respond either same day or next day. Communication was fast and nice! As easy as ordering can get!
Delivery was pretty fast, I think about 2 weeks turn around time, which is awesome especially for a promo. Package was safe and discreet. No complaints in this category....10/10
This was a promo so I didn't have to pay anything, which is almost unbelievable these days!!!! These guys are awesome and I would not hesitate to place another order with them!
Always a great experience with Teamroids. Much appreciation for being included in this generous promo!
Was sent five bottles of Para Pharma Sust 350. I had been cruising on another brand of test e at 250 weekly. When the Para Pharma Sustb350 arrived I bumped my dose to 500 mg weekly,,,, Monday and Thursday dosing. I love to feel the immediate action of the propionate as opposed to the enanthate on my cruise. This sustanon gave me a good strength boost at 500 and My mood was noticeably better. Also noticed some extra oily skin and random hard-ons more frequently than ever. My squatting Max is up about 40 lb, along with significant increase and some crucial areas (Shoulder) where I had injury and I'm trying to slowly cautiously rebuild. One of the things I like the most about this Sustanon aside from the fact that it is clean clear and bottles are filled perfectly evenly Is that it has a pretty noticeable effect on my sense of well-being, feel really good when I'm running it, for me thats something I really enjoy.
Hemorrhoids communication is pretty much spot on, there has been nothing to complain about. Quick, accurate and friendly, couldn't ask for more. Also product selection is always great and websites very easy to navigate and deal with.
The TA was what was specified in the message I received maybe even a day or two sooner. Packaging was neat, tight and discreet as you would expect from a quality supplier.
Teamroids Is a very fair priced legitimate professional source who's in the game to do good long-term business. I would recommend this source to anyone It's one of the top sources and has been for some time, the reasons are obvious. Thank you again Teamroids.
Promo order received from TR.
Customer service was perfect since they had to answer Some questions and always i received a quick and accurate response.
Mast E 200 Para Pharma
Used at a rate of 400 mg weekly (2 ml) divided into 2 injections.
Liquid is transparent and clean.
Vials come well crimped and with a fairly long expiration date.
Injection site was in the buttocks and with the thickness of the needles (07X30) liquid passed through very easily.
I have not suffered any pip although the injection site does not seem comfortable and I prefer quadriceps and deltoids.
Weight stayed at 95 kg and with good training sensations
Weights I handled stayed exactly in place except for specific exercises where I could increase.
(I was in week 8 at a rate of 250 testo E / 400 mast E).
It was not necessary to add IA / I have not noticed increased hair loss either.
Excellent customer service.
They resolved all my doubts quickly.
Very discreet shipping and well packaged.
It takes 30 days to receive it.
Excellent service
Product quality "Para Pharma"
Perfect customer service
I recommend the site and will use it again in the future.
Overdue promo review. Always satisfied with TR. Over the past couple years I've ordered close to 8-9 times with TR, all "large orders" and it's always a good experience.
I've never had a bad run with TR products as I know which compounds my body responds well to and which I don't. I chose 5 Primo 200 for the promo offer. Now I've been doing this for over 20yrs, and when I first started out I assumed myself to be either using under dosed products(NOT TR), bunk(NOT TR), or I was a non-responder (slightly, and most likely).
Over the years I realized I was sadly not a hyper responder and required much higher doses unfortunately. Hell I was out on TRT 2yrs ago after coming off completely, using proper/appropriate PCT and had bloods done revealing my natty test at 113ng! ---- My doc was like "that's the lowest I've ever seen personally" I was like well that's just lovely. Moral of the story is my doc up'd my dose 3 separate times to where I'm up'd my TRT dose to 275mg/wk from 125mg/wk initial while cruising. He said that's one of the highest doses he's prescribed as he doesn't like going above 200mg/wk but lucky me requires much higher amounts (just a little background).
Anyways back to the primo promo, now I'm not finished as I ended up having reconstructive surgery a little while back so I was forced to come off of everything and get fat and out of shape stuck in a recliner for 3 months straight, but I was excited to start back up just using my TRT+ primo + a var kickstart (4-6wks), basically I needed to have muscle memory kick in (mind you I'm early 40s) but my goal was lean permanent gains hence the 3 compounds of choice.
I was able to get my build back slowly but surely as we all know primo takes time and is not a drastic gaining compound but you can be sure it's lean "permanent muscle) and I was able to get back into low teens bf%, and I was able to pack on a good 10-12lbs, I was full, hard, and vascular which var obviously helped contribute towards. My primo dose started at 200mg twice per wk for 3wks, 300mg twice per wk for wks 4-7, and so on to where I peaked at 400mg twice per wk where my personal sweet spot is/was.
At my age the days of tren, adrol, dbol, etc... "harsher compounds" so to speak days are done, so test, primo, and var are going to be typical cycle compounds are a staple (some of you fellow "older" guys can relate I assume lol.
TR is beyond top notch, always answers my emails within 24hrs. Very caring, understanding, and supportive before, during, and even after the process. The website is beyond easy to navigate, payment process and options are bar none, hence why I continue to order through them and not just take advantage of promos.
I'm in the states, and packs have arrived as early as 7-10 days to 2-3 wks being the longest, and always packed securley and very cleverly at that. I've never had a pack from TR get seized so that says a lot.
Eliminate any hesitation you may have with pulling the trigger with this source, TR hasn't let me down yet and I doubt he ever will, so have some confidence here.
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I’ve used TR both domestic and international for well over 10 orders now. This is a review of the international line
Para NPP and mast e
Blast was as follows, 300 test, 350 NPP, 200 mast e. Ran to increase recovery time and help build both strength and endurance. If I look better while improving these 3 things great, but it wasn’t the goal.
Test from different source.
Both the NPP and mast oils were clear, vials look sharp and professional. The mast was smooth to inject, the NPP had some bite on occasion but for the most part was also smooth.
NPP results were nothing but phenomenal once it started to work which for me takes about week 6 to start to see that signature NPP fullness start to show up and weights start to feel lighter. By week 16 I saw my strength increase on all lifts while so did my endurance. I’ve messed about with a lot of variations and all though NPP isn’t what most believe to be a great endurance increasing drug, there is a reason so many CrossFit and mma athletes get caught using it.
The mast I was previously running 150mg with TRT, feel like superman on this dose, heathly, focused and horny. Aesthetically it help keep me drier combined with a good diet. Ramped up to 200 the difference is marginal but if I compare photos I look more freaky but I also was on other compounds. I use mast nearly year round and wasn’t disappointed
Helpful and answer within 24 hours. Friendly
Smooth process throughout
Arrived within 3 weeks. T/A is usually 4 but international can be longer
Whether domestic or international I haven’t been disappointed yet.
Nearly forgot to mention 3 of the 8 vials of mast suffered with perished stoppers. They replaced all 8 vials. Thanks TR
Have used this source off and on for a few years. I go to them when i get the itch to run some para pharma. They have always been good to me. The whole process with this source is easy and professional.
I added their paratropin, arimidex, and clomid to my last cycle. These 3 items were the only parts from this source.
Paratropin -Ran at 4iu taken first thing in morning (1 hour preworkout). Got better pumps and had that good full look that quality hgh gives. No hand numbing which was a plus
Arimidex- 1mg twice a week (mondays and thursdays) kept estrogen in check
Clomid - Ran at 50mg for 4 weeks starting 1 week after my last shot. Bounced back fine after cycle
The site responds within 48 hours which is fast to me. The ordering process is easy. The payments are easily explained and the site is easy to navigate.
Delivery was about 3 weeks. I typically expect 30 days from international so this was a nice surprise. Packaging was nice. Discreet and wrapped safely. No broken items.
I recommend this source.
my all time most favourite source , there’s noone faster
PP tren a
PP never disappointed me
clean oil, strong stuff, have ran with test e for 10weeks, started with 300mg/w was doing well almost no side then up to 500mg/w , and here comes nightsweats, insomnia angry all the time, easting like crazy, crazy sex drive, gained 7 kg and lost a lot of fat and got back my six pack again
I would recommend to everyone to start with low dose, stuff is strong
fastest source on the planet, great communication, couldn’t be easier
delivery on time as expected, great packing, you can monitor every movement of pack, don’t remember time but as said fastest source for me
everything on point, old source with great products
Jaytoids762Review does not meet our quality standards.
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All parapharma products ( beside hcg was livzon)
I ordered several times from TR and they are definitely my top sources . This last order was 1HGH KIT PP , test E x5 , npp x2, mast p x2, 1 dbol , 1 anadrol and 2hcg kits . I felt great started with just .25 every other day of test could feel the increase in libido , motivation and strength in about 2 weeks . I added the npp (150)and mast p (100) 1cc each every other day with the test (125mg per shot) at half a cc , at about week 5 to start a bulk and it was amazing . Only pip seemed to happen the first 2 shots in each muscle then nothing after which is normal for me . So overall great cycle after 12 weeks . Everyone can tell I’m back on with the classic npp fullness and mast vascular effects ( also the libido was top notch from the mast , npp always softens my Willy or premature bust :( not cool lol so basically the cycle was test e 350 , npp 450 , mast p 300 and got great results in 12 weeks . Now I’m on TRT just test e .20 units (50mgs) twice a week .
As listed above , the test did the normal thing with increase well being , libido , strength and pumps as did the npp and mast once I added them , without the mast p tho I was a one minute soft in the sack unfortunately. I also tried the dbol great pumps but I dont use every day only when I want an extra pump fullness . The anadrol was way to powerful for me tbh it would have be pushing way to much weight for my current conditioning I’m not much of a power lifter more physique but it did give crazy looking skin stretching pumps !
THE HGH MY FAVORITE -- this stuff really made my skin and nails look amazing and felt like I could sleep way better first time trying hgh . Awesome ---- I got my dad on this too haha
HCG - definitely legit the boys get full and bust huge -- lol also do a pregnancy test with out and it’s negative then about 6hrs later I take one after my shot oh hcg and it’s positive , simple to see if LH is in your blood . Great source and company!
Very easy to order and great discounts with crypto
only took 2 weeks to receive
Came in very secure package I still use it to store my bottles
very snug . Only took 2 weeks to receive
Not bad prices for what you get the promo discounts with crypto is amazing!
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