Carpenter54's picture
  • 5

+ 2 Married couples not allowed in here??


Not understanding what is going on!

My husband has been a member for a while and I finally decided to join and make my own account instead of going on his and BFG suspended my husband's account and says this is fake.

Not really happy about getting treated this way and find it pretty ridiculous. I'm almost 40 years old.
Husband is well into his 40's and has some pretty big accomplishments including magazine publicity.

Not sure what is up here.....???

ForeverFitBod1's picture

My wife has been talking about trying some HGH for quite a while now. We take a lot of natural supplements one that we share together is DIM. But gosh if I ever get her to sign up here, I'll get her to drop some booty shots I see that you guys like those LOL

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Pumped_'s picture

If she does get her own account have her use her own phone own email address so you dont have to learn the hard way like the lad below. When i had facebook years and years ago me and my girl didnt share phones to get on, she would use her own. They give away free phones when opening an account.

ForeverFitBod1's picture

Hey good looking out thank you bro

I'd really like her to get the test to see if she has a predisposition towards cancer before starting but I'm still researching and I think at a very low dose she should not have a concern. But, is that something we want to gamble. It's odd though women produce more HGH than men and they do it during the day not at night. I'm curious to the biological reasons behind this but

Same with the anavar, she has failed to do extensive research on it and it's her body and she's responsible for that. She would come to me at times and say please please I want it I want this, I would quiz her, and she would fail LOL. And I keep repeating you're not ready until you've done your research and know exactly what you're putting into your body in the exact outcomes or expectations. She is a very frail woman who I believe has a GH deficiency in general, although she has not been tested her regular hormone panel came back somewhat normal even at age 42.

She would probably stay in the lady's lounge for the most part and ask questions here or there but and or checking out the guys, she's into muscle fit guys but not the giant bulky ones.

Sorry for the long reply, I'm one of those spurt forum posters, do it when I can. appreciate the heads up. Yeah I'll be around for the long run as I do not recover and I'm a true trt lifer. Maybe I'll try some trip one day. But for now I really don't mind pinning it's just become second nature and I look forward to my me time hehe

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ForeverFitBod1's picture

Yeah that's really not cool, shows a lot of disrespect for the rules and the members tbh. You know what they say in life you get what you deserve. I'm a firm believer in that.
Well cool yeah that's why I was saying we would both each post our own body shots, we are not scammers and would never look to take advantage of any member or source. I wouldn't want that to happen to me. According to some of the source discussions I have read it seems the sources can be just as, if not more dirty, than the members. Trust is a big thing and I trust this board to be here I trust them not to fk up my life. There's a certain integrity that the world is missing. This is just a generalization but I'm an older folk so, sometimes youngins just have no regard for principal anymore. This seems like a pretty chill board I'm glad to be here thank you again for the welcome earlier tonite

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JakeKO's picture

Welcome aboard. My wife learns a lot on r
Eroids, although she’s never created an account because she thinks it’s mostly guys. She found some girl site she likes better. She steals her T3, Anavar, and Winstrol from me when she feels like running something, LOL.

bigbain's picture

Thanks everyone, everything is worked now.

bigbain's picture

By the way..... To the people that were nice to my wife and myself I do appreciate it!
Too many ignorant dick heads in here that think they are worth a damn.

It's really not my cup of tea to be rude to people, but there just comes a point where enough is enough.
I was considering not even coming back for that reason.
I have had sources and find them easily for over 20 years. I'm not here to brag and I have been very hush hush if you look at my post history.
But as a grown man in his 40's who has set strength records, been on tv and published in magazines that is getting to the age of retirement,
I don't need some little punk as kids talking to me the way they do disrespecting me.

Majority of males lifted weights in my time growing up. But if course off and on. Everyone could beat everyone up you know? Everyone was bigger and stronger....... Males and their make believe tough guy attitudes!! Where are they now? No where! Fitting into society being your average lazy ass doing nothing.

Now days you have the same males, but it's much worse now days, because these tards are taking gear. Same attitude, same ignorance! Running there mouth like they are God....... But these fools will be mostly ruining there health too, talking shit to people that wouldn't normally give them the time of day.
Would these guys run there mouth too Jay Cutler? Ronnie Coleman? My guess is most likely......... When you get older you start to get crotchety and very sick of the ignorant kids with no respect.
When someone has a goal in mind internet or not you don't need people that act like 12 year olds getting in your business , showing their ignorance and wasting your time because they think they are "cool" and "funny".

This site seems to be about 50/50. There are some really good smart people in here that I believe will really go out of their way for you, but the other 50 percent needs to go. They really make this site dangerous in a way.
Also..... I don't think accusations should be made as FACT if you don't really know they are ( hint hint)
Now would you want someone listening to you taking your advice as FACT on some gear that ends up killing them because they listened to you? I didn't think so!

bigbain's picture
bigbain's picture

there a reason my wife has a negative 1???? We didn't break any rules for starters. Plus I know there are married couples in here with there own accounts.

Pxpxp's picture

Agree! If you have your own account- then there should be no connection to your husband. We get people opening accounts saying it’s a spouse so that they can profit from two accounts. It’s very common. So get over it and stop treating this like it’s Facebook and making friends with your husband on here.

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bigbain's picture

What are you talking about? You should probably know what is going on before you comment......
There is a connection because we share phones at times. Don't talk to me like some young kid with no credentials.

BFG's picture

You're both connecting from the same device and address.
This could either be:

  1. One person creating a fake account to get free promos
  2. Legitimately two people from same household

Since creating fake profiles is against the rules (which you probably know), It's up to you to provide proof.
You have 1 week to post or email me a picture of both @bigbain and @Carpenter54 holding your devices up with your usernames logged in. I don't need your face, or any recognizable features other than a male and a female holding their phones showing logged in usernames.

Otherwise I'm going to assume bigbain created a fake account Carpenter54 and ban both accounts.

bigbain's picture

Fair enough.... But making my avatar say slut is childish! On top of the fact of the false claims..... Could have waited to see if we showed proof. Now when we do it just shows someone being childish and in the wrong.... And that person isn't us.

Greg's picture

unrelated. That special avatar is reserved for promo whores.

scoobydoo's picture

I've been on eroids for quite a while. I can say you weren't treated any worse than others by the administration, as far as two accounts from the same IP being discovered. I may have a different sense of humor(ok, I do), but the slut tag makes me chuckle. If it ever got it put on me, I would laugh. I apply my number one work rule to any forum I visit. Leave your feelings at home. There are some complete idiots on here, but there are also some very helpful people. You have to take the good with the bad.

scoobydoo's picture

Did you and bb get this worked out?

Carpenter54's picture

Not yet, but we will soon. We are going to do what BFG asked.

Sorry, was that question for me? Lol

scoobydoo's picture

Yes. It was a question for you. Lol