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+ 2 Does Primo affect your estrogen levels


Last couple of cycles I have ran with primo, I have noticed that it has reduced my estro levels to low. I always liked to run a low (TRT type) dose with primo but have noticed that doing that now my estro gets to low. I used to get away with 200-250mg/wk of test with 6-750mg of primo but now doing that my estro ends up tanking. I nearly need to double my test now to keep my estro from tanking. Wondering how many other people experience AI effects with primo.

Does primobolan affect your estrogen levels?

No. Does not lower/affect my estrogen.
16% (11 votes)
Yes. Acts as an AI and lowers my estrogen
84% (57 votes)
Total votes: 68
godzillabooty94's picture

test no primo estrogen 148 pg/ml 4x out the reference range. test and 600 primo 16 pg/ml in reference range. primo works as an ai

AK80's picture

I've been running 875mg of Test Enanthate and 700mg of Primo Enanthate every week for a couple months now. I rotate my injection sites everyday between shoulder/quad/glute and everyday it's 125mg & 100mg. No issues. The voting poll right now says NO = 17% (11 votes) and YES = 83% (55 votes). I'll take that evidence as golden. Need more reputable evidence? Short of bloodwork, you can also listen to Big Paul Barnett, Roman Fritz & Vigorous Steve saying the same thing on YouTube.

ss007's picture

Estro went from 36 to 19 twelve weeks into test 300 /primo 500 cycle. Felt it drop lower and lower in the later weeks, but it never crashed. pulsed dbol.

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Makwa's picture

Looks pretty safe to say that primo will most likely affect your estro levels.
thanks everybody who participated.

Greg's picture

Wacko Shok Biggrin Aggressive Sad Cray 2 Blush Crazy Mosking Scratch one-s head ...maybe?

MrWhatsPoppin's picture

It’s my understanding Primo has an anti estrogenic effect on your body. everyone will react differently to different compounds as you know, but I’ve heard of guys using it when they have estrogen issues from running high doses of test. People that get gyno easily often run test with Primo to help keep their levels down. It’s obviously not as effective as arimimadex, but I personally don’t like taking arimadex unless I absolutely have to, maybe it’s just me but it makes me feel weird, and I think it effects my gains… aside from water weight. Fact check me of course, don’t just take my word for it, but that’s my understanding and experience with it. Stay safe bro!

JuicedNatty's picture

100%, something TBE imo.

FlemDaddyKush's picture

I think it depends on the person. It lowers estrogen levels for everybody but in different amounts. For me primo slightly lowers estrogen levels but it more of just masks estrogen symptoms for me, because a lot of times my estrogen levels are high but I feel perfectly normal when I'm taking primo. And I know others that are like this too.

- K A P S I Z E -'s picture

Reason why I’ve given up on primo and EQ. Both tank my estrogen. I don’t like high test anyways but having to run a hefty dose of test just to counteract the estrogen lowering effects of primo and EQ seems counterproductive. I’ll stick to lower test with high Trenbolone or nandrolone, thanks.

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thahulk2014's picture

And going off your posts from a few months ago seems youve loved primo for years with no problems. Makes me wonder if all the primo is really EQ now. Probably get flamed for this. Like how did everyone get away with trt dose test high primo and be fine? Now everyones estrogen is low as fuck. Weird

- K A P S I Z E -'s picture

I’m not sure if it’s due to my physiology over time or what. I use to get on with primo well. Same with EQ. But now anytime I try to use either within weeks I feel low estrogen sides come hard and fast. They both just make me feel terrible. I do sit at a leaner BF% these days, may have something to do with it. But after giving both EQ and Primo multiple tries over the last year or two I’ve concluded they just aren’t for me anymore. I get on with nandrolone and/or tren much better.

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Finnatobbuff81's picture

I'm in the same boat as well. My E levels have dropped to not even needing an AI anymore. Currently running 300 cyp 2x a week and 300 primo 2x a week. But since I'm still around 10%bf I may drop the primo back down to 200 2x since I'm not really cutting. I liked the vascularity I get from it.

JFit253's picture

Primo and surprisingly DHB does this for me. I expected DHB to require more ai because receptor binding priority but it tanked estro similar to Primo.

I only notice these ai effects at the higher doses of each and about 4-5 weeks in

JFit253's picture

DHB at 500 and Test at 200. Had to raise test up to 250-300. DHB has a slight ai effect for me but not as prominent as primo

Makwa's picture

Strange DHB did that. DHB bumps my estro up a bit, unless stacking it with primo.

Big Tone36's picture

I think so, thinking back last time I ran primo on the higher end I had lower libido and I run my test usually 750-1000mg but I also don't think I convert a lot to estro I still felt low. I really wish I did more bloods on cycle for my estrogen
@UncleYoked below mentioned using test no ester for fast conversion and I believe this but in my case I use test suspension but I have less water retention and i apear tighter than test with any ester which is wierd buy I known pro's back in the day use test suspension last weeks leader to a show.

Makwa's picture

How high of primo were you running? Were you close to a 1:1 ratio with test?

Big Tone36's picture

Yea I was. 800mg

UncleYoked's picture

I do the same but I use some spikes on TNE and low doses of dbol occasionally

Makwa's picture

I don't mind TNE but I get so lethargic 4 or so hours later after it wears off that I just end up falling asleep on the couch.

JFit253's picture

The perfect night pre workout

Makwa's picture

It sure is. Pin about 3 o'clock, workout at 5, get home eat dinner and fall asleep for the rest of the night.

Bassnectar's picture

I’ve actually been doing exactly this and it has been working pretty well.

ONESICK's picture

Primo and DHT derivatives are weird. Although it wont aromatize it can bind to the aromatase enzyme. Basically. It's competing with test but doesn't convert to E. But since the test cant aromatize you aren't getting the estrogen you need, so you'll have to increase your dose to compete harder with Primo. Also after Estrogen has been bound to the receptor Primo will confuse estrogen on what to do. So not only will it act like an AI and reduce E symptoms but at the same time you're tanking your Estrogen. Some people get it worse than others. Genetics, I've heard of guys running a gram a week and have little sides from it. I'm guessing maybe getting older things have changed for you? How do you feel compared to Proviron and Mast?

Makwa's picture

I run provi with pretty much every cycle and haven't noticted any AI proerties with it. I get a little bit from mast but I can't run mast over 300mg because it really messes with my prostate so I still need some AI with mast in my cycles unless really low test. Maybe 600mg of mast would be the same as 600mg of primo as far as AI but I don't want to find out Lol No point running mast that high anyway. 8-9 yrs ago I was fine with low test high primo but not anymore.

alekaras's picture

For me it works above 50 mgs though!! For example at 5-600 test and 75 proviron no ai needed!

Makwa's picture

I run provi at 50mg and it doesn't budge my estro.

alekaras's picture

We all react differently, if I run for example now on 175 MG cruise test and add proviron iam dead feel like shit!!

ONESICK's picture

DHT's are odd because for some Mast will do the opposite for what you're stating and they have that issue with Primo. It's a genetic thing and how your body converts Test to Estrogen and DHT. Perhaps you've just reached a point your body can't handle it like it used to. Maybe run Primo shorter based on your needs so you wont tank your E? The only thing I can think of that may help.

Catalyst's picture

What are you AI uses like generally on a non primo or mast cycle? I’m obviously wondering where you fit into the estro conversion bracket.

We touched on this the other day, but for me it’s evident but fairly minor. I’m ok running 500mg of test with 1200mg primo. Suspect I could get away a little lower on the test, but the state of some of my joints nowadays doesn’t tempt me to try and test that theory out.

Makwa's picture

500mg/wk of test e I need about 25mg asin EOD or .25mg of Adex E3.5d. Think I run pretty much in the normal conversion range. I do notice that the lower my bodyfat gets I can decrease my AI somewhat but still need some. Usually with primo bodyfat is getting really low, like around 6%, and that is really when estro crashes hard if not supplementing with additional test. Must be alot less aromatase enzyme with really low bodyfat which makes the ai properties of primo seem more pronounced.

Catalyst's picture

I haven’t used an AI in about 8 or 9 years.

alekaras's picture

Interested brother, are you using nolva instead for gyno safety? Or nothing at all..

Catalyst's picture

No need to. Even with big test doses, doesn’t cause me any problems if there’s mast or primo involved. Fortunate like that I guess.

DeeMan's picture

That's going to be key for me with primo. I'm not a high e2 converter so this will be interesting lol. Primo will be ran low( 300-400mg). Will break the notion that it can't be ran that low.

Catalyst's picture

So sounds like you’re probably similar to me on E2 conversion, so think you’ll be fine at 3-400 test. at TRT doses you might struggle, but think you’ll be ok there fella. Just keep an eye out for the obvious low E2 signs and adjust if need be.

DeeMan's picture

Fortunately I've never needed an ai. And yeah e2 is something I don't wanna mess around with. Need that bit of joint lubrication that e2 brings for heavy lifts and also the growth it brings. Will let you guys know how a 300-400mg primo cycle goes. Will probably be at a 1:1 ratio.This will be interesting. Thanks bro

Catalyst's picture

“Old school” style…..