tattoofreak's picture
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+ 2 Bloods with MTS gear


Today I've picked up my bloods which were taken on 23.11.2017:

Using MTS test 400 (susta mix) by 400mg e3d and anavar 50mg tabs by 50mg ed. When bloods were taken, i was about 7-8 weeks in with the test and 3 weeks in with anavar.

Bloods show testosterone 14,2 ng/ml, which proves that my gear is extremely underdosed...

I hope its just the susta which is bunk and not all my gear, I've bought. I've ordered directly from MTS and the susta has the BATCH 011 and EXP 06/21

Ordered from: 
Makwa's picture

800mg/wk with those bloods. I would find a different source.

1174's picture

Those numbers are horrible, I do bloods all the time, and thats what I would see in a 65 year old man using gnc test boosters. SHOP SOMEWHERE ELSE +1 For posting bloods

Big Ian's picture

Maybe a different scale you use mate? If I’m reading correctly those results are almost twice the upper end of normal range....

Makwa's picture

Those are numbers you would expect off of about 300mg/wk of test. He is taking 800mg/wk

Big Ian's picture

Yep agreed it is way underdosed, just don’t think test boosters on a 65y/o would pull those numbers......

Big Ian's picture

Oh and +1 for the bloods mate :-)

tattoofreak's picture

I'm in contact with MTS now and they told me, they have had a bad batch. They offered me to send some other oils as a compensation. I'll keep the community updated and will make bloods with the new gear again.

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Big Ian's picture

Thanks for keeping us up to speed bud, have to say I’ve always found their stuff decent in the past.

tattoofreak's picture

Some friends told me to jump on mts gear, cause they are pleased with this lab. I hope it was really just a bad batch. I've switched to their test e and will see in a few weeks with new bloods.

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Makwa's picture

You're a bigger gambler than I am. Cycle was already ruined I personally wouldn't be hopping on more gear from that lab until I found out if the test e is legit first.

tattoofreak's picture

Yeah, totally agree. But actually i got no other gear on hand, just the oils of my mts order. I would have to order some new from another source and wait for arrival. So i preferred to switch to the test e instead of pinning more from the underdosed sust. Maybe its really just this one bad batch, maybe not. If it's the same bunk, I'll get some new gear somewhere else and put the rest of my oils in the garbage.

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Big Ian's picture

Will be watching with interest mate, thanks