HllwdBdBoy's picture
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Okay, now that you've done your due diligence and a TON of research, you understand your goals, you've (at least) been TO the gym once or twice and NOW understand the difference between a REP and a SET...LETS GET READY TO CYCLE!


  2. DIET- Can't stress this enough! Gains are made in the kitchen NOT at the gym OR in the pin. Make sure your diet is in check for the goals you wish to achieve. IF you are eating 2500cals ED and looking to Bulk - YOU WILL FAIL! IF you are eating 4500 cals ED and looking to Cut - YOU WILL FAIL! IF you are looking for Lean Gains and are eating dirty cals -YOU WILL FAIL! I (personally) spend about $100 a wk on food while cycling. IF this seems excessive to you then maybe you should think twice about spending $100's on compounds! WHY? Because gains are NOT made at the gym OR in the pin! IF you find this statement ridiculous -PLZ REFER TO STEP "1"

  3. ROUTINE- Know what your doing for your particular goals... IF you are seeking to put on Mass and are doing cardio EVERYDAY - YOU WILL FAIL! (although (IMO) light cardio pre-workout is beneficial) IF you think you are going to shred up on a 5x5 routine - YOU WILL FAIL! IF you don't understand what a 5x5 routine is - PLZ REFER TO STEP "1"

  4. PINNING - YES! If you are making the leap into the world of AAS then you will HAVE TO pin! Those of you that believe that you can somehow get away with an "Oral only" cycle and make significant gains - PLZ REFER TO STEP "1"
    Those that want to jump on board with a short cycle as admirable as that is (IMO)
    you have yet to develop the skill set and discipline it takes to pin ED/EOD and NOT whine about it! If you don't understand what I mean by this - PLZ REFER TO STEP "1"

    Understand which compounds do what and at what dosages/durations are optimal for your particular goals. Make sure you have EVERYTHING IN HAND before you begin to cycle.
    IF you think (1) vial of ANYTHING makes a cycle - PLZ REFER TO STEP "1"

  6. PCT - IF you thought this section WAS actually separate from STEP 5 - PLZ REFER TO STEP "1"

  7. AI's - IF you have no idea what an AI is OR thought this section WAS actually separate from STEP 5 - PLZ REFER TO STEP "1"

  8. ANTI-PROLACTINS - IF you have no idea what an anti-prolactin is OR thought this section WAS actually separate from STEP 5 - I THINK YOU GET IT BY NOW

Sooooo.... NOW that we're ready to cycle PLZ remember that AAS is serious shit and if you don't know what the fuck you're doing you can seriously FUCK YOUR SHIT UP!

mega machine's picture

I am new to EROIDS, but this is the first thing I have read at it's an incredible piece of information.

Bama Boy's picture

Good read, i wish ALL these newbs read this

Sumo13's picture

Love this a great read, see so many people wanting to jump on the magical gainz train and not doing there research! Smashing a load of gear eating shit then moaning that the gear is bunk lol

insanegainz101's picture

This is very good info I don't see how anyone could fuck up on a cycle by following the info on this site.

KMC's picture

I don't see how anyone could fuck up on a cycle.......

Ohhhhh the stories I have seen in 6 years on EROIDS.

If only they would follow it.

+2 for at least reading

Owes a Review × 1
Draconiaous's picture

This is why I'm here, research (and community I like like minded people) Never knew about anti prolactin. Great post thank you so much

KMC's picture

I'll give you a +2,

I took a look at where you've been posting,

Owes a Review × 1
Draconiaous's picture

I can imagine + is a good thing so thanks bud Smile

Jingbanger's picture

I used test and winny many years ago, i recently began a cycle with the 2 compounds plus deca. I overlooked step 8, do not ever overlook step 8, it almost turned out to be costly. Thankfully I'm quite in tune with sides because of years gone by...my ai were not doing the job...open google...lots of reasearch...ahhh there we go...NEVER EVER OVERLOOK STEP 8 or become ignorant to the "very mild nandrolone". It will creep up your arse and fold you inside out if your not careful.
Great post and one of the reasons i returned here after 4 or 5 years. Smile

FlexLuger's picture

Great knowledge dropped! Step 1 is the foundation!

Sparco's picture

totally agree with you

RONBO's picture

Great info, particularly Step 1 and Step 2. Nutrition really is the base for everything.

Thanks for putting the info out there.

Captain_Chaos's picture

Good info....

BufordBlue's picture


everyone skips number 8

Donald Duck's picture

I liked the "Diet" section)))

Greengoblin111's picture

Good write up, this may be a wake up call for many...

Streetking13's picture

Thank you for the straight talk!

yesidont's picture

great write up Smile

dimi4p's picture

Well said, if everyone had the knowledge of what you're talking about, the AAS would not have that bad reputation in society in general.
If only everyone had few years of positive, progressive experience in the gym, meal prep and done some reaseach before introducing AAS stack to their bodies.
If everyone was aware of what you mentioned above I believe we would not see these sad news on TV or newspapers when teenagers take insulin and die cos not aware of hypoglycaemia or take 10ml Tren and put it all in their bodies in one go. Unfortunately this is the mentality of ordinary gym user - inject more, lift less and eat whatever!

Owes a Review × 1
trvps's picture

i couldnt agree more bro

aSkrilla's picture

Awesome post buddy

KMC's picture

Just a heads up,........... we don't mention SOURCE'S names in the open forum.

Owes a Review × 1
cgrang's picture

I always run hcg with anything that suppresses natural testosterone production. Hcg mimics LH, theoretically stopping the signal that tells your testes to stop testosterone production. I usually hold off of the aromasin til I feel some nipple sensitivity. I don't think crashed estrogen levels are good, high estrogen is bad, very bad, but this chemical is in our bodies for a reason! Just my two cents, everybody reacts differently to chemicals and different amounts. I always do blood tests before and after, it's relatively inexpensive compared to the mental anguish of developing gunk, a failed cycle, or even damaging your hpta long term.. Just my two cents, knowledge is power.

Clarck Kent's picture

amazing info, tnx

Zydex Pharma's picture

Very passion thread Well done

kippp's picture

This is a greatThanks!

Eezio's picture

Good info! +

Joe2324's picture

Hllwdbdboy, you seem to know your sh/t, I'm 36 and my last cycle was when I was 26, so been out the game for decade now, been out the gym 6 years cause of a car crash and had a long battle with physical therapy and all type of shit. Anyways I'm great now, gained about 30 lbs of fat, I played college football and was always a gym rat. So have a good idea on what I'm doing in the gym and this is my 5th cycle I just started during my life. 1st I did at 21, then 23, 24, and 26 years old. Always had great gains with just a test and deca. 3 of my cycles including this current was with deca, and the test was either sust, or cyipinante. Once I ran eqwipoise(EQ), deca and premobolin and another I did test, deca, and at the end afree novadek post cycle I ran some winstrole.(Sorry I'm sure the spelling is prob way off) But always just found that 2 compounds of test and deca was plenty for me and no reason to add any others.

AceBoon's picture

Great post. Thanks

AceBoon's picture

Great post. Thanks

peters's picture

Good post!

muscleman1687's picture

great post,thanks bro!

Bershane231's picture

Great article

Frank Und's picture

Think I need note this! Thanks

rodmangus's picture

Phonemonal, 100% true, and hilarious all wrapped into one post. Well done!

BobbySuee's picture

Agree with u

rich2814m's picture

Amen brother, good post. Going to point this out to a few friends of mine.

sufur's picture

Think I need to note this one. Thanks for posting, Sir


I'm getting my diet back on track

Miketren's picture

I've done all these steps like five times before my first few cycles lol Smile

greg82917's picture

Yes diet is 80% training/gear is the other 20%!

MarkyMark1978's picture

i second that!

Rlussier211's picture

Nice. Should be common knowledge. But in this day and age of "some is good then more is better" & "yes i belIeve in hard work but i want it now." That definitely needs to be said. Refer to step 1. Hah. That should have been a sub step between them all. I have 2 test e only cycles done and still all i do is read read read.

Not sure if it should be in there. ...But with the importance placed on diet, maybe a step on sleep sleep sleep too. I see way too many natties who actual think their growing under the bar.

Keez's picture

Refer to step 1!!!
Great post

Neo6x3's picture

Point taken. ......time to hit the books. Thx BTW very helpful.

megabolangirl's picture

Most of the time people fuck up their cycle because they don't have everything they need in the beginning, then they end up adding random roids or not getting their pct on time. Get everything you need before you start. Have your peace of mind.