posted Mon, 06/01/2015 - 00:33
+ 20 GH serum 24.4 on the baseline 0.05
baseline is <0.05, then i injected one vial,on subQ, 3 hours, (didnt fast ), i ran a blood test, the gh is 24.4. its not as high as some others members who ran the same gh(35.2, 33.8 etc),but its still ok. but i think the gh serum is not so accurate and stable, many factors could impact, but IGF1 is more stable and more important. i will post my IGF1 tomorrow. so i suggest guys run IGF1
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Thanks for sharing+ from me
Thank you kindly for sharing brother! +2 for keeping the community informed!
Thx bro for posting! +1
Thanks for sharing. +2
u r more generous than me , bro, i dont wanna be karma bitch, im not greedy, i just need 1000 karma, so i dont look so poor
Thanks for posting +1
Results vary between subQ & IM. Still good #!!+2
u r more generous than me,bro,thanks a lot
thanks for posting ....cant wate to dive in:-)
Sweet thanks for sharing brother. +2
P2i2tthe difference could be that most users use the protocol doing IM injections wich has a faster absorption rate than sub q and also wait as close to 3.5 hours as possible. I believe because of these factors your number may have been a little higher if you waited longer to draw. Just my theory. Could be totally wrong. Nice numbers regaurdless
+1 for keeping it real
Thanks for posting! Looking forward to IGF
Really like the way I feel on this thanks Matt
the most important is that u guys like this, im happy for this,thanks
That not bad at all for generics can't wait for igf- 1
bigwillyThat's not bad for pharmacy growth either. You won't won't a blood serum level from prescription gh that high. Now will you find higher igf1 numbers higher from prescription gh. Typically there a lil better then half the numbers from generics.
blood serum levels come in at around 17/21 while igf1 levels even out in the 300 area.
That in no way means generics are better, more then likely it just means the over dosed like hell, while prescription gh is dosed properly and the drug is more bio available then generics.
thanks a lot, big bro
Cant wait to see the IGF's !!