Coconut's picture
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Smoke out

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Wat up fellow potheads I love smoking ganja and have always enjoyed it. Its a great way to relax and for some medicate I use it as a sleep aid/pain relief. I have suffered my whole life from asthma and sciatic nerve issues since i turned 21. Since starting to self medicate at the age of 13 I have never had a asthma attack. Let me just state I was born with asthma and before the age 13 I'd been hospitalized 7 times revived twice. I'm 25 now and haven't had a rescue inhaler for 12 years now. Some say I have grown out I disagree I find it odd it acutes when I started smoking pot. Which I was extremely hesitant about because of my asthma. As far as the sciatic nerve issues I slipped a disc in my lower back at work (iron work) and have suffered from severe to moderate pain ever since. Smoking makes the pain very manageable. I visit a chiropractor at least twice a month, but unless I smoke the pain never goes away just lessens with adjustments. I never fully am free of the pain but smoking numbs it down enough I can enjoy life and forget about it for awhile. Smoking has been awesome for sleep as well. I've always been kinda a night owl but its hard when I need to wake up so early for work. Smoking helps to knock me out early haha. But the best part about smoking for me is SMOKING THAT SHIT!!! I love the taste smell and looks of pot and everything there is to gain from it! Please everyone feel free to discuss openly how pot has made Ur life better!! I wanna see pics,pics,pics!!!! I'll try to post one up each week because I love variety in my life so I try to get a different strain as often as possible! Just a side note indica is by far more my kinda high I like the couch locked Stoney bud but that's just me ;) happy smoking everyone

Coconut's picture

Don't forget u guys can start Ur own topics in here let us know wat u wanna talk about Smile

Coconut's picture

Waiting to get a pm back on how to post pics any info from u boys just let me know.

GooodVibes101's picture

I Just Started A Bho Discussion, Dude had To Do It The OLDDDD FASHIONED MYSPACE way (VIA Photobucket) Took My HIgh Ass 15 minutes To Crack My Old Password/Email I Havnt Logged Onto In 7 years Haha. If You Find An Easyer Route Lemme Know.

GooodVibes101's picture

Fuck Yea The "Boom Boom Room" Is In Fulleffect HaHa

Pepwarehouse's picture

Hell yea finally up and running! glad you got it workin man Smile

Coconut's picture

Me too bro

Odin's Son's picture

As a grower I get to enjoy different aspects of the plant during all stages. It is an awesome experience! Each strain and phenotype are different and have unique characteristics. I love my purps! I will post some picks of my Hashplant and Tangerine. I'm happy to talk about this with fellow weight lifters cause I identify more with y'all than the burnout hippy's. (No offense to 1jakdhipy!) LOL

Coconut's picture

I got some sick purps my buddy grew his own strain purple prairie dog shit was dank. I'm smoking on some shit called Bruce banner right now it's fire!!! It's actually ironic because I'm a hulk gear guy and I smoke on hulk bud lmfao. The best I have ever smoked in my life was mutated medicine man my buddy had been perfecting for years it was so frosty it looked like it was covered in white mold purple and lime green coloring where u could see thru the frost. Smelled like pine sol straight up and had a extremely earthy taste. He lost the strain tho :( I still get medi man from time to time but never like the intensity my buddy had wow!

Odin's Son's picture

I've been growing for about 3 years now. I still excited when I get ahold of new strains. I am looking to grow Girl Scout Cookies and Cherry Pie in my next round or two. Just gotta make sure I verify that the clones or seeds are legit from the seed bank. Being as they are exotic and highly sought after the price is still high when obtaining the genetics. That sucks to hear about your buddies genetics. It sounded amazing!

biggerthanyou's picture

Bro girl scout cookies hands down the best shit I've ever seen! The Nug formation is awesome, I'm a sucker for compact buds and this shit was hard as a rock! Blows uppp when u put it through a grinder! If u grow it you will not be disappointed! Shit is going for like 500$ a zone in Houston right now

Coconut's picture

Lol that's no bueno bro. I was in Houston for Christmas and my little bro got me a half for $150

biggerthanyou's picture

Dammm that's legit that's same price I get regular good shit for...sweet tooth white widow green crack northern light og kush gods gift shit like that lol but its all good for that girl scouts Idgaf haha

Coconut's picture

I love them all Smile

Coconut's picture


Odin's Son's picture

I'm on the lookout for the genetics from a reputable source via seeds or clones. I can't wait to try it.

Coconut's picture

Girl Scout cookies got a half o of that when I went home for Christmas my little brother hooked me up haha shit was Bombay

Odin's Son's picture

How'd u like. Did it taste like thinmints like i've been told?

Coconut's picture

In a weird way ya lol

BigTurbo's picture

Dude, I have obviously been out of the game for far too long, and havent heard of half these names...

Unfortunately I left NYC and came to N.C, and all they smoke is dirt here, so I gave up lol

Coconut's picture

Weak, come to my town I can't even find Mexican shwag here lmfao

cmo25cent's picture

Everyonce in a while ill get a hold of some good shwag but most of the time I just grab the exspensive shit...

Coconut's picture

That's wat I would do bro it ain't even worth it to smoke shwag to be honost. Maybe in my uounger years I would argued the other side to that goin but that's because I was cheap haha.

BigTurbo's picture

Where are you located? I can always make a trip haha

Coconut's picture

Not NC lol

Coconut's picture

Lmfao agreed with u there bro I'm not a grower but a avid smoker ;)