selecta's picture
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Reduce PCT dosage?


So i have just come off a test e cycle which was:
Wks 1-12 Test enan 250mg p wk
Wks 13-14 Test prop 100mg EOD

Adex started at 0.25 EOD but rediced to 0.25 E3D as joints hurting a bit too much.

I started PCT on Sunday and running

Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

so its only been 2 doss so far of pct but all day today i have been suffering with shortness of breath and an unusual feeling in my chest. I am wondering if this is a poss side effect from the CLimid or Nolva and as i was on a fairly low cycle could i reduce the cloimid & nolva doses?

inked's picture

Bro, I personally run the following...

Nolva- 40/40/20/20
Clomid- 50/50/50/50

I personally run the 50mg of clomid because it makes me feel like absolute shit. At 50mg, feel MUCH better. I think it comes down to knowing YOUR body bro.

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mikebuie's picture

oh shit son, i just jow realized u were only running at 250mgs a week, you were barely above cruising levels! yeah i know what u mean bout being off, i didnt think it would bother me at all but after pct i knew better hahah

mikebuie's picture

personally, i'd definitly lower the nolva to 20/20/10/10. my first cycle was the exact same except dbol to kickstart with, and the pct drugs especially nolva made me feel awful. i was running an AI thruout pct and on ran nolva 20/10 and thats it with no gyno issues. you just kinda gotta play it by ear i guess and see yow u feel, if ur nips get all sensitive and itchy, take the nolva back up but i think you'll be fine. i kept clomid the standard 100/100/50/50 and wasnt bothered by it really at all. hepl yeah i felt better once i was done, but it wasnt anything i couldnt deal with. hope that helps bro

selecta's picture

Thanks fella, i may just do that. Do you think its generally nolva that is the worst for sides?

mikebuie's picture

for me hell yeah, no doubt about it - crazy mood swings and depression like symptoms just from 3 days at 40mgs before i dropped it down. the clomid made me break out pretty bad on my shoulders and back, almost worse than the test but thats not really sayin much. no vision problems either, brought my boys back quick too

selecta's picture

lol boys !!! Mine havent really suffered too badly tbh prob because of low test dosing.

May do one more night of 40 then drop to 20 tomorrow.

Its funny as i never could fully identify being "on" during the cycle but certainly feel like i am "off" now !! lol