s08722k's picture
  • 41

-5 Most recent order


Took 6 days from order, 2 days from notification it was shipped. Probably by 15th+ order w no problems. Thanks for being the most reliable place I've used the past 4 years.

Ordered from: 
Juggernaut_13's picture

DAMN this pic is still up? -1

Owes a Review × 1
MegaTRON13's picture

It only takes one to ruin it for everyone else...

Goose24's picture

OMG this is a rookie mistake.. Fucking 102 karma....

Well 101 now. Smh


helloBrooklyn's picture

You're level 2 and you don't know to keep packaging out of pictures? Please take this down asap and repost without the shit

It's been long enough. -1. You'll get it back when the pic is gone