irongame427's picture
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+ 5 Nomad labs 100iu nomatropin


Been meaning to post these but I've had so many other labs and pics recently I'm just now getting to it. So as you all know I'm addicted to gh. I admit I have a problem lol. Long term I just want a decent generic where I can use like 3-5ius ed and then add 2ius of pharm grade. So Ive been searching an searching for that decent generic and I may have found it. It's just to expensive to run a decent dose of pharm grade. Bulldog was one of my first sources i ever used on here and arguably the smoothest transactions I've ever done. So we started talking about this nomad labs gh and he had some interesting things to tell me about the stuff that made me wana give it a shot and I spent some time searching for reviews and all that I found were positive. So I decided to give it a shot. The presentation is the best I've seen for a generic. And supposedly this is pharm grade in South Africa and even used by some anti aging doctors in the United States. I started them about 10 days ago it so right after I ran out of the last brand I ran bloods on and so far so good. Still feeling the same as I did with the pharm grade stuff I was using last. No problems at the injection sites as alot of generics have. So of course I'm gonna be doijg bloodwork on these in a few weeks. Wanna give it some time so the other stuff I was running clears my system so I get an accurate number from these. So stay tuned. Thanks bulldog it's alwuas a pleasure doing business with you.

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Dynamite's picture

what was your the out came using this brand of hgh

dill851's picture

How many IUs in this kit?

Trenabolic's picture


Owes a Review × 1
dill851's picture

Yeah I caught that after I posted its right in the title. +1 ha

konig's picture

Well I can say definitely a nice presentation!

abidkhan's picture

Fr sent got a question?

irongame427's picture

Will do, I been running gh for a while now I doesn't take me long to know If it's good or not so I'll have are review up in a few weeks. But so far they feel good.

Dynamite's picture

what was your out come using this brand of hgh