powertrip's picture
powertrip 174


Estimated T/A: 
2-5 Business Days

Minimum Order: 
$175 [S&H not included]

Payment Methods: 
MoneyGram, Western Union

Please note

Primary Contact Method: [email protected]

It is with great pleasure that Power-Pharma aka "Powertrip" is announcing our return from the extended hiatus. A "Soft-Open" of March 15th will kick off our return to operations, and just in time for Spring and Summer rush. After 4 YEARS we are ecstatic to be able to once again approach the opportunity to bring closure to new and prior orders from our very understanding and loyal customers. You can expect our best services yet, meaning high quality pharmacy grade product and the consistent human interaction to keep you connected with our progress leading up to the "Grand Re-Opening" on April 20th. To all those who have past due orders, it is imperative to contact us via email immediately. As a small token of reconcilliation, a $100 voucher to those who have long waited our return will be granted. It goes with saying that we are always dissappointed yet optimistic when forced into an extended hiatus, and for this we can only offer our sincerest apologies for the wait, and our word that we will never quit or attempt to escape the unresolved orders despite how difficult it may be for us to remedy the situation. We hope that you all understand it is very costly and time consuming to come back in this manner with intentions of addressing all outstanding matters, and we know that this displays our committment to the integrity of what we do here.

Once again the projected official re-opening will be on 4/20, and the time leading up to this date will be used to sort out all past, present, and future orders. It is understood that products ordered in the past may not be what some of you will be looking for now, especially with the summer months rapidly approaching us, so we plan to be as flexible in that regard as possible.

Lastly, with the new products available will be produced with GSO in an effort to distinguish the new and improved product line. All oils in the last year were manufactured with Safflowerseed, so not only will there be a new product appearance, the products of the recent past are being removed from inventory, to further insure product quality and consistency. Our email server has been re-subscribed to, so for all order inquires use this as the primary means of communication. I look forward to serving the community of whom a long-standing relationship has been developed.

You are encouraged to email us regarding all orders, promotions, negotiations as well as any and all questions.

Primary Contact Method: [email protected]

Transfer Services

Western Union - http://locations.westernunion.com/ [If under 300]
MoneyGram - http://www.moneygram.com/us/en [If under 900]

Product Info & Compositions

Carrier Oils Used: Grapeseed, Ethyl Oleate [EO]

Sustanon 350 [by mg/ml & ester]
- 60mg Test Prop
- 80mg Test Phenylprop
- 80mg Test Iso
-130mg Test Deca

D.MaNn36's picture

I agree bro!! I'm ordering tomorrow can't wait!!

locobrutal's picture

hahaha hell yeah deff something to listen to while killing those fucking weights

locobrutal's picture

hell yeah, getting me some today then, is ur powertrip username from chimaira's song powertrip

powertrip's picture

Lol, no it's not but I just listened to it.. think we might have a new theme song haha.

locobrutal's picture

sorry i meant tren E, just hoping u werent out of stock

powertrip's picture

Yeah we have Tren E in stock chief.

powertrip's picture

PM'ing you in a sec here.

D.MaNn36's picture

Wow clen huh?? What other goodies do you have bro lol

locobrutal's picture

you in stock for some prop trip ?

Bfriedman1017's picture

Has anyone tried the anavar? How is it?

D.MaNn36's picture

How are you today Power!!!!

powertrip's picture

Tired but good bro. The tren's got me waking up at 4:30 and not being able to fall back asleep lol.

D.MaNn36's picture

Haha!! Gotta love Tren and all the wonderful sides lol!! I find myself growling at people hahah so I have coined the phrase " The Tren Growl" lmfao it's gotta be a side affect right boss? Lmfao GRRRRRR

powertrip's picture

That's just rude. Even if a guy is ugly you don't need to tell him to his face. Or whatever that thing on his head is. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_sENKnrVltu8/SmY-TaLrLmI/AAAAAAAAAeE/Oh_t7qRV4a...

AlphaTiger2011's picture

Recieved my package today. Thanks chief

powertrip's picture

No problem! Starting the Prop now or just adding to the stash?

AlphaTiger2011's picture

Already pinned 1ml

D.MaNn36's picture

Hey power can I add you bro need to hit you in PM if that's ok ??

powertrip's picture

Go ahead chief.

rhaack83's picture

Dont know if it was the 2mL of prop last night or the third 25mg dose of dBol, or a combination of both, but I just finished a chest workout and in two hours I couldn't for the life of me wear that fucker out. My joints gave out before my chest did and if I didnt have to go back to work I'd stay and keep hitting it. Pushed 315 on barbell incline press 4 times and I swear last chest day could only get it twice...chest does have a rather impressive pump too

k2b4e's picture

you taking the liquid d-bol or caps?

rhaack83's picture

Caps. I had quite an argument in my head about which to get...

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