ZewiAnabolX's picture
ZewiAnabolX 0 Claim this!


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Domestic 10 days, International 21 days

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Payment Methods: 
Western Union

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When Cdadday and I came to Eroids a few years ago we met in the forums and began running together with the same desire to help the newbs and our fellow brother with solid advice and information… Our goal was to help the community to cycle and achieve better results whether your cycle or nutrition or both were concerned… We gained your trust because you implemented our advice and found it to be proven true with the desired results you sought after… In time, Cdaddy and I began to envision bringing something different to the SRC world combining our knowledge and wisdom together and further more solid gear… Now our time has come to prove ourselves as CDaddy and Zewi in the SRC world as Elite AnabolX and we challenge you guys to give us the opportunity to serve you in a different way and help you with your cycle with solid quality gear… We already know that we stand in the midst of adversity, but we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that once you try our gear and see the results you will know… We are just as solid with our gear as our advice… Remember “Haters will be haters” with their silly little rumors and gossip always, but I challenge you in the community to put us to the test and see for yourself that hands down we are we have the “Fiya” that you seek… And not only do we offer that but we will provide you with personal consultation whether it be with cycles or nutrition to help you achieve your goals to the fullest with the gear you purchased while providing you with the outstanding customer service you want and deserve… Thank you for your support and confidence and trusting us with your goals and gear

Best Regards Always,
Zewi and CDaddy – Elite AnabolX Team

JAP10's picture

Thanks brudda for the heads up and detailed response... I found out of their association with the other source that was putting out bunk Gh...matter of fact I had some Test from that source, I decided to trash it not wanting to risk it. I've been running Elite Sus, Dbol with Deca from another source and so far no issue's. All signs are good so far...have all the typical good signs when getting a few weeks in... If I run into any issue's I will report back.

Mattyd's picture

That guy that filed the claim is easily the best part. Too bad he hasn't been back with an update. Maybe there's no WiFi in his cell.

hooligan16's picture


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spm1's picture

The gears fine. They had some LE problems

hooligan16's picture

Im still using their sust & deca, used their d-bol for the first 4 weeks. I just finished my 6th week of my cycle and Im getting great results, check my pics. Strength and size just keep going up. The sus is very smooth, no pip at all.

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biceps71's picture

Agreed I am using test e, tren e, mast e blend test e 500, winni and var oral and all is g2g, strength and defintion increasing.

Mattyd's picture

Can't speak to the sust. I had Dbol that I ordered in March, and I have no complaints about it.

hooligan16's picture

Whats up bro? Thanks and same to you if it applies, glad to see your karma out of the negative

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hooligan16's picture

Well Your now headed in the right direction. And its safe to say we are all work in progress, thats why we're here.

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Mattyd's picture


Coconut's picture


Pmob's picture

Still 4 PM's !! Will someone please answer them !!!!

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7gothic's picture


bryanm3701's picture

I hope I followed the instructions correctly. If not I sent you a request and will try to be in touch. I understand how busy you must be but wanted to say regardless of wether you get to me or not.. you, kodiak, and wolf are awesome and I have a ton of respect for all of you for helping everyone that lost out on this. Hopefully Zewi is ok and I appreciate anythin you are able to do.

BigJay39's picture

Your a stand up dude, and it wont go unrewarded my freind. Example of outstanding empathy. Wish Eroids was filled with more people like you.

CaliJay78's picture

Hey BigJ I know you have tried EA Dbol so wondering what you thought about it and what dosages were you taking?


Chadv82's picture


In a promo × 1
hooligan16's picture


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Mattyd's picture

Trying to upload pic any help would be greatly appreciated. I have it in my profile, just don't know how to post it.

7gothic's picture

Around 53 packs going out to EA customers this week from Affliction and Kodiak labs----congratulations to those of you who were able to figure out the ordering process from the directons that were provided.... I apologize for not answering PMs from those of you concerning your confusion in the process, but unfortunately I do not have time to devote to hand-holding----it's more valuable to me than the gear. Not trying to be a smartass, but that's just reality----time is something I wish I had more of.
For those of you who got completely fucked, I sympathize with you and after the smoke clears and youve been here for a bit, I can possibly assist with the occassional tight spot----but you've got to be in the "circle of trust"----(see the Fockers).

AlwaysKookin's picture

So basically if we never got a tracking number, despite having confirmation emails of payment clearing or packs supposedly shipped , we're SOL?

I definitely understand your time constraints and inability to address everyone's issues, just curious because I haven't seen a definitive answer regarding those of us who didn't get tracking from the site before it shut down. Again thanks for doing what you have done, and if it turns out I don't get anything, that's something that's out of my hands and still respect the hell out of you for doing this.

Pale's picture

I second that! You and Grrrl are the essence of Eroids!

Bigboss10's picture


spm1's picture


Pale's picture

Whatever dude. You don't get it, that is your problem not mine.

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