NeoMeds's picture
NeoMeds 68


category count / average (6 months)
Overall 100% 37 Quality 100% 37 Delivery 99.7297% 37 Service 100% 37 Pricing 100% 37
Anonymous's picture
My overall experience

@anonymous... yes they did ship to me domestic... i was very nervous order from neo but after the great service i will definatly use them again

Products, effectiveness and results
Customer service
Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
  • Anon » hey scott , hows the gear so far ?
Anonymous's picture
My overall experience

Hey bro , I am about to order from neo , they are demestic arent they ? I had been going through gen to , kinda nervous about switching to neo but guess i dont have much of a choice !

Products, effectiveness and results
Customer service
Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
Anonymous's picture
My overall experience

because genxxl went down whom ive used for 4 years now, ihad to scramble and find a new source quickly. i ordered from neomeds and found their service to be very good and fairly quick.first time ive used scrioxx brand... heard good things about that brand... we will see

Products, effectiveness and results
Customer service
Shipping and Delivery
Price to performance
Additional comments
Krazyken's picture
My overall experience

My most recent purchase is as follows. items
Purchase Date [May 22nd] and recieved package Today [July 20]...estimated turnaround time of about 60 Days.. previous purchase took about 20 days, not bad consiedered Asia (China) shipment and the destination location is in Texas..

Products, effectiveness and results

Products Purchased: "DragonPharma"
(7x) Test Cyp250
(2x) EQ500
(2x) Deca500
(3x) CutMix150
(2x) Anavar
(3x) Nolvadex
(1x) Winstrol

Customer service

The admin we're very prompt in replying to tickets created through their website. Initially had an issue with shipling because they split shipment. Hence the long time of delivery "(im assuming)" Any adjustment or change and tracking and or ticket status you would receive a email from the site. Everything was discreet and handled accordingly..

Shipping and Delivery

The items were packaged correctly efficiently and discreetly as well. Highly recommended if you do not mind waiting for the over sea shipping.

Purchase Process:
Online Order.. Receipt of Random Name and Location For Western Union. Send Payment via WU & Insert Tracking # in Payment info on NeoMed Site. Upon Reciept, A tracking # is given.. And now we wait.

Price to performance
Additional comments

NeoMeds is Highly Recommended.. Will purchase again. I'm 2 for 2 on product shipment and purity.
Hoping the next purchase is quicker.. 10 of 10..

I recommend shopping here!
python32's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Long overdue review of kalpa trenboyxl ace

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Kalpa tren ace

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Good satisfactory customer service

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

T/A as mentioned

Price to performance
Additional comments

Nice supplier to deal with.

I recommend shopping here!
kib_the gr8's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

This review is for balkan clomid and balkan tamox

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)


Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Wonderful communication.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

To EU in about 1 week.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Neo is my go to source

I recommend shopping here!
ironmuscle89's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Review for Dragon sustanon

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Dragon pharma sustanon

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Communication was less than a day. Highly professional suppliers.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Packaging was discreet and shipping took a little more than a week.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Great experience and highly recommend!

I recommend shopping here!
Mat88's picture
My overall experience

I am in love with this supplier, they are very serious and professional! They always replies to my emails, I had an issue about my first order but they keep me updated step by step and the issue were solved!
Last order I bought kalpa winstrol and turinabol, all the products were checked on official Kalpa website!
I love kalpa brand and I love Neomeds, they are the people to go with!

Products, effectiveness and results


Customer service

Always replies to my email within 24 hours, best support I ever had!

Shipping and Delivery

Packing and packaging were absolutely perfect!

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
ckcrown84's picture
My overall experience

I am a frequent user of a competitor to Neomeds, and I must say Neomeds is amazing. Great customer support, service, and quality products. The one or two times in the past that I have had issues they have always fixed it. They are a great company. I went with the Kalpa product line recently for a competition where I went for a 501lbs bench press at the 220lbs weight class and I was very pleased. The quality of the gear can't be denied.

Products, effectiveness and results

6 vials of Tren Hex

Customer service

Communication is great, their ticketing system has a fast response time.

Shipping and Delivery

Packaging was great, product is never damaged when it arrives

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
pinkman.'s picture
My overall experience

My review for neomeds and the Pfizer genotropin pens I picked up here during there last sale, I got them real cheap when they mark stuff down evey couple months with like on sales. Theyre pretty big on the other forum I'm apart of an in my experience I had a good order and I got my pens for a good price and it arrived fast so I'm happy with them and itd be cool if they were active here.

Products, effectiveness and results

Genotropin pens on sale 320iu in all

Customer service

Very good fast replies on the ticket system and easy process donating

Shipping and Delivery

Arrived in two weeks packed well and very discreet

Price to performance
Additional comments


I recommend shopping here!
NBR1010's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Always a pleasure to deal with NEO. Placed many orders. Stand up supplier with quality gear and excellent customer service.

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ordered and used numerous products but will review kalpa testoxyl en. This is the product I have run most consistently.

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

They have a top notch customer service. Willing to do anything to get your order safe, discreet and on time.

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Their packaging is extra ordinary. Can't mention the details but never had an issue receiving gear from NEO.

Price to performance
Additional comments

My number one source. Highly recommended

I recommend shopping here!
TheTank33's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

Absolutely amazing source, ordered numerous times, and had amazing success every time! Absolutely love the source, the products, the customer service, and everything about it.

Products, effectiveness and results

(3x) Proscar 5mg- (Merck Sharp & Dohme- #28- 5mg/tab)
(2x) HUCOG INJ 5000iu (Bharat Serums And Vaccines Ltd- 1 kit x 5000iu amp & solution)
(3x) Tren-A 375 (5ml) (Gen-Shi Laboratories CO.- 5ml- 75mg/ml)
(1x) Trenboxyl Acetate 100 (Kalpa Pharmaceuticals- 10ml- 100mg/ml)
(7x) Testoxyl Enanthate 250 (Kalpa Pharmaceuticals- 10ml- 250mg/ml)
(2x) Letroxyl (Kalpa Pharmaceuticals- #30- 2.5mg)
(2x) Haloxyl (Kalpa Pharmaceuticals- #50- 10mg)
(10x) EQ 300 (Dragon Pharma- 10ml- 300mg/ml)
(1x) Dianabol (Gen-Shi Labs- #30- 10mg)
(2x) Anadroxyl (Kalpa Pharmaceuticals- #50- 10mg)

Customer service

If on a scale of 1-10, I would rate this source a 12. Over the time I've used the source, contacted them (opened a ticket) a total of six times, and every single time the reply is within less than 12 hours. It doesn't get better than that.

Shipping and Delivery

All orders were packaged discretely, professionally, and look like nothing out of the ordinary: just like a regular piece of mail. No damaged items out of all the orders I made. Every order was separated in a few packages, and all came packaged very well.

Price to performance
Additional comments

I did not get any "tren cough" from either of the products from either of the sources.
All of this was NOT used simultaneously.
All of the substances used were in a clean environment with clean and sterilized equipment.
I did blood work, normal range of test is in a range of 10-38 nmol/l, and the test is accurate to test up to 60nmol/l. When Before I started, my test levels were 11.3 nmol/l. 4 weeks later test levels were 18 nmol/l. 4 weeks out from competition (On cycle for about 2 months now and before any orals or tren) 18.4 nmol/l. 1 day before meet, test levels 21 nmol/l. I will be uploading lab results soon in forums.
In 3 month cycle, gained 26 pounds of mass. Competed in 198lb power class, Full meet, (Squat, Deadlift, Bench) Total 1710lb @ 198lb.
Only sides I got from any of this, not sure which one because I used more than one substance at a time, was some back acne, but nothing bad, and a slight shortness of breath-but that went away about a week after I got off orals and tren.

I recommend shopping here!
Fat2Fit101's picture
My overall experience

Review for GenShi Labs Testo-C 500

Products, effectiveness and results

GenShi Labs Testo-C 500 as a personal tester batch

Customer service

I must say the level of customer service is amazing! They respond quickly and always readily address any matters at hand. My initial order got lost and they ensured that they not only replaced it, (FREE) but compensated with an additional vial due to the length of time I had to wait. That is Service!

Shipping and Delivery

The T/A took a little over a month to arrive due to my first package getting lost.
The packaging was very discreet, and the vials were packaged safely.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Already placed my second order with them! Looking forward to more gains! Legit Company!

I recommend shopping here!
Camel de do's picture
+ 1
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Review for DP winsstrol 50mg

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

DP winstrol 50mg

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Not needed at all. Everything was easy and clear

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Packet arrived on time and safe

Price to performance
Additional comments

Definitley works !!!

I recommend shopping here!
tekneeke's picture
My overall experience
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Review for Oxandorxyl, Arimixyl & Kamagra50

Products, effectiveness and results
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Oxandroxyl * 5
Arimixyl * 4
Kamagra50 * 1 pack

Customer service
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Reached through ticketing system. Turn over time not more than 20 Hrs

Shipping and Delivery
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Products were very professionally packaged. T/A just under 2 weeks

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
winstrol churchill's picture
My overall experience

I trust Neomeds, they carry Kalpa which is a brand i really like.

Products, effectiveness and results

Test Cyp., Prop, Enanth, Boldenone, Glucophage.

Customer service

One order was lost or stolen by customs and they just made it good by reshipping it for free without me even asking so that's pretty cool of them ( hence the review ).

Shipping and Delivery

It arrives in around 10 days, packaging is ok.

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
  • tonytulo » #Test Cyp., Prop, Enanth, Boldenone, Glucophage. Product effectivenes and experience I really like Kalpa, i use it for my TRT treatment. Not going to cut it bro, need more detail on all products.
jagdv's picture
My overall experience

my friend used kalpa and he said big things about it. He has been selling the brand for quite long as well. I decided to give a try and purchased few vials of trenbolone acetate as it was the fastest way to test the gear

Products, effectiveness and results

Kalpa tren ace

Customer service

Comminication through ticketing sytem seemed complicated at first but then got used to it

Shipping and Delivery

parcel with in EU took only a week and it arrived safely

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
srmbnw01's picture
My overall experience

The order went smoothly. Ordered kalpa test E and some arimidex

Products, effectiveness and results

6 vials test e

Customer service

They are very helpful and polite. Communicated through ticketing system on their website. Payment options are smooth.

Shipping and Delivery

8-9 days total. Fast shipping and discreet package. Looked like a gift item from a friend or family member.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Didn't let me down. Recommended

I recommend shopping here!
grow's picture
My overall experience

I ordered here because im familiar with kalpa brand and this particular supplier has slightly better prices and shipping in my experience.
So I ordered some mast and test e for my latest blast

Products, effectiveness and results

4 test e 250
8 mast e 200

Customer service

No support needed. Hardly any comm needed.
Everything went as planned

Shipping and Delivery

Delivered in 9days
Packed sealed leak proof damage proof

Price to performance
Additional comments


I recommend shopping here!
EndoEnhanced's picture
My overall experience

My review for test enan by dragon pharma and Genotropin 16iu pens by Pfizer and of the source neomeds and the team

Products, effectiveness and results

Dragon pharma test enan 250 and Genotropin pens

Customer service

Great communication and support. Very fast and easy replies and donation was simple. Great ticket process for messages as well

Shipping and Delivery

Arrived in 2 weeks padded and packed very well with no damage at all

Price to performance
Additional comments


I recommend shopping here!
I.M.Juicy P.H.D's picture
My overall experience

My review for kalpa duraxyl NPP and oxandroxyl anavar and clenbutoxyl

Products, effectiveness and results

Oxandroxyl VAR Tabs
Duraxyl NPP 6 vials
Clenbtoxyl CLEN tabs

Customer service

Good steady line of communication throughout purchase

Shipping and Delivery

Deivered with ETA packed very well and professional

Price to performance
Additional comments
I recommend shopping here!
former_fatty's picture
+ 1
My overall experience

These guys are really popular on a similar forum and I ve used them a few times now but this review is for my most recent purchase of kalpa eq and tren

Products, effectiveness and results

Kalpa pharmacueticals bold undec and tren enan x 4 vials each

Customer service

They replied to my queries quickly
Im pleased how fast they are

Shipping and Delivery

Packaged very well very discrete and safe
Delivered in 2 weeks

Price to performance
Additional comments

Great brand

I recommend shopping here!
tony420's picture
My overall experience

I used these guys for my first cycle as I see many people sell kapla brand gear so I ordered my testosterone enanthate by kalpa pharma here some Viagra but I haven't used it bit will review when I do
I'm on trt which is doctor prescribed but I'm only percribed 200mg cyp a week so as a cycle I decided to use 500mg testosterone enanthate to gain some mass
The whole process was much smoother than I thought It would be and I'm impressed with the shipping rates only 2 weeks to my house is pretty darn good I think

Products, effectiveness and results

I ordered myself 6 vials of kalpa testosterone enanthate 250mg

Customer service

Excellent very fast and easy to use

Shipping and Delivery

2 weeks wrapped in a padded box

Price to performance
Additional comments

This is a good source for kalpa gear

I recommend shopping here!
thekiller's picture
My overall experience

This is my first order with this seller and will not be the last Smile

Products, effectiveness and results

Tren ace Dragon Pharma
Sustanon Dragon Pharma
Deca Balkan

Customer service

Communication is fast and friendly

Shipping and Delivery

Deescrete and safe packaging, T/A is about 10 days week end included

Price to performance
Additional comments

Legit supplier with good products

I recommend shopping here!
Handsumhustlaa23's picture
My overall experience

Prices are very good and hard to give up, ordered some test e , drol and dbol

Products, effectiveness and results


Customer service

Quick replys and straight up answers

Shipping and Delivery

Totally discreet and arrived quicker than i thought it would.

Price to performance
Additional comments

Very satisfied with products and overall service

I recommend shopping here!
  • Pale » #Telling us how smooth it pins means nothing.
kmack42's picture
My overall experience

I highly recommend this supplier.

Products, effectiveness and results


Customer service

There was an issue with payment which was handled efficiently and very well. Was in contact until the issue was resolved and replied promptly each time.

Shipping and Delivery

Perfectly bubble wrapped. T/A was actually faster than promised!

Price to performance
Additional comments

All in all a professional, reliable and quality supplier to deal with. 

I recommend shopping here!
dinosaur's picture
My overall experience

My review for this source and my recent purchase of Genotropin 36iu pens
Ive used this source before and knew he was legit so I decided to order in bulk because he offers a great price on them

Products, effectiveness and results

Bulk Genotropin 36iu pen deal

Customer service

They operate using a ticketing system
Theyre fast and helpful through out

Shipping and Delivery

10days firmly wrapped and padded

Price to performance
Additional comments

Id recommend!

I recommend shopping here!