T-Swolez's picture
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The beginning


I'm about to start my first cycle EVER. Will testp 250 be a good start?

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noob143's picture

This is a bad idea. Your too young. No one on here will condone your ideas. It was stated in the rules you were supposed to read before you started here. That no one under 25 will be given advice on juice. Diet and training are where you need to focus. There is a ton of knowledgeable dudes on here that'll lead you to a bigger you without risking your health. This stuff can and will mess you up if you don't know what to do when things get serious.

T-Swolez's picture

What supplements do you recommend taking then?

SlowBro's picture

steak and potatoes.

but seriously food will take you a long way. if you have a hard time eating enough, steroids arnt going to solve that problem. without proper food you will not grow on steroids or not.

not trying to hate bro, just trying to help you out. there is alot of potential in you that hasnt been unlocked yet.

T-Swolez's picture

I appreciate it. I can eat like a champ, but no one I know that is big isn't on some kind of supplement! I'm taking the post workout by 1st Phorm now

SlowBro's picture

steroids are not supplements. they are drugs.

wanted's picture

Not working

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levelup's picture

Gotta be trolling

Bigboyj's picture

I agree with Rusty. I'm no pro but if you can't gain without it you will not gain on it. Learn to eat and train with good form and different routines. Only then will you get good use out of gear. You would just be waiting money and jeopardizing your natural production for no reason. Listen to the guys here and reconsider

T-Swolez's picture

I'm using it just to get a boost. I'm using it as a kickstart. I can't gain worth shit without it.

inzer777's picture

how do you know you cant gain without something you never used?

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zeb0312's picture

X2 rusty good looking out brother

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