Anonymous's picture
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+ 3 Test E 600!!! 50ml of prop 200!!!! I love this dude FULL F'n HOMO


I am not advocating ordering from an unverified source. I take full responsibility for doing so should slmething go wrong.
That being said. Other than being a N.E. Pats fan. Rapid is a good dude. He has done custom brew orders for me. He has next dayed when I've had to have it. Great buisness with rapid. I know I'll see him verified. And probably extremely busy and avoiding my messages because that's what a stuck up Pats fan would do!! You know your my dude!! Prop 200 is excellent btw.

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BeastMode5085's picture

i got my pic pulled but I love this guy... minus the pats fan. His gear is the shit +1