mjh36's picture
  • 108

+ 7 Swole oil ebc prize


1 pack anavar 100mg 50 tabs
1vial tren ace 100mg/ml 100ml
1vial test prop 100mg/ml 50ml
1 pack prami 1 mg 50 tabs
2 packs aromasin 12.5 mg 50 tabs
1 pack pct blend 76.25 mg 50 tabs

He didn't have all the anavar so I have 20 tabs now and he said he will send the other 30 as soon as he can. I've never seen vials this big before so I'm pretty excited and I also asked if I could swap one of his prizes for three t shirts and he threw them in, in addition to the other prizes! If this guys gear is as good as his business I will be ordering from him shortly after using his gear. Super polite and shipped this stuff real fast. 3 days TA.

After an awesome weekend at the Arnold classic this package just topped it all off I can't thank you enough swole. You've got a great business going and I look forward to using your gear. Thank you!

I threw in a pick there of all the stuff we got from the Arnold also!

Ordered from: 
Big Pimp Daddy's picture

Sick score +1

Gorillafit's picture

Nice prize pack! 100ml tren! yumm
The prize pic opens a pic of you 2 and Steve Kucklo though???

mjh36's picture

haha yea i saw that once i posted it it should be fixed now

Gorillafit's picture

Yep works now.
Btw congrats on the win in the EBC didn't get a chance to say.

mjh36's picture

Thanks! and congrats on your placement also.

SuperMax's picture

Damn!! You lucky dawg!!+1

swoldier's picture

Dam bro +1 that is fucking badass!
Congrats on your hard work in the EBC

bigJOHNstud's picture

those jugs are awesome !! good stuff