Eezio's picture
  • 29

+ 2 smh!


This is what happens when your crazy ex finds part of your stash.. good thing I hid my new stash.

Ordered from: 
rageracing's picture

That my friend is steroid abuse....

GooodVibes101's picture

I Would Have Laid Hands..

Eezio's picture

Haha na man I don't believe in that. But she was gone when I got back and ain't been here since.. but she fucked herself believe me.

bigJOHNstud's picture

it looks like i see her blue toe nail in the left side of the pick next to the box.... i sure hope thats not your toe

Eezio's picture

Haha na bro I prefer green toe nail polish so that's def not mine.

Kingiviking's picture

Did she know you use gear? I'm going to assume she didn't and say for the record if you can't tell the one your with what you do and why then you shouldn't be with em.
Other than that I'm lmao hope you caught some fish!

Eezio's picture

No she didn't.. she doesn't believe in it she calls it drugs and cheating.. I've been with her for 5 yes and she is almost done with college, gonna be a teacher. So yeah she's one of them girls and 21. Cats out the bag now though

Kingiviking's picture

Well, wish I could plus1 you, and if your avatar is a pic of her, FUCK ME. Sorry for your loss but trust me and let the next dime you meet know up front. Hiding this lifestyle is like being gay and marrying a chick, you might pull it off but you ain't going to be happy and neither is she. ( the metaphor is for Ace!) lol Jk buddy, but I'm sure it'll make you smile.

Eezio's picture

Oh yeah they come and go trust me.. she was a great girl but we bumped heads a lot.. I was known as a player when we first dated and she never let it go. And she's bad but not that bad haha shes a blonde. I'll see if my old sim.will load on my lap top and give y'all a sample of DAT ass.. honestly looks like a porn star ass no bs

Kingiviking's picture

RIGHT? Ya know, you and I need to go have a few drinks someday. I think in less than an hour everyone there would want to fuck or fight us and none would have the balls to try either! Hahaha

Pepwarehouse's picture

i've had dreams about this happening to me. oh man my wife knows the world would go up in flames if she smashed my stash. Not as big as some but a couple grand worth....
Women know how to hit ya where it hurts. Glad you had your oils seperate

Eezio's picture

Yes they do :/

Barracuda's picture

My momma always said - There's plenty of fish in the sea!
Just go find ya a nice new little Barracuta!
- She used to say.

eclipse35's picture

You got back with her tho??? Her toes are in the pic... Let's hope that's the rebound chick! Lol

Owes a Review × 1
Eezio's picture

Na that's her she sent me this pic.. I didn't have enough time to take a pic I came straight in and hit my knees picking it all up lol

SquirrelNutz's picture

So sad. You know those Sentry Safes have key locks right? At least it doesn't look like any spiders got broken. Are those Tbol caps scattered on the floor?

Eezio's picture

No that's var caps and yeah it was locked... thing was I was fishing with friends and she came to get my dog to take him to the beach and took it into consideration that she could take my car.. well she happened to find a pack of rubbers with 2 missing and wigged out.. so I didn't come home and she snooped and found my lock boz cause my key was on my car keyring

mechtech's picture

Doesn't look like anything is damaged.

Eezio's picture

Na I had 3 empties and half of test e.. my fulls was hid I didn't get a chance to put them in there thank god lol

Barracuda's picture

LOL - Did she become your ex because of this great injustice?

Eezio's picture

She was already my ex was gonna work it out.. until she did that and poured out 2 big jugs of syntha 6 protein, jug of creatine and my preworkout.. I told her to hit the rd jack

Pmob's picture

Ohhhh that sucks !! That's all I run now is the Syntha 6 ! Taste soooooo good !!

In a promo × 1
Eezio's picture

Dude I know.. strawberry milkshake is fireeee

Pmob's picture

I was going to write that !! X2 !!

In a promo × 1
Pmob's picture

She has a pretty color of toe nail polish on though !! L.O.L !! Ohhh yea feel free to get back at her by posting pics of her in the wife day group ????? ;-) HA HA HA !!

In a promo × 1
Kingiviking's picture

Lmao, I always wondered why I liked you, now I know. YA SICK BASTARD!

Eezio's picture

Dude she has a killer body, I swear her ass and thighs are a 10. I got a new phone and memory card and I got a bunch of pics on old and some reason it wouldn't load on this phone I'll see what I can do and try it on my laptop when I get off work (-;