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+ 2 Shoulder Pumps - EBC Training


The pumps on my shoulders tonight were insane, to the point of PAINFUL, like they weren't gonna come down. I don't know if it was from the Sarcoplex Prop I won from Gorilla-Gear, the Centrino Cyp finally coming on, or the Centrino Deca I just started last week, but I need to get my Chest to do that. Well maybe not? LOL ;-P The shoulders are responding well, just have to keep them healthy, and get the Chest to catch up!

Gorillafit's picture

AAwww thanks CA, now I'm getting all misty eyed. A little homo :-) on my part!


well done pat,massive improvement from a few weeks back,no going back now man this is future,like your avatar you are tranforming nicely brother

Gorillafit's picture

Thanks Viking, Definitely not turning back Bro! I thought the avatar was perfect. I have to find a pic of me last year, 247, Beer belly, chubby face, and soft. Surprisingly I didn't take a lot of pics looking like that! LOL


keep those pictures in your mind every time you go iron slinging bro,that grey thing can make us or break us.

Carlos Danger's picture

He's making some serious ground isn't he! Traps from the front or back always make a guy look more symmetrical. Good call CA

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Gorillafit's picture

Thanks CA, That's all you Bro! CA says I need bigger traps, I gotta get em! LOL

Gorillafit's picture

Thanks Bro, I'm Pushing every time. At the same time trying to nurse this forearm but the drive won't let me slow down. I just came back from 2 months off completely trying to heal it. If I can stay healthy I ain't stopping. Its good in a way cause it forces me to stay strict, no swinging no jerky movements. I still can't pull or curl my max on a few things so I do Negatives when I need to. What happened with the neck?

Carlos Danger's picture

Ruptured two discs in 2008ish. Sporting synthetic discs and titanium plate 6 screws to hold it all together. But it was a successful fusion and completely healed. The last thing to come back is the confidence. Just like ur forearm brother. U know it's there and u know it's an issue. I got into so many bad habits trying to compensate. My physical therapist told me to start at ground zero. Use strict disciplined form and keep it super light. Over time gradually increase my ceiling. All the while maintaining petfect form. it felt
embarrassing cuz I was stronger than I felt doing my routines in strict form. But I kept my ceilings low and 3yrs later I finally go for broke. So keep ur movement tight and disciplined. Hopefully in time the pain isn't what it is now. Either way ur making some serious headway Pat:) once the deca kicks in ur going to blow up!
What's ur chest routines looking like?

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Gorillafit's picture

Damn Bro you been through it. Now I feel like a bitch with my "Tennis Elbow" LOL. That shit shut me down though. If I picked up a coffee mug with he left it was like fire in my arm. My routine has been 5x5 the last 2 weeks to get take advantage of the Tbol and get my strength up. Flat DB 100s/Flat Bar Bench 205/Incline Flys 35s/Incline Smith 150 + the bar/Pec Deck 150(I'm just learning Power Benching - shoulders pinched, elbows in) in Oct I hit 285 for a double but that was elbows back and my shoulders can't take it so I'm retraining Power Style. Tonight I switched the Delt routine to 3x10 and surprisingly the weight all stayed at the 5x5 level! ;-P

Carlos Danger's picture

Ur doing ur homework Pat;) 5x5 are a great matrix for building quality mass. Only exercise I think u may be missing is wide grip chest dips. Might mess with the forearm but I have been doing these since 14yrs old brother. I love em and they love me:) I'm always changing my workouts for chest. For a lil while there it was the only body group I still had my old power in. I tend to stick to super sets and compounds Keep to that routine and try adding in some dips. Maybe some cable crossovers? U got this tho Pat! Keep hitting it like ur doing and the results will come brother.

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Gorillafit's picture

I tried them, but dropped them. I mostly work out of my home gym when not traveling and just have the dip bars on the bench. I just can't get my upper body over the bars to stress the chest. It winds up mostly Tri's so I do them with my arm workout.

Carlos Danger's picture

Fucking Pat:)
Dude I'm digging ur progress. Way to go brother! Keep that shit up. See me and u are in opposite places. I'm trying to get my traps n delts to catch up to my chest. I have a neck issue that I'm barely getting my confidence back.
Just keep hitting it hard bro. U may not see the changes bud but I am. Shit just look at ur first avatar pic compared to this one! Big difference. Keep the pix coming brother I'm definitely enjoying seeing ur progress!

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