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Sciroxx Anavar looking sketch


From the research I've done on these they don't look the color or the size of real Scrioxx anavar. Much less the skecthy pouch they came in.

Anyone have Scrioxx anavar on hand or have used them? I have some doubts with these and may just toss them.

Looks like Karl is mia and dicking around....maybe he'll chime in. Looks to me like his shipper may be playing the old switcheroo.

Ordered from: 
Sciroxx's picture

These are flawless Oxanodex from our main lab, and you're welcome to test them, I actually encourage you to do so

We have had several manufacturing locations around the globe, so the picture which a member offered below is from2012 from another location, as you may expect there are slight changes between pressing machines and based on each location exact excipients availability and machnery, overall all tabs carry the same proven formula and tested materials

Mastino - shame on you and come and apologize here - your order was seized, who the hell would scam you for your one kit order, you're German, your customs is a bitch, I'll take responsibility and help you of course

drewmitz's picture

I’ve has a few issues with this brand and am about to take my last bottle of sciroxx to a known verifiable lad to get tested because the results were no bueno

TrenAllDay's picture

Grab a $30 roidtest for the peace of mind

TrenAllDay's picture

How long has it been? I’ve had 10+ kit orders with Karl and never a problem, sometimes it would take longer than usual that’s about it, but always got my order

PPGfreak's picture

Overseas sources take breaks sometimes just like every other illegal business. Wouldn’t really think much of it until they hit the three month mark.

ChickenBirdOfGains's picture

I looked up some photos online of Sciroxx Anavar, one of the pictures I found is linked below.

Yours looks lighter than the pictures I've seen. The colour of the ones you got almost looks closer to the colour of their Winstrol, which can be seen linked below.

I don't know though, I mean it came from them, so I'd probably think it's less likely to be fake when compared to a reseller.

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