Wildling's picture
  • 228

+ 2 RIP Matrix vial


Sad, sad day. I get out of my truck with my new vials in hand and one slips out of the packaging and onto the concrete. I feel like a moron. Words of advice, don't open your precious Matrix gear in your truck.

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Wildling's picture

I was in my driveway lol. If I get arrested there, I probably have more problems than a gear obsession.

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gorillafit28's picture

Awww fuck bro matrix nectar

OB2's picture

sad day

Wildling's picture

What makes it worse was the paper kept it from leaking. The more I searched for the crack the more spilled and I just gave up.....

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reloaded87's picture

I have broken a couple of vials myself... I know the feeling.

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Wildling's picture

I should've known better lol.... Shot happens I guess.

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juiceball8082's picture


Wildling's picture

I'm in my driveway lol.

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