noob941's picture
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+ 8 progress update june 10-sept 20 something cant remember exact lol


test only 500mg/week 10 week blast 250/wk cruz since then DIET N EXORCISE lol stay strong all.... in Mind Body and SOUL start 264lbs current 229 lbs

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guitarplayer1's picture

Great progress my man!

Owes a Review × 1
Stallion88's picture

Honestly you should definitely not be using AAS until you get that weight off. Ya you look a lot better than before but you still need a more solid base before you begin using. You still have a very high body fat and your putting a ton of extra stress on your heart. You could have gotten the same if not better results from just doing in naturally.

DoriDori's picture

Looking great, noob! I following your progress!

ANBRO's picture
Noob, Great Job! You've made progress and are showing great results.. keep doing what you are doing and do not loose that fire.. you've started something that will benefit you the rest of your life.. very proud.. and impressed! +1
Theophany's picture

Looking great brother! Very nice and impressive transformation! You're making great strides! +1 for your obvious dedication, perseverence and sacrifice. Keep at it.

WaresMyBalls's picture

Damn man ! Looking good brother ! They say for every 30 pound a man loses he gains an inch on his peter ! I bet your one happy feller +1

WaresMyBalls's picture

LoL ! keep on keeping on brother ! Your looking a hella lot better than your before Picture !

Colossus_fit's picture

well done!+1
how much weight have you lost?

Colossus_fit's picture

congrats bro,continue in this way!;)

Jc74s's picture

Good stuff man your on your way keep it up

Owes a Review × 1
MAC's picture

Great job man! +1

meat1's picture

Wow you did a hell of a job trimming up your stomach area! Keep it up! +1!

kodiakGRRL's picture

keep putting the work in noob you're doing good ;-)