MegaT883's picture
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+ 9 Pre Cycle Bloods


Getting ready to start back up been off since Sept. Been feeling a little off and sluggish so decided to get bloods done. I thought that my testosterone levels had fallen because of the way I was feeling. But that's not the case. WBC and Neutrophils are slightly elevated and I'm feeling it. I wanted to post these because I have been seeing quite a few bloods coming in with test levels in the mid to upper 400's. Back in Sept after PCT my levels were 589. I waited another 8 wks and retested and they were 704. Now this test is 19 wks later and I'm still holding my levels all natural. That 677 was taken at 1:30 pm non fasting. So I would have come in at over 720+ in the AM( conservative guess at a 7% increase if I got bloods at 8am). So if your bloods are showing lower levels give your body time to reach homeostasis. It will come back. Quit jumping back on to soon. Time on = time off

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2500hd's picture

+1 for the bloods. So your on verge getting sick, stressed or something that elevates WBC would that also lower your test levels?

MegaT883's picture

In my case no. It was lower due to Circadian rhythm. This test was taken at 1:31pm when my test levels were dropping. The previous test (704)was taken at 8am.

MegaT883's picture

What's up KK. Got a question who's going to take the Final 4?

MegaT883's picture

If they won I would be shocked!

MegaT883's picture

I looked at your bloods and it will come back up just takes time. You can help it along by increasing a couple things in your diet such as foods high in Zinc and healthy fats. .

Pale's picture

I hear ya bro. Good bloods! +1

MegaT883's picture

ICE your post on someone else's bloods is why I posted this up. I noticed the same thing. Guys coming back in the mid to high 400's. Your right when you get your next bloods you will be a lot higher. Your numbers will be better than these.

Engineereddisaster's picture

Excellent bro. I'm a firm believer in holding out for the homeostasis.
Enlightening as always. +2

MegaT883's picture

Homeostasis for sure Ed. It just seems the younger I get the longer it takes to reach LOL.

MegaT883's picture

Thanks hunteron