POWERHOUSE34's picture
  • 110

+ 2 pack landed


donation sent tuesday. pack landed saturday. excellent communication and T/A.
thank you Muscletek!

1 Masteron Prop 200mg
2 Masteron Enanthate 200mg
1 Tren Ace 200mg

Ordered from: 
POWERHOUSE34's picture

Thanks juiceboxx, this was my first order with him and his oils are excellent..

meat1's picture

I love this lab! +1!

POWERHOUSE34's picture

thanks brother. Got screwed by EliteA in the middle of the night with my donation and gear. Muscletek came through big with great product and super fast shipping, which saved my current cycle.

meat1's picture

Well your better off now with what you have right there! Glad it all worked out so u can finish up your cycle. Goodluck

POWERHOUSE34's picture

Thanks meat1...your absolutely right

FitKroosen's picture

Quad killin it! Good order +1

POWERHOUSE34's picture

thanks brother

POWERHOUSE34's picture

thanks brother- love the higher dosages in tren ace, mast prop, etc of muscletek

POWERHOUSE34's picture

thanks brother