IrishMack's picture
  • 940

No flex Bicep


Ahh another selfie. The no flex bicep bulge 17 1/4" I seriously need to add another inch to my arm size so I can concentrate on blasting my back more lol

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Pepwarehouse's picture

maybe if you started blasting back then your arms would start growing.... lol just a thought. I've been treating up some drag curls lately and like em. I think heavy back days have helped my arms grow more than the normal beat them up every other day routine I was doing

bigchips27's picture

X2!! My arms were lagging behind and then I took a whole new approach. Drag curls and mad deadlifts. Made a huge improvement, and their still growing.

IrishMack's picture

I have been blasting my back to a certain degree, enough so that it hurts every day after I work on it. I think its more my diet then anything else. I just quit my job 2 weeks ago so now I am eating properly and my weight is increasing.